For the gym rats

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I did deadlifts, log press and a few bicep exercises today. I got a personal best on deadlifts: 8 reps of 180Kg.

I bought Uboss Whey Tech Duo today. Only about the 2nd tub of protein powder I ever bought. It has 42g protein and 11.27g carbs + some other stuff like zinc and calcium also about 18 Ammino acids. It was £32.95(supposed to be 10% off for members), how does that compare to myprotein for example?
Do any of you chaps have any sort of energy drink when you're at /before the gym? I'm well into going 3-4 times a week now and have been going solid for about 3 months, have my whey and oats in the morning etc, but somedays I'm well into it, scream like arnold and get the job done, others, i'm just so tired (I go after work) and feel so lethargic. Apart from having a coffee before (coffee has no effect on me anymore), I'm sure one of my friends used to have this powder which mixed with water and really gave him some energy (wasnt creatine) and was low in sugar, any ideas lads? what do you do? water is getting pretty bland :/

edit - just saw the posts around pg 87....
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Do any of you chaps have any sort of energy drink when you're at /before the gym? I'm well into going 3-4 times a week now and have been going solid for about 3 months, have my whey and oats in the morning etc, but somedays I'm well into it, scream like arnold and get the job done, others, i'm just so tired (I go after work) and feel so lethargic. Apart from having a coffee before (coffee has no effect on me anymore), I'm sure one of my friends used to have this powder which mixed with water and really gave him some energy (wasnt creatine) and was low in sugar, any ideas lads? what do you do? water is getting pretty bland :/

edit - just saw the posts around pg 87....

I tried some of the nitric oxide based drinks (mix with water). I felt slightly different the first time but after that even ramping the cups up I never felt any noticeable difference. Praps I was doing something wrong; YMMV :)
Had a great session at the gym tonight. Didn't go heavy but still managed to give my chest, shoulders and triceps an absolute beating.

BB Bench Press
70kg x 5
80kg x 5
90kg x 5
100kg x 5
110kg x 5

Incline DB Press
35kg x 8
35kg x 8
35kg x 8
35kg x 8
35kg x 8

Seated DB Shoulder Press
30kg x 8
30kg x 8
30kg x 8
30kg x 8
30kg x 8

Weight Dips
10kg x 8
10kg x 8
10kg x 8

Managed to do all of that in around 45 minutes which is quite an achievement considering some of my sessions took in excess of 2 hours not so long ago.

Going to continue to up the weights slowly and try and keep the same amount of reps and sets then switch back to heavy weights and low volume after Christams. Looking forward to it :D
I did deadlifts, log press and a few bicep exercises today. I got a personal best on deadlifts: 8 reps of 180Kg.

I bought Uboss Whey Tech Duo today. Only about the 2nd tub of protein powder I ever bought. It has 42g protein and 11.27g carbs + some other stuff like zinc and calcium also about 18 Ammino acids. It was £32.95(supposed to be 10% off for members), how does that compare to myprotein for example?

depends on how much was in the tub. If it was 1kg, then it compares poorly.
Suppose I best post after stumbling into this thread.

Height: 5' 9"
Current weight: 96KG
Target weight: 77KG

Started measuring at 103KG 10 weeks ago. Was 107KG not long before...

I spent the first 6 months of the year dedicated to a 4 day split. I'm now cutting on the following workout:
1x15 Chest Press
1x15 Lat pull downs
1x15 Shoulder Press
1x15 Preacher curls
1x15 Tri extensions
1x15 Leg press
1x15 Leg Curls
1x15 Leg extensions

30 second on, 30 second off on bag for 5 minutes
15 seconds on, 15 seconds off on bag for 5 minutes

2 min warmup, 5 mins of 30 on/30 off, 3 min cooldown on cross trainer.
I do this 4 times a week at lunch.

I also do 1 hour session of Muay Thai a week.

Going to continue with this work out for a while, continue to slowly clean up the diet and then look to re-introduce a proper 4 day split weights workout on top but in the evening.
Yep, can't say I'm lifting the same amount as when I was taking in increased calories and doing the 4 day split, but I've not budged from the weight I'm doing on any of the excersises in the circuit since I started (75-80% of my 1 rep max).

One thing I'm very wary of is losing strength. I was 15 stone 3lbs Jan 2005 when I first started to get into nutrition and exercise, after a bad start of a poor diet, way too much cardio and no strength training I got down to 11 stone 10lbs by June '05. I had virtually no mass on me at all.
In all fairness I slipped up to almost 17 stone since then but did put a fair amount of mass (I'd guess at just under 14lbs of LBM) and increased my weights by at least 150% on all exercises..... I really was that weak to start though (imagine what struggling to bench 20KG does to your confidence).

It's the first time in 3 years I've managed to stay motivated when it comes to cardio, really enjoying the intensive but relatively short workouts (~30 minutes a day).
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Time for a routine change I think, saw this on ESNPro and it looks kinda fun so might give it a go:

Flat Bench press 3x6
DB Row 3x6
Incline Barbell (BB) bench press 2x10
Lat Pull down 2x10
Seated DB shoulder press 2x10
Barbell curl 2x10

Squat 3x6
Goodmorning 3x6
Lunges 2x10
Calf raise 12x4

Incline Bench Press 3x6
Pullup 3x6
Flat BB bench 2x10
Cable row 2x10
Seated shoulder press 2x10
chins 2x10
Dips 2x10

Workout 4 - Lower body

Deadlift 3x6
Front Squat 3x6
Leg curl 2x10
Standing calf raise 3x10
hi just wondered if anyone has any tips regarding pull ups. Find them really hard, im 14 stone at 6ft4 so not very much mass on me but still weigh quite a bit realtively to my mates who do 3x10 quite easily. I can't really do more then 1-3 making them useless for me at the moment.

Anyone got any subsitutes for the time being or tips for improving them as i really feel im missing out on a good exersise. Alwasy have this problem with bodyweight exersises but pull ups is the killer.
Lat pull downs, or find somthing like a smith machine and do modified pull ups.

ones with feet on the floor and body at an angle or ones with feet on a bench etc.

That or if your gym has an assisted pull up/dip machine obviously that would be perfect.

Could wear a belt with a length of rope going up over the bar and down the otherside with a weight on the end. Sort of like a make shift assisted pull up machine.
hi just wondered if anyone has any tips regarding pull ups. Find them really hard, im 14 stone at 6ft4 so not very much mass on me but still weigh quite a bit realtively to my mates who do 3x10 quite easily. I can't really do more then 1-3 making them useless for me at the moment.

Anyone got any subsitutes for the time being or tips for improving them as i really feel im missing out on a good exersise. Alwasy have this problem with bodyweight exersises but pull ups is the killer.

I was in a similar boat mate. I'm the same height and weight as you.

Do you use a gym? If so do they have a wight assisted pullup machine?

I used to one get to grips with the technique. Started with them quite easy then decreased the weight week by week so I had to try harder.

Can now do 3 X 10 without too much trouble. Took a couple of months to get there.
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