For the gym rats

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Sorry for the the slight change in subject but I was after a bit of diet advice and didnt really want to start a new thread. I've been tweaking it for several weeks now trying to get in the routine of what to cook when and I now have the following and was wondering what you guys think of it:

Meal 1: Porridge and whey and water
Meal 2 (PWO): Protein shake (Banana, oats, milk, whey)
Meal 3: Scrambled eggs (3) on Wholemeal toast (3)
Meal 4: Protein Shake (Sometimes replaced with 2 ham sandwiches)
Meal 5: Rice (300g) and Chicken (100g) (v.rough measurements)
Meal 6: Whey and water, 3 rice cakes with cottage cheese, 50g of cashew nuts or brazil nuts

Which I make to be:

          Calories  Protein   Carbs   Fats
Meal 1:	  422	   37	   49.1	   9.14
Meal 3:	  529	   37.2	   51.9	   18
Meal 2:	  581	   46.9	   70.9	   13.5
Meal 5:   550	   39.57   82.57    5.57
Meal 4:	  581	   46.9	   70.9	   13.5
Meal 6:	  582	   49.1	   35.3	   27.7

Total	 3245	 256.67	 360.67	  87.41

I cant tell the effects of it just yet as I've only been on it strictly for a week. I've been on a similar diet for around a month which has been a bit more slack and although I feel I have lost some bodyfat and increased in size I havn't put on any weight. I am currently 6'2" and 88kg.

Thanks for any advice.

Looks reasonable to me (but what do I know), but there's no fruit or veg?

Do you have sauce on the chicken and rice? Do you eat exactly that everyday, surely it must be boring? There's a lot of other good foods out there, some variation is nice.

Also does anyone know if there's any decent Bodybuilding Gyms in the Reading/Henley area?

I am struggling to find anything besides chains which almost exclusively have mass cardio machines and not any/many freeweights or personal trainers that specialize in bodybuilding. Which I really do need to begin with, to show me the correct form of doing each exercise, and to go over my routines and diet initially.

Yea I have exactly that everyday. I very rarely have a tiny bit of salad cream with the rice and chicken but otherwise it's all plain. Yes it is a bit boring but if it does me some good then I'm happy to eat it. I usually have another banana (as well as the 2 in my shakes) at some point during the day but that's all the fruit/veg I have. I also have a multivitmain and one of those omega 3/ fish caps each morning but I'm still a bit worried about the lack of fruit/veg.

As for the gym in Reading I don't have much experience with gym's but the university gym is the best I've been to. Definately not a hardcore bb'ing gym but it does have a few benches, squat rack, dl platform, smith machine, etc with plenty of weight and db's up to 50kg. Suppose it depends on the level you're at.
Hey guys, sorry to be off topic but thought I post a question here instead of starting a new thread.

Been working out for a while with Dumbells and some home equipment etc but having trouble working the pectorial area with Dumbell Flies and Dumbell bench presses. When ever doing these exercises I never really feel my pecs working, what could I be doing wrong? I have the correct technique from seeing pictures etc..Every other exercise for both Legs and Upper body I feel the work easily..

Hey guys, sorry to be off topic but thought I post a question here instead of starting a new thread.

Been working out for a while with Dumbells and some home equipment etc but having trouble working the pectorial area with Dumbell Flies and Dumbell bench presses. When ever doing these exercises I never really feel my pecs working, what could I be doing wrong? I have the correct technique from seeing pictures etc..Every other exercise for both Legs and Upper body I feel the work easily..


Are you pushing enough weight?
Gonna feel stupid if thats the reason lol. Ill give it a try. I was just under the impression that my current weights are enough for my biceps and shoulder/back area at the mo, so I thought that would be sufficient enough for chest. (Noob here btw)
Gonna feel stupid if thats the reason lol. Ill give it a try. I was just under the impression that my current weights are enough for my biceps and shoulder/back area at the mo, so I thought that would be sufficient enough for chest. (Noob here btw)

Put simply, when your benching do you find it difficult for 8-12 reps?

If you don't, it's too light.
Also to hit the chest place the dumbells further out from the body as opposed to next to the body as this will use more arm strength. I found the bench press with a wider grip made me use 5kg less than normal.
Anybody got a good routine for calves? im going to start the following routine and wanted some advice as to weather its any good or not

Current routine is

Day 1 - Seated calf raises 2 x 25-50 reps
Standing calf raises 2x 25x50
Day 2 - Seated calf raises 2 x 12-20 reps
Standing calf raises 2x 12-20

On a good note to, ive added a stone and lost some weight around my mid section since i got back in the gym:D
Gonna feel stupid if thats the reason lol. Ill give it a try. I was just under the impression that my current weights are enough for my biceps and shoulder/back area at the mo, so I thought that would be sufficient enough for chest. (Noob here btw)

Biceps are small. Chest is huge..
I would think that if you are using your bicep only weights for the rest of body then you are not using enough weight.
Anybody got a good routine for calves? im going to start the following routine and wanted some advice as to weather its any good or not

Current routine is

Day 1 - Seated calf raises 2 x 25-50 reps
Standing calf raises 2x 25x50
Day 2 - Seated calf raises 2 x 12-20 reps
Standing calf raises 2x 12-20

On a good note to, ive added a stone and lost some weight around my mid section since i got back in the gym:D

Ive always found calves to be a weird one. Sometimes working them every session for a few weeks works, sometimes doing minimal alongside other leg work works.

Never really tried higher reps than 15 though.
What is the best way of getting discount on myprotein at the moment? I'm running out of Whey and need to re-order :)

Also anything else I should get whilst I'm at it ? Just have Oats + Whey I'm using at the moment

use the price matcher, or head to someone else. others are not too much difference in price these days, besides, I prefer the taste of BSD whey at the moment!
heads up guys, just went in tesco and they have pure omega 3 1000's in packs of 90 at £1.95. Considering MyP charge 8.99 for 280 thats not bad for something you can pick up with the weekly shop. 18%epa and 12% DHA too same as MyP afaik

Go grab some!
Does anyone else find that a bad workout can really ruin their day?
I went to the gym this morning to do some legs work and for some reason after a quick warm up and some calf raises my head felt like it was floating away and my vision went totally blurred I had a lie down but still felt crap so decided to leave the squats as they kill me at the best of times and since then I've been in a right foul mood.
Does anyone else find that a bad workout can really ruin their day?
I went to the gym this morning to do some legs work and for some reason after a quick warm up and some calf raises my head felt like it was floating away and my vision went totally blurred I had a lie down but still felt crap so decided to leave the squats as they kill me at the best of times and since then I've been in a right foul mood.

yeah m8, happens to us all. If i fail a lift that i know i can do normally get really upset and grumpy all day. Its just cause you care about progress. Let it go and move on to the next one.
Does anyone else find that a bad workout can really ruin their day?
I went to the gym this morning to do some legs work and for some reason after a quick warm up and some calf raises my head felt like it was floating away and my vision went totally blurred I had a lie down but still felt crap so decided to leave the squats as they kill me at the best of times and since then I've been in a right foul mood.

I get it a lot, normally if I aint feeling too good or if work has drained me more than usual I get really wound up with myself cos I know I can do better :mad:
Yeah I had a pretty poor session last night. I was knackered for paint balling and drinking copius amounts of beers along with no sleep.

Cut the session pretty short and just left it.

I finally start at a gym on Wednesday though :)
Does anyone else find that a bad workout can really ruin their day?
I went to the gym this morning to do some legs work and for some reason after a quick warm up and some calf raises my head felt like it was floating away and my vision went totally blurred I had a lie down but still felt crap so decided to leave the squats as they kill me at the best of times and since then I've been in a right foul mood.
Really gets me. Last week I was ill on Monday, Tues, and still feeling poorly on Weds. I normally hit the gym Mon/Weds/Fri evenings, so I didn't go on Mon/Weds. Friday evening was a killer, I cut every exercise I did short and in the end finished my session 20-30mins early and felt utterly pants. :(
I've been lacking energy for the past couple of months. I get about half way through my routine then don't have the energy to continue. I'm sure its down to lack of sleep as I'm only getting about 7 hours max at the moment. Can't seem to shake it either :(
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