Fishing - Anybody doing any ?

very snug :p

i recognise that blue building.. basin road southwick?
i need to invest in one of those, ive got a kevin nash titan for carp fishing but its useless on the beach.. ive tried
well that got dark quick :p
ive fished that beach a couple of times but a bit further up.. closer to the harbour walls,
most of the time i fished around that area ive gone onto the west harbour arm and normally found the fishing pretty good,
i havnt been since they started charging to fish though as by then id found i prefer brighton marina.. a bit better/more comfortable to fish
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if ones there then more will be about.. think positive thoughts :D
just set my alarm for 5:40am and 5:45am, although theres no guarantee il get up lol
no more action yet? :/
the 3 caught at hove thismorning were caught between 30 mins after HT and an hour after HT, so it might be worth hanging around till 11pm tonight
3 little plaice. Went flat going home.

Almost like a mill pond so still just a tiny wave lapping the shore. I think I should have used lighter tackle smaller hooks etc.

Shoreham is so desolate though almost haunting
A bit choppier would have been nice and some rocks and gullies would help but it's all flat shingle there.

2 definitely plaice 1 was translucent I think that's a dab?
dab are a bit see-through, you can check by rubbing your finger from tail to head, if its rough its a dab, smooth = flounder, smooth + a row of 4-7 bumps accross its head to the gills = plaice,
both flounder and plaice can have orange dots so they can be confused, the bumps on the head are the key thing to check
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I want to get into fishing at some point. Id like it to be the thing im into when im too old and broken for anything else.

Grandparents were big into fly (trout and salmon) fishing so i want to follow in their footsteps. I got their old kit when they passed away, vintage reels and rods. :)

Im not too far from the coast so some seabass fishing would be good.

Can I use the same rod for trout and bass? I know thats fresh and salt so I expect some kit will be different.
You can fly fish for bass and sea trout yes, it's quite common at low tide on estuaries however it's incredibly specialist and relies on local knowledge, wading around at low tide is exceptionally dangerous, you can get stuck in sand or cut off, it;'s something I'd only do with someone experienced.

Why not try a local stocked trout fishery so you get used to the rod and line before you venture out into the wild, you're bound to catch something and there will be plenty of advice from people.

Loads of videos on youtube about beginners fly fishing that are worth watching :)

I like fly fishing, if you can't carry all your kit in a messenger type bag and in the vest you are carrying too much, simples.
Just googling "fly fishing lakes" brings up a online shop called Sportfish which seems to be a popluar and well stocked shop. They have an instruction lake just 3-4 miles away from me too.

yea, Id start on freshwater lakes for brown or rainbow to begin with and then make the odd trip to the coast to try for bass.

No point going to the coast if I cant cast!
They'll probably try and sell you a load of stuff, if you have rods all you may need is new line, check the rod weight and get the line suitable for the rod, too heavy and it'll bend and flop about everywhere, too light and you won't be able to bend the rod with the line.

Old rods go stale, if they have no bend and return in them left then it's time for new ones however there's plenty of old boys still fishing well on ancient gear.
Im confortable buying everything from new. I dont want to touch my grandparents rods...too sentimental. Compared to my other hobbies and sports, fishing is cheap!
You can fly fish for bass and sea trout yes, it's quite common at low tide on estuaries however it's incredibly specialist and relies on local knowledge, wading around at low tide is exceptionally dangerous, you can get stuck in sand or cut off, it;'s something I'd only do with someone experienced.

Why not try a local stocked trout fishery so you get used to the rod and line before you venture out into the wild, you're bound to catch something and there will be plenty of advice from people.

Loads of videos on youtube about beginners fly fishing that are worth watching :)

I like fly fishing, if you can't carry all your kit in a messenger type bag and in the vest you are carrying too much, simples.

I'd agree with this.

Learn to fish in a simple fishery, then try a boat on a reservoir, then river and then later go for tidal. Some of the charter boats go for near ocean architectures such as turrets where you can catch sea trout (i.e. brown trout).

Getting flies to their target under trees on a river is an art..
although ive done a lot of carp and Sea fishing ive never realy considered going fly fishing,
i have caught a rainbow trout before though, but that was many years ago at a carp lake where they indroduced the rainbow trout to get round the closed season..
they called in 'any method trout fishing' so natrully people bivvied up and used boillies to try to catch them ;)
A mate did a wreck trip over the easter weekend - seemed to be decent catch of pollock and cod. Looking forward to my first wreck trip this summer :D
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