For the gym rats

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Thanks Morba - I know you're a volume fan too ;) :D

As for the multivitamins... have you pondered as to WHY you're taking them? Have you felt a benefit for taking them? Or do you just *think* you need to take them?
Just came back from a week off.. And although I've slightly shrunk.. My lifts are going up :)

Bench: 3 sets of 10x70kg And it felt fine :D felt like I could push out 12 reps and like I could have done more sets :p I think I'm v.close to benching 100kg now :p

Going to do some heavy neg's next week, increase the weight in the weeks after then depending how I feel go for 100kg by new years :D ( I feel like I might be able to do it now ;))

Deadlift: Haven't done many recently brought up 162.5kg no problem :p
Quick question, im making my new 3 day split routine. Fairly straight forward stuff really but was wondering what would be best for the hammys.

Im not sure to do good mornings/ or sldl's cos this would change the day id do them on and ive never done either of these excercises. Thoughts?
Don't bother with good mornings unless you do strict form.

SLDLs are great as long as you don't go too heavy as you can screw up your lower back. RLDLs (i.e. SLDLs but with bent knees) are very good for ham and glute activation.

Ham extension (using a cable machine) or hyper-extensions too believe it or not.
Thought I'd update you all, Had a go at some squats today and did 1 set of 275lbs for 10 reps and was distraught. Decided to just leave. Bench is most likely dire especially with my shoulder injury.

Weight is 200 give or take a few lbs.

Not looking good right now, need to start eating properly and working out more often.
That's good going mate :)
Cheers :D

Don't bother with good mornings unless you do strict form.

SLDLs are great as long as you don't go too heavy as you can screw up your lower back. RLDLs (i.e. SLDLs but with bent knees) are very good for ham and glute activation.

Ham extension (using a cable machine) or hyper-extensions too believe it or not.


Thought I'd update you all, Had a go at some squats today and did 1 set of 275lbs for 10 reps and was distraught. Decided to just leave. Bench is most likely dire especially with my shoulder injury.

Weight is 200 give or take a few lbs.

Not looking good right now, need to start eating properly and working out more often.

:( Daaaam.

Hope you get yourself sorted soon!
Cheers :D


:( Daaaam.

Hope you get yourself sorted soon!

I still have it in me, I know I do, it's just that I'm no longer loose, my knees were hurting, muscles stretching, just didn't seem fluid. I havn't worked out in a loooooong time, once i get back into it I'm sure Ill be back up there it's just getting that motivation right now.

Deadlifts (no belt, no chalk):


Seated DB Shoulder Press:


Side Lateral Raises:


Supersetted with Bent over lateral raises:


Just a short intense session today - the gym was crowded and I wasn't in the mood. Didn't go heavy, just wanted lots of reps and good form really. Drenched by the end of it. Took about 45mins altogether which is good going.
Hey guys, figured i'd see if anyones got some advancements on my program i've been doing lately.

I've been lifting on and off for 2-3 years but only started to get serious this summer as my gym in london was expensive and rubbish, but now i have access to power/squat racks and DL platforms and all sorts, so i've taken it up a step.

I'm 19, 73.5-74kg, 5'11

Current stats (1RM)

Bench: 77.5kg
Squat: 105kg
Deadlift: 120kg

I've been doing 3 full workouts a week, merging Starr's 5x5 with Rippetoes 3x5 starting strength by doing:

Squats 5x5
Deadlift 1x5
Bench 4x5
Dumbell Flies 3x5
Incline bench 3x5
Dumbell Bent-over row 3x5
Tricep extension 3x5
Wide grip chin ups 3x5
and some ab work.

Anyone got any crits or comments on that program? I think it works a lot of my body. I've neglected bicepsa little as all the heavy lifts i do tend to keep them at a good size and strength as it is. Training for strength more than anything. Cheers.
you have been doing that for 3 years? how much have you progressed in the 3 years?

might be worth doing a more convetional split, especially if you want to gain strength.

doing heavy bench, deads and squats 3 times a week is not going to increase your strength with the rest of what you are doing :p
lol :D

How much time have you already had off by slacking?

Surely you just need to get you're ass down the gym start lifting even if it is 10lb dumbell curls and 100's of situps :p;)

Haven't been serious since july so quite a lot of time. As soon as my shoulder went though my eating and motivation just went to hell. Been eating a lot this week as I've got a week off for thanks giving and managed to get some British bacon and sausages so eating those non stop. :D

I'll get back into it over christmas I reckon, Will only be squats and leg press though until the phys gives the all clear for powercleans :D
Haven't been serious since july so quite a lot of time. As soon as my shoulder went though my eating and motivation just went to hell. Been eating a lot this week as I've got a week off for thanks giving and managed to get some British bacon and sausages so eating those non stop. :D

I'll get back into it over christmas I reckon, Will only be squats and leg press though until the phys gives the all clear for powercleans :D

Wow, long time!

Weirdly I can relate quite well my gym partner got a shoulder injury over the summer while we weren't at uni.. up until only a few weeks ago he would get stressed and some times walk off towards the end of workouts because his shoulder is either lagging behind/giving him jip or it gets to him that I'm lifting more and goes off in funny moods :p (he's insanely competitive so doesn't like taking weight off when we switch) I can see why he gets de-motivated but like you usually say.. He should just shut up and lift.

As for bacon/sausages... I still can't resist sometimes.. Especially if there some good stuff on offer :p
RE: Pics thread.
Thanks freefaller.
I'm trying to bulk up to 13 stone atm is my goal. But i'm sure when i get there i'll aim for 14 :) My chest has allways been lacking, i'm pritty much following the routine in the sticky. What would you recommend for rear delts. I used to do a lot of running and i have to lift funny at work, witch doesnt help my knees, i'm gona keep light and try and keep perfect form. I'd get my spotter to take a video but he droped out after a week lol :)
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