For the gym rats

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Due to work commitments I haven't been to the gym for about 3 months. I simply haven't had the time or been in one place to be able to dedicate to a routine. Just wandered the best plan of attack to fall back into routine now. I'm guessing best slide into it gently as if starting over again ?
Due to work commitments I haven't been to the gym for about 3 months. I simply haven't had the time or been in one place to be able to dedicate to a routine. Just wandered the best plan of attack to fall back into routine now. I'm guessing best slide into it gently as if starting over again ?

Thought you'd been running round the desert, hiding from Camel Spiders! :eek: ;)

I've never had a 3 month break but when i've been injured and gone back to training i've just started the same routine but with lighter weights. Go easy for the first week, second week lift what feels comfortable then get stuck in from week 3 onwards. Last thing you want to do after a long break is injure yourself and end up with another break but the body has an amazing capacity to return to your previous strength levels (or close to) after a relatively small amount of training.
Leg and triceps today:

Warm up 4x6x70kg ATG Front squats

100kg back squats x 10
110kg x 10
120kg x 8
140kg x 8
dropset: 70kg ATG front squats x 10

Calf raises:

dropset 70kg x 20


12x 80kg
10x 100kg
10x 110kg
8x 120kg
6x 130kg

3x40kg DB Lunges x 10 reps



supersetted with cable pull down

4x12x85kg (maximum of the cable machine)

French press:

dropset: 12x25kg

3x12 BW dips

I can feel my legs throbbing... I'm going to be in pain tomorrow!!:cool: :cool:
Managed 5X120kg squats on my last set today, which I'm pretty sure I've got down as my 1RM in the other thread...maybe time to have a shot at 130.
Managed 5X120kg squats on my last set today, which I'm pretty sure I've got down as my 1RM in the other thread...maybe time to have a shot at 130.

Thats a great lift. As long as your arse touches your calves. Only way to squat imo*

*only ranting as i had to swallow a lot of pride going ATG, squates came down from 150+ to 90 :( worth it though now im back at 120+ and right down, makes my mates feel sick watching me rock on.
My forearms hit the bars on the rack so I can't go any lower (without getting out the rack and finding a spotter) - it's parallel at the very least I assure you! I was in a similar boat about a year ago, just used to load the bar up and train that ego, but I've learnt the errors of my ways.
My new split, minimum of 5 working weight sets on each.

Chest & Back

Flat DB bench
Incline DB bench
Wide grip pull-ups
One arm DB rows

Legs & Abs

Split Squat
Hanging leg raises

Shoulders & Arms

Standing DB press
DB lateral raises
Close Grip Bench Press
DB curls

Rep ranges will vary depending how I feel, but probably quite high volume, minimum of 5/6 sets (not including warmup).

Exercises to be rotated every 4 weeks or so to keep things fresh.
i really dislike the idea of chest and back seperate to arms, but i think its just my personal dislike. I personally use my back a lot in chest exercises and find back exercises difficult if my chest muscles (inc anterior delt) are pumped. But if it works for you DO IT :D
I think it makes sense, it helps ensure you balance your pushing and pulling muscles as people don't really.

If i'm training chest/back i'll make sure as much tension as possible is on my chest or back rather than triceps or biceps, meaning an arms day is fine. I may not even lock out for example.
Workout B - Heavy

(D) = Dropset

Leg Extention
15x35KG, 15x35KG, 20x35KG, 20x35KG

7x40KG, 5x42.5KG, 4x40KG, 4x40KG, 4x40KG (D) 3x20KG - PBs

Wide Grip Pull Ups
5x10KG, 5x15KG, 5x15KG, 5x15KG, 5x17.5KG - PB

Military Press
10x24KG, 12x24KG, 12x24KG

Two dipping PBs, very happy with that they've come on well.

Also pretty happy with the PB on the wide grips given it was my last set. Shoulders were absolutely fried by the end so didn't do much.

Went and checked out the new JJB Gym that is opening on the 22nd, very impressed. Miles better than everything around here and pretty cheap too, it's going to get mega packed though :(
I was (still techincally am) a member of JJB around my way. Its a nice gym always kept tidy and so forth but a few things that really bug me.

The free weight area was kind of cramped into the corner
Nobody put the DB's back in any order so was a nuisance finding the right ones
It gets stupidly busy and I found I had to wait
Full of posers
Had over 110 peices of CV stuff!!!!! Was a shame because they kind of neglected the weights area for all that CV.
Ha, my gym sounds awesome to that. Powerbase in Loughborough Uni, one small room for CV and then a massive hall full of Barbells and Dumbells. As there are no students there at the moment its dead. There are also no mirrors.
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