Folding@Home News - Attention Single-Machine Crunchers

Mattus said:
I think most of Billy's motivation is going towards playing Word Association in the Folding forums. :p
What can I say, I'm a Word Association beast! As far as I can tell, the goal of the game is to out-esotericize everyone else. See that right there? I just made up a word.

Corran said:
Could I go on the single crunchers list? Since coming back to university I think my parents have turned off my P4 rig so now I am sitting with my P-M 2.31ghz in my laptop now :). It doesn't do a bad job of folding considering I use it quite a bit!
Your stats page is showing 3 active clients over the last 7 days so I would guess that folding is still running on your other machine (I guess at least one of them has 2 clients using HT - I'm not an Intel man I'm afraid so wouldn't have a clue :o)

However if you feel that the vast majority of your points come from the one machine then I guess people won't mind too much if you're counted as a single cruncher. I'll add you for now anyway otherwise I'll forget completely by tomorrow :eek: :p
I did come back to uni on monday this week so I guess it would still show as 3 machines. From looking at the times that WU's have been handed in I reckon that the 2 from my intel P4 machine have stopped and my WU rate is slower at the moment (it seems that only my laptop has been doing any work). Never mind eh :). Thanks for adding me, I will find out if my computer back at home is folding over the weekend though I doubt it has.

(Please excuse any mistakes in this post as I have had a fair bit to drink tonight.)
Ok I'm just about to start this week's news, the list I've got for single crunchers is...

2bullish, Bennah, Concorde_Rules, Corran, divine_madness, GT3, killer_uk, Napalm, nellystew, OcUKIsotope, pmbuzz, Rincin, RobOC, slamma06, TinkerBell

any more for any more? :)
More than I thought! They're even in alphabetical order an' all :)

Even if that does include Concorde with his 784ppd :p
rich99million said:
Ok I'm just about to start this week's news, the list I've got for single crunchers is...

2bullish, Bennah, Concorde_Rules, Corran, divine_madness, GT3, killer_uk, Napalm, nellystew, OcUKIsotope, pmbuzz, Rincin, RobOC, slamma06, TinkerBell

any more for any more? :)

yep I should be on the list :)
Mattus said:
More than I thought! They're even in alphabetical order an' all :)
you gotta have a system :p

ahhh yes the dishonoured* Concorde - hmmm not totally sure he belongs in the group although it is quite a testament to what a single dual-core (plus an old part-time Mac) can put out in a week
still I did say that it was up to people to decide themselves so I'll stick to that

* dishonoured in the being suspended sense - honourable in his foldy goodness of course

Zirax sorry if i missed you before - I'll get you on there now :)
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