For the gym rats

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smoking wont affect size, generally, in any noticable way as most training is not heavily cardio vascular hence not heavily reliant on pulminory efficiency. However general performance will be inhibited, try doing a high intensity short rest programme and you'll puke and die (probably). So you might plateuax sooner than you should.

Makanouchi This Article

and this one
Thanks for that Ultra, i'd read some of that previously but theres so much conflicting info about it on the net its hard to decide whether it actually is fact or fiction. I'll do some more investigating.
Workout A - Heavy

Flat DB Press
10x25KG, 12x30KG, 10x30KG - PB

10x10KG, 10x10KG, 10

Seated DB Press
10x15KG, 10x17.5KG, 10x15KG - PB

Close Grip Bench Press
10x55KG, 10x60KG - PB


Incline DB Curls
10x10KG - PB

A2G Squats - Heels on plates

Good workout. could have done probably 10x65KG on the CGBP. Shoulders were dead after the shoulder pressing.

Back has been a bit funky so didn't do much leg work, besides that it was a good session.
It's only anecdotal evidence Makunouchi, but I think there is a degree of truth to chest expansion. I used to be a gymnast when I was younger, and a lot of the movements did put stresses on your chest, I used to get a lot of pains around my sternum and I have always had a slightly odd shaped chest with a very prominent xiphysternum, which I have always put down to heavy training. Bear in mind this was when I was much younger and how much you can do of that as an adult I'm not sure as you have much less cartilage as an adult.
does anyone smoke and is going to the gym?

I do. I'm also a still a tubber as my diet is not really controlled beyond "Don't eat poo food"

Can still manage 30mins of cross trainer at full trott, then 15mins on rower though :) When I first started I honestly thought I was going to die after 5mins on the rower (and not even been on anything else!).

Going to add my current PB's, though I don't do all of these each session :)

Seated DBP (Arnold's)
10x40kg, 10x40kg, 10x40kg, 10x40kg (20kg in each hand)

Decline Crosswire Press
10x100kg, 10x100kg, 10x100kg, 10x100kg (50kg in each hand)

Flat DBP's
10x60kg, 10x60kg, 10x60kg, 10x60kg (30kg each hand)

Flat Bench Press (inc. weight of bar)
10x70kg, 10x70kg, 10x70kg, 10x70kg

Incline DBP
10x48kg, 10x48kg, 10x48kg, 10x48kg (24kg in each hand)

Overhead Tricep extensions
10x12kg, 10x12kg, 10x12kg, 10x12kg

Hammer curls
10x16kg, 10x16kg, 10x16kg, 10x16kg

Bicep Concentration curls
10x14kg, 10x14kg, 10x14kg, 10x14kg

Seated rows
10x63kg (wide), 10x63kg (narrow), 10x63kg (wide), 10x63kg (narrow)

Upright Rows (narrow)
10x30kg, 10x30kg, 10x30kg, 10x30kg

Lat pulls
10x77kg, 10x77kg, 10x77kg, 10x77kg

Reverse Fly (on machine)
10x35kg, 10x35kg, 10x35kg, 10x35kg

Leg Press (seated on machine)
10x63kg, 10x63kg, 10x63kg, 10x63kg

Quad extensions
10x43kg, 10x43kg, 10x43kg, 10x43kg

Hamstring Curls
10x43kg, 10x43kg, 10x43kg, 10x43kg

I think that's just about everything I do atm..

edit: Yup, I forgot one.
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back from hols and fancy some hst for my next routine
can someone cast an eye over the below

workout A
DB flat bench
DB shoulder press
calf raises
bi/tri work

workout B
BB incline bench
military press
calf raises
bi/tri work

over 3 days a week
Major DOMs on my chest today! And surprisingly in my arms too...

Feels good though :D

warm up 20x Oly bar by itself.
12x 60kg
12x 80kg
10x 100kg
7x 110kg
4x 120kg

drop set 15x 60kg


20x oly bar
12x 40kg
12x 50kg
12x 60kg
10x 70kg
6x 80kg

dropset 20x 40kg

16x BW dips
12x BW +5
10x BW + 10
7x BW + 15
6x BW + 20
4x BW + 25

Cable Flies

12x 10kg
12x 15kg
10x 20kg
8x 25kg
5x 30kg

Arm work out is boring so won't bother listing it - it's only a couple of super setted exercises - I do arms twice a month only.
Yes I may have over done it a little... but I was feeling great so I carried on! :o I don't normally do so many sets - but I just felt the pump last night and just couldn't stop! 75mins in the end including my bi-monthly arm work out!
Another big workout yesterday:


3x Pronated grip (12x60, 12x 80, 10x100kg)
3x Supinated grip (as above)

Cable rows:

5x 100kgx10 (that's all the machine goes up to)

Single armed DB rows (superset):

10x40kg 10x 20kg x5 sets

Pull down widegrip:


dropset: 10x60

Narrow V-grip:


dropset: 10x60

And then breathe.... :D
How's the injury playing up?

Leg day tonight! Wooohoo! I feel some puking ensuing! I want to try and break my 170 but repping 10 at 150 is also quite a nice target.

I've actually managed to put 1.5" onto each calf which I'm happy about.
Amazingly very little DOMS today :confused: I have some... but not as bad as I'd have thought.

The funny thing was yesterday evening this really skinny, but serious looking dude saw me and asked me if I wanted to borrow his belt!! I was a little taken aback and was maybe a little sharp in my answer of something like "don't be ridiculous" :o I think I said I'm not doing heavy weights this evening, and even then I lift raw... heck I should have done my 210Kg DL there and then :p It was nice of him to ask... but seriously, I mean I don't look like a n00b in the gym (at least I'd hope not...) and if I were a belt user I'd use one!
Just thought I'd add my training schedule as well, seeing as I'm seeing results and am quite proud! :p
I mainly do it to lose weight and get a little bit of muscle so nothing to fancy.

1. Run 4km on the threadmill with a 5min warm up.
2. 50 situps followed by 50 situps that work the side of my stomach.
3. 3X12 reps on 4 various upperbody machines such as vertical chest etc.
4. Another 2km run.
5. 100 Situps.
6. 3x12 reps on the machines again.

Been doing this for 5 weeks now, along with a change in diet, and I'm really starting to see results, feel lighter, muscles are starting to show etc.
Anyone got some good ideas to help train my stomach better?
Just thought I'd add my training schedule as well, seeing as I'm seeing results and am quite proud! :p
I mainly do it to lose weight and get a little bit of muscle so nothing to fancy.

1. Run 4km on the threadmill with a 5min warm up.
2. 50 situps followed by 50 situps that work the side of my stomach.
3. 3X12 reps on 4 various upperbody machines such as vertical chest etc.
4. Another 2km run.
5. 100 Situps.
6. 3x12 reps on the machines again.

Been doing this for 5 weeks now, along with a change in diet, and I'm really starting to see results, feel lighter, muscles are starting to show etc.
Anyone got some good ideas to help train my stomach better?

Do less situps?

Seriously though, it's good that you're making progress but with a more rounded routine you'd be doing so much better. Check out the sticky at the top of the forum for a guide.

Start squatting!
Just thought I'd add my training schedule as well, seeing as I'm seeing results and am quite proud! :p
I mainly do it to lose weight and get a little bit of muscle so nothing to fancy.

1. Run 4km on the threadmill with a 5min warm up.
2. 50 situps followed by 50 situps that work the side of my stomach.
3. 3X12 reps on 4 various upperbody machines such as vertical chest etc.
4. Another 2km run.
5. 100 Situps.
6. 3x12 reps on the machines again.

Been doing this for 5 weeks now, along with a change in diet, and I'm really starting to see results, feel lighter, muscles are starting to show etc.
Anyone got some good ideas to help train my stomach better?

You're doing plenty enough for your stomach imo, perhaps too much.

I don't like that you're doing that much cardio and then lifting weight, can't be much weight for you if you can take 12 reps after that cardio.

You need to get some sort of lower body resistance training into your routine, consider squats or at least a leg press/extension machine.
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