For the gym rats

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Do any of you guys use proper lifting shoes? I'm beginning to find the cushioning wobble of my trainers a bit of a hinderance on squats and deads and have been offered some adidas Ironworks at cost price. Any thoughts, or do you reckon for anyone that's not olympic lifting these are overkill?

I squat in converse and it made a big difference to my foot stability, I dont have to worry about it anymore. Its almost like squatting barefoot, some like a lift in the heel though.
I thought there was something different about you! ;)

How's the cut going?
I think it's gone well but it's hard to say. I haven't weighed myself very often or counted a single calorie and tbh my diet has been quite poor, for me but visually I look a lot leaner. I'm vascular on the shoulders, arms and back and abs and obliques are clearly visible. This morning I was 15st 2lbs after an empty, not a bad weight for a natty?

I've also made some good strength gains and not a single workout has passed without an improvement in each exercise so something's working :)
That sounds like good work to me mate. TBH anything over 15st @6ft and lean for a natty is good work. I'm hoping to work myself up to 16st at 12% or so... it's a struggle not to do it without putting on too much fat though :(
That sounds like good work to me mate. TBH anything over 15st @6ft and lean for a natty is good work. I'm hoping to work myself up to 16st at 12% or so... it's a struggle not to do it without putting on too much fat though :(
Yeah there just seems to be a point where the trade-off for muscle v fat gets too much if natural. It's easy to get big but soon as you cut the calories in an attempt to lean up, the body just eats the calorie hungry muscle aswell.

I'm just going to stay lean all year round now and try to slowly add muscle, or at least increase density and strength.
Yeah strength and density work is relatively straight forward, and I guess over time the density builds ontop of itself a little. That's what I've been trying to do, a lean bulk, but boy it's hard work! Still in 18 months or so I've managed to put on about 16 or so lbs without compromising my BF significantly - and have double the weights on what I started off with so pretty damned please with that! :D

Bench Press
5x64KG, 5x80KG, 5x80KG, 5x70KG, 5x70KG - PB

5x10KG, 5x20KG, 5x20KG, 5x20KG, 5x10KG - PB

DB Shoulder Press
5x10KG, 5x15KG, 4x20KG, 5x15KG, 5x10KG - PB

Wooo 5x80 on bench :D

I have done 5x20KG previously on chins but the form was better here, so classing it as a new PB. I did get 5 reps on the DB press but the last one was pretty bad so not counting it.

Bench Press
5x64KG, 5x80KG, 5x80KG, 5x70KG, 5x70KG - PB

5x10KG, 5x20KG, 5x20KG, 5x20KG, 5x10KG - PB

DB Shoulder Press
5x10KG, 5x15KG, 4x20KG, 5x15KG, 5x10KG - PB

Wooo 5x80 on bench :D

I have done 5x20KG previously on chins but the form was better here, so classing it as a new PB. I did get 5 reps on the DB press but the last one was pretty bad so not counting it.

That's good going there Wardie:D

I will take some pics and post them up after tommorows session been training for 2 months now getting some good gains
Cheers. I want to be doing at least 5x100KG at around 67KG bodyweight.

At the moment I think i'm about 64KG, and at my height 3KG extra of bodyweight would be very noticeable!

The ratio of you doing 100kg @ 67 would mean that I'd need to bench 145kg @ 97kg! I can push 140 once or twice just about with a struggle so need to get practicing!!!

That would be very impressive if you achieve that Wardie :)
Yes it's a hard regime to follow... I'm scared if I bulk I'll just not retain any of the gains I get after I cut... and scared that if I can't successfully cut! lol! I prefer being slightly stocky though so I'm heading the right direction!
Workout B - Heavy

5x44KG, 5x44KG, 5x44KG, 5x44KG, 5x44KG

5x40KG, 5x40KG, 10x20KG, 8x20KG, 10xBodyweight - PB

Wide Grip Pull Ups
5x10KG, 5x15KG, 5x15KG, 5x10KG, 5xBodyweight - PB

Military Press
5x29KG, 5x34KG, 5x34KG, 5x40KG, 5x29KG - PB

RDLs were kept light because my hamstrings were still sore from Monday, and my lower back wasn't feeling perfect.

I'm not sure about low rep dips, I think there maybe needs to be at least 6, pretty impressed with everything though.
Just a quick question. As some of you may know, ive started training again after quite a long term injury. The injury was called a pilo-noidle-sinus. So I was wondering have any of you guys had this, and how long after it had healed did you start squatting/deadlifting again. Its been healed for around 2 months now but im really paranoid about ripping it through squatting. I started deadlifting for the first time in over a year last night, and was so paranoid about the scar tissue ripping, i took it extra slow and only did a 40k deadlift (lol, only 200k down). I now want to start squatting again but am still worried.

I know it sounds a stupid question but can scar tissue rip (the op was right on the lower back (at the start of the crack, about 4" down)
The only way is to come back slowly one step at a time.

Going down that low was sensible in my opinion, and I would continue a slow trend bit by bit seeing how it feels.

Scar tissue CAN rip (depending on what and where it is), but usually takes some doing.
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