Would throw in 100g blueberries or an orange with breakfast.
Seems to be a large gap between afternoon and your PWO shake - consider moving some of the carbs from lunch and protein from dinner to a small protein/fat meal in afternoon and bringing your shake to within 45m/hour of your workout.
Suggest your dinner on workout days should contain some more carbs +fruit instead of protein/fats.
Throwing in some fats instead of carbs on non-workout days might also be beneficial (olive oil/nuts/fish).
Guys - really bad news for me and need a little help
Need a little help. Just got back from the docs to find out I have a minor hernia which requires surgery. Now, the doc himself used to be a lifter and said I can still gym in the meantime but need to avoid any major stress on this area - at the most for legs he recommended light machine leg extensions/curls.
Obviously my favourite exercises - power cleans, deadlifts, squats etc are all ruled out
Little down - I know its nothing major - but training has been really good recently.
Can anyone recommend me a decent upper body program to do in the meantime? Just about to call my health insurance and see how quickly I can get something done.
* I'm talking in terms of split - how about something like:
Chest / Biceps
Shoulders / Triceps
or even
Biceps / Triceps
I find up to 100kg they're easy enough grip wise, I use cross-armed, but should try the clean grip and see how I fair with them. After 100kg it starts to get a bit tricky. Front squats are so much easier to do ATG though.
Sorry to hear about that but it doesn't sound too serious, I hope it's sorted quickly
Personally I would take advantage or some frequency and do a full body workout three times a week.
Aye it does and too much for me to endure - I just need to get stronger and tougher on the shoulder!
yeh I'm not suprised, when I saw your push press efforts I was thinking "man that guys delts must be as thin as pancakes"
Turns out my Adams Multivitamins are too big and I keep choking on them.
Is it ok to mash them down to powder and throw them in my shake when I need ?