For the gym rats

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I'm on a week off at the moment after finishing HST, can't wait to get back to training though.

I feel like i'm loads smaller and weaker already lol.
You should actually do most of your growing during that week off mate. I always felt my strongest and biggest during this time aswell. Whatever you do don't drop calories, keep eating big and sleeping loads.

Are you limiting carbs? That can make me feel a little smaller sometimes.... soon sorted out by a big pizza and a huge chocolate muffin lol! :D
Yeah thats 35kg a side for around 2x6 on incline though, for some odd i find that easier :/

Its because your incline pressing not shoulder pressing them. cheater ;)

Seriously tho your involving your chest and allowing yourself to lift more. If you want to do seated shoulder press you need a vertical back rest. or do them standing,
Guys, I'm in need of some advice please!

When doing deadlifts or using a barbell, I find that my right leg/side does most of the work. Now i've tried to force myself to use both to the max but it just won't happen!!

Was legs day yesterday and although I thought both legs got a good workout, my right side is hurting quite a bit more than the left.

Would it be wise to use a machine after doing squats with free weights, but left leg only?

The right tends to be stronger and thus picks up any slack from the leg - at least thats how it is for me. If you are worried that the left isn't getting the same workout as the right then try an issolation exercise.
Carry on doing what you're doing and you'll even out over time.

Surely doing this will mean my right leg will continue to get stronger and stronger and the left will be left behind?

If you are worried that the left isn't getting the same workout as the right then try an issolation exercise.

This is what I was thinking, but using a machine is the only way I can see this happening.

Are you twisting at all, or placing the weight unevenly? If your hips are not square this may cause this sensation.

There isn't normally anyone in the gym and the mirrors are behind the deadlift rack so I can't really comment on my form :(

I don't twist though, and i'm pretty sure the weights are even as I don't sway or go up on one side before the other.
Surely doing this will mean my right leg will continue to get stronger and stronger and the left will be left behind?

Yeah man, its quite common for people to get one massive leg and one scrawny leg,.....

Just carry on as normal m8, in a barbell deadlift both legs work evenley you are just more acutley aware of the strain on your right as you have btter developed nerve connections there. If you want to feel it more on the left side make the left side of the bar heavier than the right. I have done this in the past to force me to focus on the left side.
Yeah man, its quite common for people to get one massive leg and one scrawny leg,.....

Just carry on as normal m8, in a barbell deadlift both legs work evenley you are just more acutley aware of the strain on your right as you have btter developed nerve connections there. If you want to feel it more on the left side make the left side of the bar heavier than the right. I have done this in the past to force me to focus on the left side.

Thanks for the advice. I got 2 scrawny legs at the mo :p

Only been workin out for about 7weeks or so now, just trying to perfect form as much as poss really. Deadlifting roughly 3/4 of my bodyweight at the mo, I did actually lower the weight last session to see if it'd work the left leg better as I could go down further but it was too easy!

I'll stick with it for now! :) Might try adding a bit more weight to the left as I get a bit bigger.

Struggling with the eating part though :( Need to write out a proper diet as I always run out of things to eat!
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