Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 23rd November 2006

40 a day... although he's been slacking recently. :p

God knows how he finds the time. I only tend to post 40 posts if i'm on the forum all day on a weekend or something.
Lots or replies, don't any of you have jobs? You students have a fair excuse I suppose, internet access and boring yucky work to do :)

Ban hammer?? But my posts are all helpful, 100% spam free, vegatarian and vegan and no GM ingredients!

Joe with the ratio, yeah probably, but I beat you all with number of images/post (check out html/graphics/programming :p ).

If you leave spaces and brackets and things, spam bots can't farm your email address as easily. To get the trust ones the bot would have to log onto the forum and click trust links. It would be quite easy actually as long as it was logged in, you could just tell it to open and go from 1 upwards in the u=. Out of interest, user number 1 is spie.

Gilly is ridculously spammy. He must be unemployed like you lot :D
Student here. Got another assignment to do so ocuk here i come. :p
I go into uni to do a computing degree, and then i come home and do computing, and sadly the two are completely different subjects. The kind of stuff i help people out with on here, the stuff i need when i go and get a job, is hardly covered in the degree.
Yesterday on my degree course i learnt how a keyboard, mouse and joystick work. :rolleyes:

I like to think most of my posts are helpful, i certainly seem to spend longer making my posts than many people.

I reckon i would be near the top if there was a ranking of posters who include the most links in their posts on average.

Wish you could actually see some of these stats, it would be very interesting.
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This is by the bye, A.N.Other might care, but I've got an interview at Merton College now. Not Magdalen, apparently they have too many physicists or Merton have too few. So that's exciting :D

Number 1 in the Norrington tables this year, and one of the 3 founding colleges; established 1264. Looks ace :)
joeyjojo said:
This is by the bye, A.N.Other might care, but I've got an interview at Merton College now. Not Magdalen, apparently they have too many physicists or Merton have too few. So that's exciting :D

Number 1 in the Norrington tables this year, and one of the 3 founding colleges; established 1264. Looks ace :)
:eek: Merton :eek: pah ...

Well done.
Joe42 said:
Student here. Got another assignment to do so ocuk here i come. :p
I go into uni to do a computing degree, and then i come home and do computing, and sadly the two are completely different subjects. The kind of stuff i help people out with on here, the stuff i need when i go and get a job, is hardly covered in the degree.
Yesterday on my degree course i learnt how a keyboard, mouse and joystick work. :rolleyes:

I have just withdrawn from my computing course for a similar reason. I am not learning anything worth learning. With the exception of a couple of modules there is nothing else that justifies the money I spend to learn it.

So, for the foreseable future I shall be working more hours while I work out what I want to do. I still want a degree, but I want to be challenged and actually learn something!

joeyjojo said:
Shocked? Pah? Whats so good/wrong with it?? :confused:
LOL. Nothing - got a good reputation really.

I was just looking forward to being a college daddy :(

Good luck, anyway. Hope it all goes well for you - let me know.
Well.. some good news, I've added a dedicated cruncher to the cause; hopefully going live in the next day or two if I can get it across to the data centre.
The bad(ish) news is its a Dual PIII 866 box, so hardly stunning times expected, but better than a kick in the teeth :) Maybe if I find enough that I actually want to do with a server then I might consider spending decent money on one instead of just getting an el 'cheapo jobbie from flea-bay.
Gilly's post count is pretty real - a lot of people's have been artificially augmented - I think mine would be around 25-30k by now :o

That's the problems with working in IT you can't keep away from the forums, especially if you're the guy controlling the systems ;) If you don't work in IT then you've got a really cool IT policy at work... Though when I was a student I seldom spent time indoors!

As for the bots, I don't know if they can sniff your address through a url, I don't see why not... mines still the domain so that's not really too much of an issue for me at the moment.

As for numberplates, well I guess it makes it accessible to less people - to actually find a numberplate for a similar model to yours walking down the street is quite hard, scouring the 'net for it makes life easier - hence why people do it I guess. The chances are very minimal - it's all a bit of paranoia really.
Freefaller said:
As for numberplates, well I guess it makes it accessible to less people - to actually find a numberplate for a similar model to yours walking down the street is quite hard, scouring the 'net for it makes life easier - hence why people do it I guess. The chances are very minimal - it's all a bit of paranoia really.

that relevant to anything? who was talking about numberplates?
FF you're wierd, going off on a tangent...


Any A.N.O. - you want to be my "college daddy"? Wtf?

I'm not into that sort of thing :S

:p :p
Congratulations on the Merton interview! Admittedly not as awesome as my college, Hertford, but possibly the best of the rest :p
joeyjojo said:
Any A.N.O. - you want to be my "college daddy"? Wtf?

I'm not into that sort of thing :S

:p :p
Completely straight, I can assure you ;). Most colleges have the parent system, where a Mum and a Dad show you the ropes and look after you in the first week. Everyone goes out for family meals and stuff - good fun.

Mattus said:
Congratulations on the Merton interview! Admittedly not as awesome as my college, Hertford, but possibly the best of the rest :p
Hertford. PAH! (:rolleyes: @ inter-college rivalry)

// EDIT // Wow, we have kinda de-railed the thread a bit!
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A.N.Other said:
Completely straight, I can assure you ;). Most colleges have the parent system, where a Mum and a Dad show you the ropes and look after you in the first week. Everyone goes out for family meals and stuff - good fun.
Ha that's awesome, I thought you were being strange, but that really is the system? :D Great

Cheers Mattus, it's all down to luck anyway :)

The weekly news is meant for derailing, it's where chit-chat goes which doesn't deserve it's own thread.
Garp said:
Meh.. he's french. Weird leaps of logic are to be expected with him :p
For the first time ever, i'm going to defend a frenchman... bah they can never defend themselves can they? :p
I mentioned numberplates on the other page.
VeNT said:
that relevant to anything? who was talking about numberplates?
pourquoi? God knows. Just something that i was wondering.
A.N.Other said:
// EDIT // Wow, we have kinda de-railed the thread a bit!
If theres one thing that annoys me its the insistence that threads must always contain a discussion on their original topic Its a conversation, and proper conversation will always... well converse. Change topic, wander as conversations do. I like it.

SiriusB said:
I have just withdrawn from my computing course for a similar reason. I am not learning anything worth learning. With the exception of a couple of modules there is nothing else that justifies the money I spend to learn it.

So, for the foreseable future I shall be working more hours while I work out what I want to do. I still want a degree, but I want to be challenged and actually learn something!

Im in exactly the same boat. I'm paying a lecturer to teach me how a keyboard works, and another to read out a set of powerpoint slides to me. Frankly its a waste of my life and its absolutely ridiculous. The debt is insane, and no-one in It will give you a decent job without the experience, which they know you don't get at uni because at uni they teach you nothing useful. I think its disgraceful. How are we supposed to compete in the world if our IT specialists require an extra 2 years more than everyone else getting a job because the skills they learn at uni are either useless or non-existent?
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I think the biggest problem is the course I was enrolled on pretty much allowed anyone to enrole. There were some people on my course who didn't know how to use Word. The scariest thing is that a lot of them didn't even OWN a computer!

Because of these, well, noobs I found that some things were aimed at their level. I hoped that would go away in the second year, as most of the losers would have been weeded out, but no it was exactly the same. That coupled with the aforementioned lack of relevant content.

As a case in point, we had one module called Web Development. Great I thought, learn how to design and build websites. Wrong. After the first few weeks [which was admittedly interesting - basically good and bad websites, dos and don't, general structure of pages etc] we went on to some piece of crap called Plone. It is basically a ready made website and content management system. I would estimate that 2/3rds of the module [and this is a 2 semester module] was how to edit Plone. THAT is not web development. If I wanted to customise a ready made system I would have downloaded it myself and read the instructions.

Oh well. I have a few interests such as Photoshop, Physics, History and I am also considering trying out photography. I have about a year to decide what degree to do though so no rush :p

My situation is almost identical.
We had a practical the other day, installing windows. Half the class tried to log onto their network accounts (windows had already been installed by the last group). Its unbelievable that thats the only part of the computer they have ever seen.
Several people don't own a pc, many struggle with the most basic operations.
So far so good on the internet technology section, i am learning something, but thats to be expected as i've never done any internet stuff before.

Its pretty much a basic computer skills course.

I do have a part time job at a supermarket (same as you i believe) so i could give up the course, work more hours and go searching for an IT job. I'd happily go and work for the purple shirts for a few years, in fact i'd enjoy it, although i expect that the company would get on my nerves after a while.

Wish i got paid for giving advice here, i'd earn a fortune (and probably get sued a couple of times) :p
I have been considering going straight into a job in IT, but I think I would have to be very careful about my choice of job. All to easily end up in a dead end tedious role and end up wishing I was back in a WebDev lesson :p

Yeah, I work at Sainsbury's and I am doubling my hours to start with then probably increase it after Christmas when the temps are gone!

The one benefit of having to wait before I start uni again [assuming I do] I have a long time to earn lots of money and also get my driving lessons started :D

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