Flatout 2 is out, has anyone tried it?

robertgilbert86 said:
I'm thinking of buying this, is it worth £18 and whats the multiplayer like?

Sounds like the first one is better, and I have it, gonna give it a whirl now, the first is amazing and you can probably get it somewhere for a fiver.
Waaah :(

20 mins of gam then BSOD!

First thing that happened was I started the first cup, 2nd race (for the 2nd time due to an unfortunate crash that left me last :() and the speedo, race countdown and other bits of hud appear but nothing else.

The text blurs a little and I hear an awful noise in the rear right speaker. I quit the race and restarted it - same result. I quit the cup and went back into it and it was nice enough to remember my progress \0/

Start race, it loads and BSOD ! :(

Anyone else had that sort of thing happen?
No crashes here with an x1900xt, only bug I've gotten is when sometimes I start a race and just get a black screen, with the HUD visible, and my rev counter going through the roof and my nitro going up. Quitting and restarting the race solves this though.

Had a pretty violent race earlier where 5 of the racers got wrecked. The Street cars take much more of a beating with less strength and more speed!
Sounds fun :D

Had an awesome 3 car wreck on the 2nd track but forgot to grab a screenie/video of it :(

You know the end of the track has that little bit of tarmac that makes a jump? Shoved one car off that whilst simultaneously punting another car sideways as they hit me.

The result? One messy situation with 3 cars rolling down the road and falling to bits as we all landed in the same spot :D

I disabled Triple buffering in the video options and that seems to have fixed the problem I was having with freezing, guess my 256MB 6800GT can't handle Triple Buffering at that res (1280 x 1024)
FrankJH said:
I havent been able to find it in the shops yet - but look forward to getting it soon

I had a real job finding it in the shops. I went to HMV, Game, WH Smiths, Virgin and they only had the PS2/Xbox version out and I was really confused.

So I walks into another Game store and just ask the dude if he knows anything of the PC version of flatout 2 and he was like "uh well if it ain't on the shelves then I doubt we have it, but I will check anyway". Sure enough he opens his big drawer and its bursting with Flatout 2 PC games. He was like, "Oh that is weird, why haven't these been put out."

Useless idiots :p Next time your near a game shop, its probably worth asking.
Scott Salisbury said:
I had a real job finding it in the shops. I went to HMV, Game, WH Smiths, Virgin and they only had the PS2/Xbox version out and I was really confused.

So I walks into another Game store and just ask the dude if he knows anything of the PC version of flatout 2 and he was like "uh well if it ain't on the shelves then I doubt we have it, but I will check anyway". Sure enough he opens his big drawer and its bursting with Flatout 2 PC games. He was like, "Oh that is weird, why haven't these been put out."

Useless idiots :p Next time your near a game shop, its probably worth asking.
Yeah & then they will wonder why the PC version didnt sell so well :)
Scott Salisbury said:
I had a real job finding it in the shops. I went to HMV, Game, WH Smiths, Virgin and they only had the PS2/Xbox version out and I was really confused.

So I walks into another Game store and just ask the dude if he knows anything of the PC version of flatout 2 and he was like "uh well if it ain't on the shelves then I doubt we have it, but I will check anyway". Sure enough he opens his big drawer and its bursting with Flatout 2 PC games. He was like, "Oh that is weird, why haven't these been put out."

Useless idiots :p Next time your near a game shop, its probably worth asking.

laughs - actually was the 1st place I tried but there was a queue so couldnt be bothered to wait. Will do when I am next in thanks
Tried it online last night, the game browser seems a little flaky... didn't actually get a proper race in either, just a few laps of one of the speedways. We really need to arrange an OCUK evening on this.
After playing this for a few days now, I can definitely say I'm enjoying it. Even though it's not quite what I expected, it's still a great game.

It's the first game in a while that has managed to pull me away from WoW for any reasonable amount of time.

I'm planning to compile a small video of all my best crashes...etc, should be good.

I love it when you manage to wreck an opponents vehicle. I've got this one great clip where I ploughed into the back end of another car at full speed, cue one HUGE mofo explosion :D What's also great is that force of the explosion actually appeared to give me a little speed boost :D
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