****Folding@home setup guide****

hi all, started folding again - apologies for the long absence.
Have had a ram increase and GPU upgrade since last folding session so hopefully going to get more out of it :)
quick question tho - i've set it to full but it only seems to be my CPU working? have i missed something? is it normal?

**edit - ignore that.
Installed latest version and GPU is starting to move :)
Not been running long and CPU is chewing it up :)
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Yes and No

It will come down to the power consumption cost versus the points you return. Only the person paying the bill can decide if that is worth it.

Modern hardware will be more powerful and thus do more work for a certain energy cost. Older hardware may not be able to access the more strenuous workunits to return them in a timely fashion and thus the returns may be small.

Although distributed computing was marketed on the basis that your computer was not being fully used so you could make use of the spare processing power, in fact using that spare cpu capacity means the pc uses more energy. If your crap PC has to be on for other things, you might think the extra juice being used is justified, you might not.
Hi, Just joined in myself used to do this years ago on the ps3, but forgot all about it.
So just downloaded it and joined the team not got the fastest of setups but should add a few points.
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