show him a video of child birth, then let him decide..~?
Doesn't really work.
But it did remind me of the big issue that I doubt he has considered aged 5 surrounding gender reassignment. You can't have biological kids.
Whilst he can still adopt and stuff, we have no idea how strong his paternal emotions may be.
I'm also quite sure they won't do gender reassignment surgery on you until you've gone through puberty, as both the growth and huge hormonal changes can have a massive effect on your body and the surgery. However, if they're truly going down that road, they'll have put him on hormonal medication, so he'll probably be on Oestrogen tablets (I think it's Oestrogen they do).
I'm also appalled at how many 'anti-transgender' people there are on the forums. Clearly none of you even thought to watch 'My Transsexual Summer'. Which was a pretty good documentary on the whole Transgender scenario.
As I've already stated though, whilst I have absolutely nothing against gender reassignment, a child of 5 cannot understand the ramifications that something like this would have on his life. If he still feels like this aged 14-16 and has spent a number of years on hormonal treatment than fair enough.
I believe (I may be wrong), that even if you or I walked into a Doctor's surgery tomorrow, it would take a long psycho-analysis, and then I think it's two years living as the opposite sex with hormonal treatment until you can actually have surgery. The whole process takes a number of years...