First crash : /

Conanius said:
thing is, the police said even if they do find him, he can just say that he didnt move over and thats the end of it
What about leaving the scene of an accident? :confused:

Glad your ok and I hope the car isn't too bad.
Sputnik II said:
Thats the problem. You'd have been better off just sticking to the road and hitting his car, although its a natural reaction to try and avoid danger.
Seriously you would go head on with another car just to make sure your not out of pocket :confused: :eek:
Glad you are ok mate. I think you did the right thing...had he run into you, you could have been very badly injured. Are you settling this outside insurance I guess so as not to lose NCB?

I think its just a case of wrong place wrong time.
lordrobs said:
Seriously you would go head on with another car just to make sure your not out of pocket :confused: :eek:

at low speeds its only like bumper cars at the fair. :D

something i always do on country roads is stay driving in the middle of the road to make them slow right down, then i move onto the verge.
tickle me elmo said:
something i always do on country roads is stay driving in the middle of the road to make them slow right down, then i move onto the verge.
I have to do a fair bit of country lane driving and I hate it when people do that. I'm slowing down anyway I don't need to have the ****'s put up me thinking that someones going to hit me head on :mad:
lordrobs said:
I have to do a fair bit of country lane driving and I hate it when people do that. I'm slowing down anyway I don't need to have the ****'s put up me thinking that someones going to hit me head on :mad:

huh? im like almost stopped, they would be hitting me head on.....

stop putting 2+2 together and coming up with 10
Yea, a while back near mine there's some single track, very twisty road - my car has poor ground clearance at the best of times and had just been cleaned. I came about halfway up it, no where to pull in, when this Range Rover (new) driven by a lass comes storming down about 50mph (way too fast, always horseriders, can't see cars and plenty of blind corners), slams on her anchors and proceeds to drive right about 10 metres from my bumper (I, of course, having stopped now to observe the situation).

There was a space for her to pull in just back behind her, or I could reverse half a mile or try and get on the curb, but I'm only a low little clean thing, wasn't going to be doing that, and anyway, being courteous of course she'll just pull back a little to let me by. At this point, another car pulls up behind me and begins to wonder what all the fuss is about.

She then started flashing and honking and gesticulating so I thought "right, that's any cache you had gone" and just left it in drive and crawled right up point blank with her and sat there.

She refused to move, so I had a word with her and she then very gracefully pulled in and let me and the other car by.....inconsiderate <word> <word> :o

Before I'd have usually gone to the effort of backing around lots of nice slippy blind corners, but now I just don't take anything of any other motorist - if they're going to be inconsiderate in such a manner then I will repay them in kind.

I'm really sorry to you too Con, that's really harsh and I hope the guy wraps himself round a lamppost next week, or at least suffers a chronic guilty conciense. Sounds a bit like my ill-mannered RR driver above, just hammering down the lanes with no thoughts or sense.

I hope you get it sorted :)
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tickle me elmo said:
huh? im like almost stopped, they would be hitting me head on.....

stop putting 2+2 together and coming up with 10
You didn't say almost stopped you said still driving. Personally I find it quite hard to judge a cars speed when its directly infront of me, also at night its 10x harder as all you can see is headlights. My first reaction is damn theres a plank in the middle of the road so I would brake HARD to come to a standstill as opposed to slowing to an appropriate speed.
lordrobs said:
You didn't say almost stopped you said still driving. Personally I find it quite hard to judge a cars speed when its directly infront of me, also at night its 10x harder as all you can see is headlights. My first reaction is damn theres a plank in the middle of the road so I would brake HARD to come to a standstill as opposed to slowing to an appropriate speed.

well im not gonna keep driving at 50-60 am i :p its just to make sure BOTH cars slow down so they can pass safely.
tickle me elmo said:
well im not gonna keep driving at 50-60 am i :p its just to make sure BOTH cars slow down so they can pass safely.
Fair enough.

I just don't like the idea of scaring someone into doing what they should be doing anyway but I guess as Conanius proved people can't always be trusted to do what you expect.

I got some quotes, and the cheapest I got quoted was £700 ( I had front wing damage aswell)

The £700 quote was based on no structural damage to the door, which he couldnt guarentee wouldnt be the case due to the damage...

Therefore.... I've just bought a different car.....

Details will follow on thursday when i collect it :)
lol thats taking it too the extereme lol..

i put a big dent in the car... aaahhh sod it.. ill buy a new one lol

kinda thing id do that lol :p
lol my mate just did exactly the same thing, except his dent was a carpark door dent...not exactly your typical huge dent that you cant afford to fix.

That was on his 106 GTi - he just part-ex'd it in + cash for a Seat Leon Cupra 225 :eek:

ITR of £700 sounds about right. When someone reversed into the door of my last mondeo, they admitted fault, but I got to see the invoice the repairer was going to send to their insurance company. It was about £750 iirc, and was basically for a new door skin to be supplied, sprayed and fitted .
Firestar_3x said:
:eek: so whats going to happen with the focus?

traded in....

sadly all.. my diesel loving is over :eek:

really happy with what ive bought, its actually imo one of the best cars ive driven for fun and handling... and the engine enjoys a few select tweaks ;)
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