Five-year-old boy lives as girl in youngest case of Gender Identity Disorder

So many posts about how this is all down to a lack of discipline? Seriously? Or is it a joke I'm missing?

Your son decides he wants to live as a girl. Solution?
Beat him until he doesn't.

As I said before, it's not as if a 5 year old can make a life choice on anything other than impulse.

A 5 year old boy deciding he wants to be a girl forever and ever is equivilent to his decision to munch on strawberry laces for every single meal.
So many posts about how this is all down to a lack of discipline? Seriously? Or is it a joke I'm missing?

Your son decides he wants to live as a girl. Solution?
Beat him until he doesn't.

Not that I'm agreeing with you but if the parents dont put a stop to it, the school kids will

I didn't know we had some many trained psychologists on this forum.

So many posts by so many people who no so little about the subject, it makes my eyes bleed.

Are you guys seriously trying to suggest that it's IMPOSSIBLE for a child to have a disorder like this one?.

The mind boggles.

"As a parent though you would be deeply concerned at him crying at being called a boy, and then trying to cut his willy off, that is highly concerning." - Which kind of implies something is actually wrong with him.

I'm sure most boys play with a girls toy/watch a girls TV show & don't go reaching for the scissors perform a little DIY sex change operation.
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lol at the GD experts.

You can get XX males and XY females biologically, with either phenotypic or mental variation. All embryos begin life as bipotentially being able to develop into male or female regardless of the sex chromosomes, and both physical and mental gender undergo seperate developmental pathways during gestation.
Probably tell him he is a boy and ban Dora the Explorer until he takes an interest in dinosaurs and wants to be an iguanadon.

Yes that is one way, but how about the disturbing behaviour of wanting to cut his willy off? As a parent, if I was faced with that type of behaviour I would instantly without hesitation turn to professionals for help.
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inside i feel like i should be a dinosaur and i am outraged that the NHS do not provide a service that allows me to become a dinosaur or as close to a dinosaur as scientifically possible
PS. everyone knows a girly kid or the tomboy kid. but most parents don't encourage it and they grow out of it...

how does LETTING him have bows in his hair and buying him girls clothes and toys help :/
Yes that is one way, but how about the disturbing behaviour of wanting to cut his willy off? As a parent, if I was faced with that type of behaviour I would instantly without hesitation turn to professionals for help.

Well, obviously! But I'm surprised it has got to that level.
Threads like this make me lose faith in the people of these forums.

Did you people not get an education or something?
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inside i feel like i should be a dinosaur and i am outraged that the NHS do not provide a service that allows me to become a dinosaur or as close to a dinosaur as scientifically possible

I once had a dream that I was a t-rex with tank tracks for legs and with rocket launchers for arms.

I woke up and was like "..... schhhweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet".
inside i feel like i should be a dinosaur and i am outraged that the NHS do not provide a service that allows me to become a dinosaur or as close to a dinosaur as scientifically possible

Mental image I have right now is Kyle's dad becoming a dolphin in South Park.

Strap him to a chair and make him look at playboy until he craves boobies, that should fix him up real good
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