Five-year-old boy lives as girl in youngest case of Gender Identity Disorder

Just read wiki.
It's a mental disorder, theres no real tests.

[edit]Diagnostic criteria

In the United States, the American Psychiatric Association permits a diagnosis of gender identity disorder if the four diagnostic criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4thEdition, Text-Revised (DSM-IV-TR) are met. The criteria are:
Long-standing and strong identification with another gender
Long-standing disquiet about the sex assigned or a sense of incongruity in the gender-assigned role of that sex
The diagnosis is not made if the individual also has physical intersex characteristics.
Significant clinical discomfort or impairment at work, social situations, or other important life areas.

And off course
After numerous consultations and observations, he was officially diagnosed by NHS specialists with Gender Identity Disorder (GID), making Zach one of the youngest affected children in the UK.
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How would that prove anything, he could desire to be a female and still be attracted to females.

There are these people called lesbians and they exist outside the world of fictional fap material.

s/he's five years old. Attraction at that age is not based on the same criteria as it is when your hormones start kicking in. A child at that age likes someone who is friendly, smiles at them, and is fun to be with. They don't look at boobs or trouser bumps.

Surely you can't determine anything about a child's (future) persuasions at age five. Because they don't have any persuasions that young. They might enjoy dressing up in skirts but that doesn't mean they'll want to take it up the butt in later life.
Just read wiki.
It's a mental disorder, theres no real tests.

Brilliant source that, I will carefully consider how forums poster Glaucus feels on this issue Vs dedicated NHS specialists on Gender Identity Disorder and child phycologists with years of training, for they indeed may be completely wrong based off of your Wikipedia findings.
Like someone said earlier, boys do go through phases wearing Mum's clothes.

Normal fathers put an end to that quickly, "son, wear your mums clothes again and I will whip you until you are black and blue". The danger of that tactic is that a few then take up S&M but it beats having a son who wants to spend the rest of his life wanting to cut off his willy.
s/he's five years old. Attraction at that age is not based on the same criteria as it is when your hormones start kicking in. A child at that age likes someone who is friendly, smiles at them, and is fun to be with. They don't look at boobs or trouser bumps.

Surely you can't determine anything about a child's (future) persuasions at age five. Because they don't have any persuasions that young. They might enjoy dressing up in skirts but that doesn't mean they'll want to take it up the butt in later life.

I was just responding to a bizarre scenario, I didn't seriously consider for a moment that taking a 5 year old to a strip club would be a good idea and pointing out how obviously flawed such an idea would be even if it was in any way a good idea.
Brilliant source that, I will carefully consider how forums poster Glaucus feels on this issue Vs dedicated NHS specialists on Gender Identity Disorder and child phycologists with years of training, for they indeed may be completely wrong based off of your Wikipedia findings.

There's also this.

After numerous consultations and observations, he was officially diagnosed by NHS specialists with Gender Identity Disorder (GID), making Zach one of the youngest affected children in the UK.

Find me a source which states otherwise.

It's a mental disorder. Such disorders are not directly diagnosable.
Normal fathers put an end to that quickly, "son, wear your mums clothes again and I will whip you until you are black and blue". The danger of that tactic is that a few then take up S&M but it beats having a son who wants to spend the rest of his life wanting to cut off his willy.

Yes, clearly a brilliant way of dealing with mental issues like GID, much like how it was such a brilliant idea to beat the homosexuals to stop them being gay.
And as such should be thrown out? I don't understand what your point is?

Point is it's based on observing, which at that age means little to nothing.

It is not a blood test which finds x-chemical and you can go yep they have xyz.

As others have said, his hormones haven't even kicked in yet.

Mental disorders are notoriously hard to diagnose.
Haven't read any posts, just adding to the undoubtedly massive list of replies from people that are completely astonished and disgusted at this.
Point is it's based on observing, which at that age means little to nothing.

It is not a blood test which finds x-chemical and you can go yep they have xyz.

As others have said, his hormones haven't even kicked in yet.

Oh, well quick, phone the NHS up and let them know, because clearly an error has been made here. All their experts must not have realised this and are acting in error.

Or not, and people are coming up with nonsense based on how it makes them feel icky and little to zero actual understanding of child development, GID, or any other relevant science or education.
Why are you disgusted by this?

Because these issues should be solved by parents. The fact that they are entertaining the idea that this "decision" the child has come to is a serious one is nothing short of disgusting.
Oh, well quick, phone the NHS up and let them know, because clearly an error has been made here. All their experts must not have realised this and are acting in error.

Becuase the nhs has never got anything wrong.

It is simply to young to be diagnosed. Monitor it by all means, but a firm confirmation, get over. Did you read the 4 criteria. The batman alternative is very fitting.

Disgusted by what? I'm not disgusted by such things. I'm disgusted that they are potentially ruining a child's life, by categorising him at such a young age as fact. When it's stupidly hard to diagnose mental issue in much older people. Based on criteria which children exhibit in most things.
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Brilliant source that, I will carefully consider how forums poster Glaucus feels on this issue Vs dedicated NHS specialists on Gender Identity Disorder and child phycologists with years of training, for they indeed may be completely wrong based off of your Wikipedia findings.

I'm a child psychologist with years of training, and I agree with Glaucus.

Oh wait, anyone can call themselves a child psychologist and training can be absoultely anything...
Bad parenting imo, looking for an official doctors diagnoses to make them feel better for 'not screwing up'.

Whilst I don't think that this child should be diagnosed as he is, do you think anyone that goes through 'a crisis of gender' is screwed up and is in the wrong?

Apologise for the double post.
Yes, clearly a brilliant way of dealing with mental issues like GID, much like how it was such a brilliant idea to beat the homosexuals to stop them being gay.

Once you're an adult, your choices are your own.

Parents, however, have a duty to shape and mold their children. This is self-evident and shouldn't really need to be explained. And it covers all aspects of a child's development. What clothes they were, where they can play, what they can eat, who they can see.

Children without guidance or direction aren't going to have healthy childhoods.
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