For the gym rats

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I was in a similar boat mate. I'm the same height and weight as you.

Do you use a gym? If so do they have a wight assisted pullup machine?

I used to one get to grips with the technique. Started with them quite easy then decreased the weight week by week so I had to try harder.

Can now do 3 X 10 without too much trouble. Took a couple of months to get there.

thanks for the replies. In my old gym they had a assisted pull up machine, but my current gym has no steps so you have to rest your knees on the platform which is main reason not bothered with it so far.

guess its just a case of persevering with it
That should still "work", my gym has the same, just a platform for kneeling on. Also get some wide arm lat pulls in. Make sure you have excellent form, i.e. no leaning back. I've seen so many people pull huge weight with lat pull downs, but as soon as they try good form they have to drop lots of weight.
What makes it harder for you chaps, despite being light you probably have long arms and long arms cause a big leverage and a bigger range of motion. Until you build up some strength and/or endurance it's going to be hardwork.

Chins, i.e. pronated grip, or palms facing away from you, is a hard exercise to do until you've got the strength and technique. You have to concentrate hard on flexing and pulling with your back muscles shoulders and partiall with the arms.

Bend your knees. Get a spotter to hold your toes and push down on their hands as you pull yourself up... just build up the reps. The lat pull down is a good way of building the muscle mass, then chins are a good way developing the back - then just add a stack of weight around your waist! :D

It's taken me over a year to be able to do several sets of 8+ reps with a decent amount of weight around my waist. So take it slow and it'll happen.
hi just wondered if anyone has any tips regarding pull ups.
How long have you been doing them? I couldn't do a single rep for years then managed a couple during one workout and just got stronger and stronger. After four weeks I was managing sets of 8 so from my experience pull-ups are definitely one of those exercises that start off slowly but progress very fast.
chest/arms tonight, still keeping volume in check, posting old PB natty numbers above new PB numbers, 2 weeks into 10 week cycle.

flat bar bench (index finger on rings, ie widest possible grip on oly bar)
old 8x65 8x65 5x75 5x75 3x85
new 15x90 10x100 8x105 5x110

Incline flye
old 8x15 8x17.5 5x10 5x20
new 8x15 8x17.5 8x20 5x22.5

preacher curl SS tricep pressdown
wont give numbers here as no real point of referance from before

5xbw 5xbw 5xbw+5 5xbw+5
8xbw+10 8xbw+20 8xbw+20 5xbw+25

all in all feeling very good. And better still i know for a fact i could do the same and more in 48hrs or less, recovery is beyond superhuman. Size is coming on but water retention is up so gonna do pics at around week 15 after PCT and 'drying'

EDIT and no, 10x100k on the bench is not a typo, despite me being very proud of my double just the other week....T baby
Had an awesome leg session just there.

Calf raise machine: 80k 6x6

Back squat:

bar x 6
70k x 6
75k x 6
80k x 6
85k x 6
90k x 3 (pb)
70k x 6

DB lunges:

2x16k DBs 4x12

Leg press:

150k x 6
170k x 6
150 x 6

Ive noticed since i started keeping a training log that i have progressed quite a lot. Even if its only by a few more reps or a couple of kgs.

Really feeling that my squat form is bang on atm. Best bit of advice i read on t-nation is keep your hands close in on the bar ;)

Just loving every second of training just now. Long may it continue! :p
ultra, what are you actually taking fella?

wont be overly specific so as not to give freefaller hassles but essentially

40mg p/d dbol kicker for 2 weeks with 25mg winny (just come to the end of that phase) 250mg test enan e4d IM. Will finish up with HCG from week 8 thru 13 for recovery bringing nolva and clomid on stream @ week 10.

Very basic very beginner cycle. No sides to date, possibly less clear skin something i might watch if i ever do tren or add deca.
Looks like it's working for you dude - I'd be interested in hearing your progress if you want to drop me a mail (trust) or on msn :)

My session today:




Deadlift (no belt or chalk):

Pronated grip:
alternate grip:



Side DB Raises - very slow, single armed, no swinging, excruciatingly honest form:

8x7.5kg each arm
8x10kg each arm
8x12kg each arm
6x15kg each arm
10x7.5kg each arm

Short and sweet session today - forced to do a 2mile run as I had to rendez-vous with my father to pick up my spare car keys as I had locked my keys in the boot of my car! :oops:

Felt I could have done more but I was hungry and wanted to go home! :p
Very good form:cool:, I have never really thought about it before until I watched those video's. When I do standing military press occasionall, I do power cleans to get it up on to my shoulders where as my friend takes it off of the rack, different strokes for different fokes I guess.

^ Posted in the post your pics thread but I was interested to know how much you lift when doing military presses?
wont be overly specific so as not to give freefaller hassles but essentially

40mg p/d dbol kicker for 2 weeks with 25mg winny (just come to the end of that phase) 250mg test enan e4d IM. Will finish up with HCG from week 8 thru 13 for recovery bringing nolva and clomid on stream @ week 10.

Very basic very beginner cycle. No sides to date, possibly less clear skin something i might watch if i ever do tren or add deca.

Why you start it so soon after your big cut? thought a decent attempt at a bulk would be a good idea first, get your body used to the kcals again and then hit the good stuff when needed
Why you start it so soon after your big cut? thought a decent attempt at a bulk would be a good idea first, get your body used to the kcals again and then hit the good stuff when needed

i was leaning down for it. Your right i probably could have done another natty cycle or two but ive been sourcing for months and its real hard to resist. Additionally very little of what ive read suggests there are any downsides to starting now, i probably wouldnt recommend such an early start to others but as long as your a capable lifter with good knowledge of form and nutrition there isnt many reasons not to start if your gonna.
aye, im not in it to be mr universe, just simple science in my book. Whilst some might class it as cheating in some ways i should make some serious progress over the next year. at the end of the day what i want is something close to what arnie had, maybe not at competition level as that is something special, but sort of 'Predator' grade. And there aint no one on earth who gets there natty :D
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