First crash : /

Conanius said:
thing is, the police said even if they do find him, he can just say that he didnt move over and thats the end of it

Thats the problem. You'd have been better off just sticking to the road and hitting his car, although its a natural reaction to try and avoid danger.
Enfield said:
And you shouldn't have braked hard when that bloke scared you on the motorway. Samething really mate.
Scared me? He could have killed me. Why dont you tell me something I dont know, I already admitted I ****** up my braking.

Unlike others I admit that I made a mistake.

Anyway the main thing is that you are ok, I know its hard when your car that you care about gets beaten up but at least you can live and get another car. :)

Take care.
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L0rdMike said:
Scared me? He could have killed me. Why dont you tell me something I dont know, I already admitted I ****** up my braking.

Unlike others I admit that I made a mistake.

I was just giving an example of hindsight, not having a dig Mike.
Ok sorry :( I just got in from work and its been along day. :(

Thinking about it though, at least you wont lose any no claims, Im losing mine as I hit the car in front of me even though I had no chance to advoid it. If I had just spun out it wouldnt have been so bad.

Anyway hope you are ok and dont let it put you off of driving. :)
Enfield said:
What car have you got?

Did you crash hard? There could be more damage to suspension parts if you knocked the wheel too :(

just a ford focus, all that needs doing is a new door skin/new door and a new electric mirror ... tempted to check out the breakers yards just in case
£2.5k to fix a door and mirror? on what? a porsche or something lol

if its only a door and mirror.. on a ford of some sort?..

get ya self to scrappy.. pick the parts up. get them sprayed and fit them.. wont cost that much tbh..
Post some pics up if you can to see what people on here will think its going to cost
I'm no expert but that won't cost anywhere near 2.5k lol :p

You could probably find a door complete with wing mirror from a scrap yard for around £100?
2.5K i think not, thats front end damage money, it will cost you 400 - 600 notes i think, focus parts are easy to come by and you might even find a door / mirror in the correct colour dropping the price further 200 - 300.
It's scary when things like that happen. Some people are so oblivious to it too. That guy was obviously reeking of guilt as he stopped to look back. He might have had a genuine reason for swerving, but eitherway that's horrid behaviour on his behalf for not making sure you were ok.

I'm glad it wasn't more serious, and to be honest I'm sure most of us here would have taken evasive manoeuvers. I wonder what would have happened had you thrown the anchors on and stopped or slowed down whether he would have swerved back in time or not. Surely the insurance wouldn't have called a 50:50 if you had almost come to a standstill on YOUR side of the road with that tool merged into your front wing?

I hope it doesn't cost too much to fix, and really I doubt there is much that can be done about the other driver :( There's no lesson to be learnt, except maybe drive everywhere at 10mph but hey, that's just plain stupid ;)
I put my 309 GTi into a tree avoiding someone stopped in the middle of the road with no lights on round a corner. He too had a quick look then drove round me and sped off. It's a pain when these things happen, but at least I was driving something cheap, I feel sorry for you having it happen in a nice car.
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