For the gym rats

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Workout B - Heavy

5x44KG, 5x44KG, 5x44KG, 5x44KG, 5x44KG

5x40KG, 5x40KG, 10x20KG, 8x20KG, 10xBodyweight - PB

Wide Grip Pull Ups
5x10KG, 5x15KG, 5x15KG, 5x10KG, 5xBodyweight - PB

Military Press
5x29KG, 5x34KG, 5x34KG, 5x40KG, 5x29KG - PB

RDLs were kept light because my hamstrings were still sore from Monday, and my lower back wasn't feeling perfect.

I'm not sure about low rep dips, I think there maybe needs to be at least 6, pretty impressed with everything though.

Impressed at those dips and pull ups :cool:

I struggle with much more than 15kg for chins - but for dips I'm quite comfy on 25kg x5. Shoulder press/military press, is that DBs with or without a backrest, or at a machine? Facing forwards or backwards? eitherway that's pretty decent weight :)
I had something very similar a year ago, and too was very paranoid about it ripping (since it took a long time to heal - 6 months :|). I was paranoid even about playing football for the first couple months after it had healed. As said, I think it's a good idea to ease back into it and be on the safe side of things. My wound has been healed for about 6/7 months now and I feel completely confident doing anything, although I haven't ever tried doing squats etc... (Will be trying soon though at the gym, may even buy a bench press and free weights for home)
Impressed at those dips and pull ups :cool:

I struggle with much more than 15kg for chins - but for dips I'm quite comfy on 25kg x5. Shoulder press/military press, is that DBs with or without a backrest, or at a machine? Facing forwards or backwards? eitherway that's pretty decent weight :)

those chins are impressive ive moved to wides now but im stuck on 4xbw. Id assume based on wardies lifts that its 40k on a bar being as i can only do 1-2 sh presses with 40's
Yeah it's a standing barbell military press, I don't have back support for any shoulder work (which would be useful sometimes!)

Cheers though :)

I trained on Monday, benched 3x84KG but I did it after doing 4 heavy sets. I think I would have got 5 reps if I was more fresh
Bloody good work! Standing shoulder press I can do 70kg x5 - my shoulders are my weak spot so your stats are quite impressive! I try and do shoulder exercises when sat on a exercises ball to add a bit of extra core involvement. However if I'm doing proper isolation I tend to use the back rest, but of course it enables you to cheat a little and hence 90kg becomes more achievable!

UE - Chins BW alone @ 97.5kg I can just about do 10-12 reps with good form, after that it falls apart. Close grip I can do a lot more obviously. Chins are hardcore, but so so hard when you get heavier!
omg i beat FF on a lift :D got 75kg out for 3x5 st sh press. Bet if you tried youd get more out! Those chins are impressive m8, im down at 101kg now so not much between us. Im gonna cheat my way down the last bit of bf tho, got me some clen and T3 ;)
omg i beat FF on a lift :D got 75kg out for 3x5 st sh press. Bet if you tried youd get more out! Those chins are impressive m8, im down at 101kg now so not much between us. Im gonna cheat my way down the last bit of bf tho, got me some clen and T3 ;)

Hehe - I did follow my 5 sets of incline by some flat one set at 100x8 ;) :p

If you meant shoulder press, then yes it's always been a bit of a weakness, but I'm trying to keep really strict form and minimise the use of my legs in the push (too easy otherwise). I think I will always have shoulder issues as I dislocated one playing rugby and I've never felt "strong" since then. :(

I'm really liking mixing up DBs and BB at the moment - I'm really feeling much more of a pump and development as a result. Completely different types of exercises and they feel great!
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