Flatout 2 is out, has anyone tried it?

oweneades said:
Can't get to grips withthe keyboard for steering. Looks like I will have to learn lol.

grab yourself a controller of some sort? ps2 (with usb adapter) or xbox 360 controller would do the trick as would a generic usb one for pc. :D
Got this today. Had a quick bash and it seems great :) I like the Destruction Derby mode/maps :D
I've been playing it over the last couple of days. However the game crashes constantly on my desktop pc. Lasts half an hour or so with 1 video card. Compared with a couple of minutes when running sli. The pc is completely stable on every other game.

Tried it on my laptop and runs stable but the sound is all screwed up.

Hopefully a patch is going to be released soon :(
I've had it for a couple of days too and it was freezing quite frequently on my (otherwise v. stable) system (see sig) then I updated my graphics drivers to the latest versh (91.31's) which seems to have sorted it (fingers crossed) other than that though, the game is very cool, and a lot better looking than Flatout 1, though it would be nice to have the option to turn the bloom down a notch or two.
decimator said:
I've had it for a couple of days too and it was freezing quite frequently on my (otherwise v. stable) system (see sig) then I updated my graphics drivers to the latest versh (91.31's) which seems to have sorted it (fingers crossed) other than that though, the game is very cool, and a lot better looking than Flatout 1, though it would be nice to have the option to turn the bloom down a notch or two.

hehe. quite funny how you're having problems with nvidia drivers given the "nvidia" logo splashed all over the game. working fine on some old ati drivers (6.3s) here. :D
Yes, it is isn't it, if the problem persists I might also try disabling triple buffering as I seem to remember reading that that can cause pausing in games.
Just had a quick play (4 races!) and fun fun fun :D

Street Class cars = vv fast and a great feeling of speed (something a lot of games miss these days)

However a few things standout to me that bug me slightly:

No mouse control in menus
Limited to 8 character name
Blatantly wants to be Burnout. Would be a really awesome game if they had something like Takedowns in it.

Beyond those minor gripes I'm happy and foresee many long hours lost to this game.

Runs excellently here (no freezing, pausing or glitches so far) and looks stunning at 1920*1200 :D
thanks for all those vids and screenshots everyone

glad to see people advertise how bad at driving they are !!! :D

Might look for this today, I need a good racer to entertain me
Got this yesterday, and I've played it for a few hours.

My first impressions of this game:

It's pretty good, but I get the feeling that the sequel has gone the wrong way. As many people have said it is in many respects similar to Burnout. The first wasn't anything like Burnout. I'd have preferred it if they built further on the original style instead of moving towards a Burnout style racer.

One of the main features which made the first different from other racers was the driver flying out of the vehicle with rag-doll physics. This appears to rarely occur in the sequel, which is dissapointing. In the first all you had to do is come into contact with a solid object or car at a reasonable speed, and you'd fly out of your vehicle.

In the sequel you have to strike a solid object head on at more or less maximum speed to eject the driver from your vehicle. I've only managed to eject the driver a few times by purposely driving into a pillar or wall at maximum speed.
so its harder to eject that driver now?? thats great news to me as i loved the first one but got annoyed at driving flying out every second, surely he'd wear a seat belt :p so when the patch was released for first game i disabled the rag doll driver.
MiGSY said:
In the sequel you have to strike a solid object head on at more or less maximum speed to eject the driver from your vehicle. I've only managed to eject the driver a few times by purposely driving into a pillar or wall at maximum speed.

don't know how far you've got yet but there are plenty of oppurtunities to fling the driver out the car later on through the game. i thought it was too easy at first being able to plough through telegraph poles and such like, but there are plenty of things to avoid a bit later on, especially when driving the street cars. :)
can you actually destroy your car during a race in this one? i remember on first one your car would always keep going no matter now much punishment it took.
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This game's great fun, I don't think there are many racing games where you'll purposefuly aim for the other cars at full whack instead of sticking to the proper driving line. :p

And yes you can destroy your car in the races on this one, but it's pretty hard to do. I finished one particularly rough race with a wheel missing, and at the finish line one of the other cars slammed into me, blowing me up. :p

We should set up some sort of OCUK Flatout night. :p
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