Flatout 2 is out, has anyone tried it?

nope, flatout has cars without guns, crashday has cars with guns, flatout is much more fun IMHO although the level editor is pretty awesome in crashday.flatout 2 is much more urban by the look of things, hopefully it won't turn out as too much of a burnout wannabe
well i've got it now. 2 gripes to start with..... :(

first off it has starforce as it's copy protection. i haven't had problems myself but i know lots of people are against this. what i didn't expect was that it actually asked me before installing itself. of course the game won't load if you choose no..... :p

secondly, i'm using a proper sony ps2 controller and usb adapter. now although the controls work as they should in game, you can't navigate the menus which make it rather cumbersome switching between keyboard and controller. flatout1 was fine using the controller. i'm hoping they address this in a fix??

now onto the good stuff - i have a fairly modest spec dothan @2.4ghz (equiv to single core a64 at same speed, 1gb ram and an x800gto (12 pipes, 128mb ddr1 mem, 400/350 gpu/mem). and i can i run @1440x900 with everything maxed except aa which i have to set at 2 instead of 6 as it's a bit too choppy..... :p

only played one track so far and you get to start off with the same style of cars/tracks in flatout1 so nothing to report as yet really. i'll see how it plays with the street cars/levels later and report back. i'll also try and upload some screenshots. :)
MiGSY said:
Multiplayer Flatout :eek: /drool

The first one was fantastic IMO, didn't receive the attention it deserved...
Totally agree!!!! Hardly hear or see anything to do with it yet I was hooked.

Still love watching the guy fly from the windscreen! :)
a few screenshots-

cost in the shops: 30 notes ouch :mad:

some nice little touches such as the grass blows in the wind. of course you can only see this when you're not moving. also crashing in telegraph poles just tears them down now instead of flinging you out of the window. infact i haven't totalled the car yet. it just smashes through everything.....
marc2003 said:
...also crashing in telegraph poles just tears them down now instead of flinging you out of the window. infact i haven't totalled the car yet. it just smashes through everything.....
D'oh! That was the one of the great things about the first game. T'were a little frustrating to begin with but meant you had to exercise a little skill when navigating round the track.
Domo said:
D'oh! That was the one of the great things about the first game. T'were a little frustrating to begin with but meant you had to exercise a little skill when navigating round the track.

i'm sure it must get harder. it's a bit too easy at the moment :/

here's quick vid i've uploaded.... :p

-link removed. better one below-
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this game rocks hard. the other drivers are a lot more aggressive now taking you out from behind/the side. it's a lot more challenging than flatout1 and i've hardly scratched the surface yet. i haven't even looked at the bonus games yet. some more screens.... :)

I picked this up this morning. Having never played the first one I didn't know what to expect, but I'm enjoying it so far even though I cant steer around corners yet. Also the music is quite good.

Here are a few screens:


I've linked the rest because they are pngs.
Nice little vid Marc, what are you using to capture it?

I using the keyboard to play it at the moment, but I'm tempted to us a wired 360 controller. I’m finding the steering a little bit difficult at the minute.
i'm using a ps2 controller with usb adapter and it does the job nicely. but the 360 pad should be just as good if not better. :cool: i certainly couldn't play this by keyboard.... :eek: :p

i used fraps to capture the vid (notice the watermark with the url on the vid ;)). it's uncompressed avi which left me me a 220mb for 30secs of film. so i used windows media encoder to convert to wmv and left me a reasonable quality 8mb file. :)
I loved Flatout 1 and I think i'll have to get this as well.

Is that HDR it has because the lighting looks lurvly which is a shame because Flatout 1 ran so well on my 6600gt
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