For the gym rats

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Raise ya hand if you hate barbell bench press


I can db bench (well so I think!) but when it comes to the barbell press im awful at it. I have never really done it but today I thought id try it again as my strength has gone up but I fail miserably!

Crap session in all tbh, not felt so good for last week or so but if I can drag my ass into work im not letting gym time suffer, but its also kinda degrading as I dont feel my sessions are so great :(
I find it particularly difficult to compose my form when squatting and on BOR (bar). I'm not sure if it is due to height but I hunch my shoulders which leads to my back arching forward on the squats. I also seem to be putting an unnecessary amount of strain on my lower back during the BOR.
Awesome back session tonight, feeling totally pumped now.
Cleans are coming back! 10x60, 10x70, 8x75, 8x75, 6x80, 5x85 (last one was a bad form)
Was too whacked to try for more
Ugh, this summer has been pretty terrible. I'm back at uni next week though so I'm ready for some serious eating, lifting and sleeping. Can't wait.
Yes. My gym is awful for deadlifting.

First off it has the hexagon shaped weights, so when you put the bar down it rolls back into my shins as the weights settle on a flat part.

Then the bars themselves have very rough grip parts, good for grip but they're absolutely lethal on the shins.... I lose approx 1/4 of a pint of blood each session I reckon lol :D
Never posted pictures before thought i should show off some of my dumbbells:o, i know sad 5,25,35,45,55,60 kg. Will get better pictures of my home gym some other time;).
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Whats your dead 1 rm CW?
I've never gone for a 1 rep max on any lift I don't think. Deadlifts especially as I'm so paranoid about my lower back after the accident a couple of years ago.

I think the heaviest I've lifted is 185kg for 3 reps..?

I've just started Deads again a couple of weeks ago after a 6 month lay-off from them. Hoping to hit 200kg before Xmas.... we'll see!
My deadlifts are about 170kg for 6 reps. Dizzy afterwards but feel good. Working a lot of cardio now as well and finally have my six pack back. Amazing how doing lots of cardio really defines you.
My deadlifts are about 170kg for 6 reps. Dizzy afterwards but feel good. Working a lot of cardio now as well and finally have my six pack back. Amazing how doing lots of cardio really defines you.

you dead 170+ and have less than 10% bf? get in the pictures thread m8!

Unless by some chance tis just the fingers doing the talking.
Sorry for the the slight change in subject but I was after a bit of diet advice and didnt really want to start a new thread. I've been tweaking it for several weeks now trying to get in the routine of what to cook when and I now have the following and was wondering what you guys think of it:

Meal 1: Porridge and whey and water
Meal 2 (PWO): Protein shake (Banana, oats, milk, whey)
Meal 3: Scrambled eggs (3) on Wholemeal toast (3)
Meal 4: Protein Shake (Sometimes replaced with 2 ham sandwiches)
Meal 5: Rice (300g) and Chicken (100g) (v.rough measurements)
Meal 6: Whey and water, 3 rice cakes with cottage cheese, 50g of cashew nuts or brazil nuts

Which I make to be:

          Calories  Protein   Carbs   Fats
Meal 1:	  422	   37	   49.1	   9.14
Meal 3:	  529	   37.2	   51.9	   18
Meal 2:	  581	   46.9	   70.9	   13.5
Meal 5:   550	   39.57   82.57    5.57
Meal 4:	  581	   46.9	   70.9	   13.5
Meal 6:	  582	   49.1	   35.3	   27.7

Total	 3245	 256.67	 360.67	  87.41

I cant tell the effects of it just yet as I've only been on it strictly for a week. I've been on a similar diet for around a month which has been a bit more slack and although I feel I have lost some bodyfat and increased in size I havn't put on any weight. I am currently 6'2" and 88kg.

Thanks for any advice.
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