Football - John Terry's red card fiasco...

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It was never a red card in the first place.

Loved how Fergie moaned that Vidic shouldn't of been sent off for 2 clear yellow bookable offences and now is moaning at this.

And the FA are going to investigate his accusations of unfounded bias too:

Sir Fergie said:
"My information is that Hackett told Halsey to rescind the red card and he would not do it," said Ferguson.

"If it had been a Manchester United player Hackett would never have done this for us."

Hackett had nothing to do with it, oops:p
If Man United where top with winning every game I doubt he would be bothered but "straws" and "clutching" come to mind.

It's interesting... Video evidence, post match can show a player cheating by throwing themselves over, or overreacting in such a way it affects the score... And nothing done...

Here we have video evidence being used which confirms a player has commited a foul, on purpose, for no other reason than to affect the outcome of a game, and they remove his penalisation?


The Captain of England no less! What a great role model, cheat if you can, cheat if you need to... Nice! Great example from a true PROFESSIONAL!
They removed the red card because it was issued for the wrong offence which is only fair really, get over it.
They removed the red card because it was issued for the wrong offence which is only fair really, get over it.

Only fair?? Net effect is a rugby tackle to stop the other team from possibly scoring has be dealt with by giving him a nice little pat on the back... It makes a mockery of professional sport to be honest!

Only in football do we see 'professionals' acting so unprofessionally, and it all me accepted as part of 'the beautiful game'... Why? Because people just don't care about professional behaviour and simply suggest 'get over it'... How have 'professional fouls' become so acceptable? It's a contradiction in terms!

And shame on you for being so shallow you're only more infavour of this decision simply because you support the team...?
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Look at the facts of it.
Terry committed a foul which deserved a yellow card, the ref gave him a red card for an offence he didn't commit (serious foul play) so the red card was wiped out, that's fair enough.
The FA should alter their rules so that red cards can be downgraded to yellow, they currently can't.
No-one has accepted anyone doing anything, you don't quite seem to understand the situation.
The red card was rescinded because it's judged subsequently not serious enough to warrant to be a red, because FA has a rule that it can't be downgraded to a yellow it has to be red or nothing.

Which begs the question - If another player is to tackle someone else aka JT style, he can only get a yellow or no card at all, since it is now officially cannot be a red card.
He can get a red card if it's given for the correct offence, that tackle was not serious foul play so no-one would deserve a red for a tackle of that ilk.
He could get a red for instance if he makes a tackle like that which stops someone from a clearcut goalscoring opportunity.
Do you not understand why the red card was rescinded or are you just trolling for the sake of it?

I understand we're talking about a professional sport, where a professional player wrestled another player to the ground, instead of playing the sport as the rules dictated. And the whole matter being treated as 'it's all OK'...

I guess I'm talking about the bigger picture of what a farce football is at times. And this just highlights it...

Here we have a major name, the captain of England, and everyone is patting him on the back for actual breaking the rules... And doing their utmost to ensure he doesn't suffer in anyway for doing so... Seems very odd...

If he hadn't broken the rules on purpose - and just played fair - then there would be no issue! God forbid anyone suggest that! It's getting the stage (or past it) where it's just not worth playing fair, as there's too much to be gained by cheating at little/no cost... And this is just termed a 'professional foul' and accepted for some reason...
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That's a no then.
Of course we both know it's a yes, of course I understand why the FA rescinded it, but you choose to ignore my point of the bigger picture... Why is that?

If he'd just played by the rules - instead of cheating on purpose - we wouldn't be having this discussion. But for some reason cheating on purpose is deemed absolutely OK by the FA and fans alike it seems? Why's that?

Do you not see it as the slightest bit odd? In a sport played by the very best professionals? They act in such an unprofessional manner, and it's OK/accepted?

Why did he wrestle the other player to the ground? Because he suspected he could get away with it, and improve the position of his team by doing so. Guess what, it seems it's absolutely OK to do that! Why is it OK?

1. a man who engages in sports, esp. in some open-air sport, as hunting, fishing, racing, etc.
2. a person who exhibits qualities especially esteemed in those who engage in sports, as fairness, courtesy, good temper, etc.
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Nobody has accpeted what he done as being OK but it was not worthy of a red card so the FA done the right thing to rescind it.
Nobody has accpeted what he done as being OK but it was not worthy of a red card so the FA done the right thing to rescind it.

As I've said before, my point isn't aimed specifically at the Terry incident, but I guess more at the ridiculous way football seems to be going, which this case seems to almost highlight.

Let me ask you this... If such actions - purposely wrestling another player to the ground to better your own situation - risked a yellow or red card, do you think it would:-
a) make players foul on purpose more?
b) make players foul on purpose less?

Terry considered his options and went for the foul fully expecting to get away with it... and guess what he has... and guess what everyone seems happy with it?

Why is it OK to cynically wrestle another player to the ground? Where in the rules does it permit this? It's a completely unsporting act that should be utterly frowned upon, yes for some reason in professional football (the best of the best) it's embrased as part of the game?

Something needs to be done because when fouls are just accepted parts of the game and given a nice clean term such as 'professional foul' there's something wrong with the sport...

What next, 'professional ramming' in F1? Acceptable? 'Professional kicking' in boxing? Acceptable? Why is wrestling a player to the ground OK in football?
I've got to agree with him, that kind of challenge has absolutely no place in football I'm pretty shocked.

And diving does, its part and parcel of the game and cheats teams out of points every week but it happens, the tackle was crazy but no different to a player stopping the ball going in the net with his hand, apart from the fact the striker had to run half of the pitch beat a keeper and 2 defenders closing him down.
Let me ask you this... If such actions - purposely wrestling another player to the ground to better your own situation - risked a yellow or red card, do you think it would:-
a) make players foul on purpose more?
b) make players foul on purpose less?
Given the foul should've received a yellow in the first place I don't see the point in this question.

Terry considered his options and went for the foul fully expecting to get away with it... and guess what he has... and guess what everyone seems happy with it?
No. Terry would've expected to get a yellow which is what his foul deserved. People are only happy because the FA realised it wasn't a red card offence and actually changed their minds for once.

Why is it OK to cynically wrestle another player to the ground? Where in the rules does it permit this?
It's not in the rules, that's why he was booked :confused:

What next, 'professional ramming' in F1?
Schumacher got away with it for years so it must be accepted.
...And shame on you for being so shallow you're only more infavour of this decision simply because you support the team...?

That's absolute nonsense and the real shame is you dismissing my opinion as bias simply because you don't understand it or football's penal system.

Here's a parody of the incident that even someone who knows nowt about football should understand:

A shoplifter gets arrested after stealing a pair of pants but he (wrongly) gets charged for trespassing. The trespass charge gets thrown out of court after it was pointed out that the shop he stole the pants from was open to the public.
At no time do the courts condone shoplifting and the shoplifter doesn't think next time he's in a shop he can nick pants and get away with it simply because a mistake was made last time he was arrested.

That's all that's happened here, why bother creating an issue that doesn't exist?
Far more accurate to say you're in favour of the decision because you have a brain and a little common sense.

It's one of those that's so obvious that it surprises me that anyone would argue against it. I was slightly embarrassed when Fergie spoke out against it tbh.
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