Flatout 2 is out, has anyone tried it?

i went out this morning with the full intention of buying it but nowhere had it in stock. just to taunt me, the xbox version was sat there on the shelves. i'll try again tomorrow.... :p

i take it you've watched the trailer on the official site? i'm hoping it will run well on modest hardware. the last one certainly did - full whack on me old 9800. :)
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Oooh, totally forgot about this game / didn't realise it was out. Hoping a demo will be around somewhere soon, else I'll probably just buy it when I get some cash.
I've not seen or heard any mention of a demo, though I have now seen the trailer, which does look good, espesh the city environments, as far as availability goes it appears to be available to buy online so I'm assuming it should be in the shops any day now.
Multiplayer Flatout :eek: /drool

The first one was fantastic IMO, didn't receive the attention it deserved...
MiGSY said:
Multiplayer Flatout :eek: /drool

The first one was fantastic IMO, didn't receive the attention it deserved...
Multiplayer is awesome, just floor it, slide around, then laugh out loud every time the guy next to you crashes, and his ragdoll body flies past you! :p
I've read a few previews that generally said that it was the same as Flatout 1 but with much more tracks, cars etc.

The only criticisms seem to be that the controls are "mushy"
chrismox said:
I've read a few previews that generally said that it was the same as Flatout 1 but with much more tracks, cars etc.

The only criticisms seem to be that the controls are "mushy"

That's the fun of it, it's not a sim game or anything, I love my sims, but this is just mash pedal, opposite lock on steering wheel, fun fun :p
marc2003 said:
i went out this morning with the full intention of buying it but nowhere had it in stock. just to taunt me, the xbox version was sat there on the shelves. i'll try again tomorrow.... :p
Same happened with me and Serious Sam 2, only Woolworths had it
DaveyD said:
Multiplayer is awesome, just floor it, slide around, then laugh out loud every time the guy next to you crashes, and his ragdoll body flies past you! :p
I'm adament it was me who got people involved in that at BLR! No one played it before the last one where as I'd been playing it at the last 3 with people going "oooh, whats that?".
NokkonWud said:
I'm adament it was me who got people involved in that at BLR! No one played it before the last one where as I'd been playing it at the last 3 with people going "oooh, whats that?".

It was one of the UnLucky guys that gave me the disk I *think*, I really can't remember now, it was a while ago.
Oh this looks interesting! I never heard of flatout but I've been looking for a good non-sim type online racer.

Just done a google image search on it, looks pretty good.

Let us know what its like or if anyone has bought it yet.
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