Food you remember from the 80s

Tudor chocolate crisps - vile!

There were some pickled onion wheel-shaped crisps I used to love as a kid. Cheap 10p packets like Space Raiders. I think they may have been Tayto 'Wheelies'.
Candy cigars
Push pops
Chupa-chups melody pops.
Candy bracelets - lethal at school.
Chewits - like cola or pineapple flavours.
Zap ice lollies.

And for drinks, cans of dandelion and burdock. Can't think of the brand, but I distinctly remember being ill after drinking that at my grandparents - may have been early 90s. Never again.
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Not sure if there were about in the 80s, but certainly first half of the 90s

Brannigans beef and mustard crisps. I found them in Poundland 2 or 3 years ago, after not seeing them for years, but they've gone from there now too.

You can still get those, I see them (and eat them) from various service stations.
Little Chef cherry pancakes
Having a macaroni / cauliflower cheese combination at least once a week (with sausage if particularly lucky!)
Wagon wheels.
School cheese burgers that tasted like no burger that should ever be consumed by man.
Sherbet fountains.
I just looked them up. Bleurgh!

Saying that...turkey drummers, I used to freaking love them but they are really rank.

I googled them as well, turns out that they still kinda do them but undoubtedly they are not the same as they used to be. I'm sure they used to come in like a pack of two. I'm sure if I had one today that it would kill the memory so probably best to leave it at a memory.
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