Five-year-old boy lives as girl in youngest case of Gender Identity Disorder

lol at the GD experts.

You can get XX males and XY females biologically, with either phenotypic or mental variation. All embryos begin life as bipotentially being able to develop into male or female regardless of the sex chromosomes, and both physical and mental gender undergo seperate developmental pathways during gestation.

Yes but all behavioural traits are learned. Camp gays are not 'born that way', they adopt a persona they observe and find agreeable.

Bad parenting imo, looking for an official doctors diagnoses to make them feel better for 'not screwing up'.
Its so funny that most other Disorders cant be diagnosed (An opinion) till a child is atleast 8 years old.

Sounds to me that the child hit that phase & the parents revelled in it and in turn the child seen it as a way to gain more attension or to please them.

Yes but all behavioural traits are learned. Camp gays are not 'born that way', they adopt a persona they observe and find agreeable.

Bad parenting imo, looking for an official doctors diagnoses to make them feel better for 'not screwing up'.

Thats pretty horrid what you said there.
They should get the kid gender reassignment surgery as soon as possible. It's clear he's a gay woman trapped inside a male transvestites body.

And anyone who would oppose this idea is a filthy homophobe, and should be sent to Tolerance Camp, where they can learn to deal with their own gender confusion issues.

Chop off his **** as soon as poss! It's what he would want.
Thats pretty horrid what you said there.

Would Doctor House say any less? That is 'horrid' makes it no less valid. Its much nicer to have a doctor say your kid is screwed up than admitting you did it yourself.

Little Zach was just three when he began refusing to live as a boy, instead choosing to wear pink dresses and ribbons in his long, blonde hair

We are talking about a THREE YEAR OLD her. I wonder how hard the parents actually tried to correct his abnormal behaviour.
As I said before, it's not as if a 5 year old can make a life choice on anything other than impulse.

A 5 year old boy deciding he wants to be a girl forever and ever is equivilent to his decision to munch on strawberry laces for every single meal.

Agree, how can this be disavowed on observation at 5.
Gender reassignment asap would be the best solution.

They should get the kid gender reassignment surgery as soon as possible. It's clear he's a gay woman trapped inside a male transvestites body.

And anyone who would oppose this idea is a filthy homophobe, and should be sent to Tolerance Camp, where they can learn to deal with their own gender confusion issues.

Chop off his **** as soon as poss! It's what he would want.

I don't think getting that asap is a good idea.

His brain is still going through a multitude of developmental stages and it could just be a phase but we won't know until a couple years.

If it truly does affect his life daily when he's older I would imagine he would get the surgery.
Because kids like certain foods dose not mean you should allow them to indulge, too much of anything can make you unhealthy. It looks like little Johnny was allowed too much indulgence in what 'he' wanted and being that his mind is at a crucial stage in development. At 3 years old moving from more from toddler to young child his mind got rather confused by his own indulgence that was sanctioned by his brain dead parents. If he had wanted to be a train because he liked Thomas would they have him fitted with wheels and feed him coal?, I think not.

If there is a gender problem they can find out in later life when he is old enough to make his own life and future changing decisions. For the time being he should be brought up like any other boy. At least when he is older he can see things for what they are instead of through a Wendy-house box of dressing up clothes and a child's rose tinted view of life.
I don't think getting that asap is a good idea.

His brain is still going through a multitude of developmental stages and it could just be a phase but we won't know until a couple years.

If it truly does affect his life daily when he's older I would imagine he would get the surgery.

Ye hes still developing surely?

Its like if he just really wanted to be batman and wears a costume all the time and getting angry when someone and upset when someone says "YOUR NOT BATMAN!!" but instead of Batman, its a girl.

At that age he wont have a clue about anything in regards to male and female besides the penis thing? When he gets older if he still feels the same way then sure, lop it off and start banging boys...

Either way, very disturbing behavior
It could all be a massive ploy to setup one huge mega court case in the future to sue the NHS for messing this kids life up.......
Like someone said earlier, boys do go through phases wearing Mum's clothes.
Even though I don't have a problem with the idea that a kid can chose his orientation at an early age I still think it is too early to establish it as a fact.
Maybe the kid will grow out of it and starts watching Batman and want to dress as a bat. Would he be diagnosed with Specy Identity Disorder then?
Get him drunk and take him to Spearmint Rhino, if he just stares at the girls, he's supposed to be a boy, if he gets on stage and starts dancing he's supposed to be a she
Why, just because it makes you feel strange? What science do you have to support that this kid does not have GID and instead, what alternative theories do you present?

What evidence do they have. Such things are based on observation. Not actual physical properties. At that age, observation is not a good measure.
Get him drunk and take him to Spearmint Rhino, if he just stares at the girls, he's supposed to be a boy, if he gets on stage and starts dancing he's supposed to be a she

How would that prove anything, he could desire to be a female and still be attracted to females.

There are these people called lesbians and they exist outside the world of fictional fap material.
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