For the gym rats

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Hey guys, here's my current routine.. only done twice a week as my gym is about 5mins down a steep hill in what seems to be the coldest place ever :p

Still, it does seem to be working somewhat..

DB Bench: 23kg(per hand) 3x5
DB Arnold Press: 20kg (per hand) 2x4
Chins: 3x5
Dips: 3x5
Pull ups: 1x2 (usually after the chins, so not the best time)
roman chair back extension: 15kg plate in hand, 2x10
crunches (with one of the ab cradles): 1x15
leg raises (slow): 1x15
side crunches (with ab cradle): 1x15 each side
squats: to below parallel thighs to ground, 70kg 1x6(not a limit, just warm up), 80kg 2x5, 90kg 1x2
5 plyometric depth press-ups ( )

anything I've overlooked?

I know that feeling! My target is 100kg, but I know I'll aim for more once I get there! My other aim is to achieve 600kg lifts in the big 3... getting there!

Post a vid of your squats I'm sure we can give you some guidance. :) If your knees hurt you can try front squats which put less pressure on the joints.

For shoulder workouts have a look here:

Use DBs or cable for shoulders as it keeps the tension on them throughout the exercises. Once you've built up your strength mix in some BB work. Shoulders need more volume than heavy weight to develop so start off on light weights with high reps (10) with strict form.

As for chest, mix some DB and BB work, incline and decline bench are best for size development. Also some wide grip dips are key. Flies help for pump and a bit of size, but has to be done carefully and with strict form to be beneficial.

Bent over rows, chins and DB rows will also help with upper shoulder work. As will powercleans, but they require a fair amount of technique but are definitely worth mastering. :)
Thanks for the link m8, i'll make sure to add some to my back day! I love dips :D and my chins are getting there just about doing 4x6 with body weight. I'd like to get to your size, you look strong! I need to join a proper gym to, the one i'm at is more fitness but its cheap, so will have to do for now :) If i can get my gym buddy to come back ill get a video! :)
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you have been doing that for 3 years? how much have you progressed in the 3 years?

might be worth doing a more convetional split, especially if you want to gain strength.

doing heavy bench, deads and squats 3 times a week is not going to increase your strength with the rest of what you are doing :p

I've started that program since summer this year as before then i had no access to much apart from some awful machines, which did help but very slow.

Since summer i've gone from 10 stone 7 to 11 stone 10 with this program. My lifts have increased rather significantly.

What kind of split do you recommend? I took the big 3 lifts 3 times a week from Rippetoe's starting strength program.
Well, unless you have plateud, i wouldnt bother changing for now. you made it seem lik you had been doing that for years :P
Thanks Morba - I know you're a volume fan too ;) :D

As for the multivitamins... have you pondered as to WHY you're taking them? Have you felt a benefit for taking them? Or do you just *think* you need to take them?

Hmm I have always assumed they are the norm for any bodybuilder or athlete.

In my mind they make my hair and skin a bit better, and the anti oxidants I wouldn't have thought could do any harm. And various other benefits that I admit I do not fully understand.

Anyway back to my question : will grinding up the Tablet and putting it in my shake make it any less beneficial?

I remember reading a post on MP forums a while back you did being against all tablets, but I brought the Adams because a fair few recommended them. But they are just too big for me to swallow comfortably :(

T-Bars / Supersetted with Wide grip Chins:

12xbar+30kg / 6xBW
10xbar+60kg / 8xBW
8xbar+90kg / 7xBW
6xbar+115kg / 6xBW
6xbar+115kg / 6xBW
8xbar+75kg / 7xBW



Single Arm Bent over DB Rows supersetted with BORs (suppinated grip):

8x40kg (each arm) / 8x60kg
8x40kg (each arm) / 10x60kg
8x40kg (each arm) / 10x60kg
8x40kg (each arm) / 8x60kg

V-Grip Pull downs:


Short and sweet session. Didn't really feel motivated, but feel better for it now. Numbers are a bit static, I need to start pushing myself I think.
:cool:Nice session Freefaller, I myself alternate with bent over one arm dumbbell rows from time to time. I do 2x8 45kg swap arms, 2x8 55kg swap arms, 2x8 60kg swap arms. Does this ache your elbows at all mine do sometimes, do you think elbow support straps would help me?
It depends on your ROM I would have thought... where abouts in the elbow? Is it when you're at the top and therefore bending the elbow, or is it in the process of bringing it up. If it's the latter it's probably some tendon inflammation in the forearms where it links to the elbow. How close do you keep your arm to the torso? How high do you bring the elbow up? Does it happen with lighter weights?
It depends on your ROM I would have thought... where abouts in the elbow? Is it when you're at the top and therefore bending the elbow, or is it in the process of bringing it up. If it's the latter it's probably some tendon inflammation in the forearms where it links to the elbow. How close do you keep your arm to the torso? How high do you bring the elbow up? Does it happen with lighter weights?

ROM:confused:, Yep I keep it close to my torso and keep it very controlled going up aswell as down. I bring it up almost to the point of where its aligned with my side. I tend to get a pain/ache ever so slightly above the elbow afterwards:confused:
Range of Motion ;)

Sounds like tennis elbow type of symptoms - not really something that we can discuss on here - might be worth going to the physio?

Really didn't feel up for it today, but forced my way to the gym. IT was dead - empty. Kinda nice, but eerie at the same time.

Front squats:


Back squats:


Single leg, leg press:

8x50kg (each leg)



French press:


Cable tricep pull down:

Missed out my leg day on Friday so caught up today


12 x 50kg
10 x 70kg
8 x 70kg
8 x 80kg
6 x 85kg
10 x 70kg

Dumbell Lunges

3 x 10 x 48kg

Front Squat
10 x 30kg
10 x 50kg
8 x 55kg
3 x 60kg
(need to get used to these ... my shoulders don't like!)

Calf raises
12 x 70kg
10 x 90kg
10 x 90kg
8 x 100kg
8 x 105kg
8 x 105kg

My legs won't feel too pleasant tomorrow :(
I'd try hitting up some higher reps Freefaller, legs really respond well to 15+ reps and supersetting.... if you're man enough :D

Low reps are easy.

Pigeon Killer, I've been supersetting leg extensions with front squats. Means you can keep the weight down on the front squats, might make it a bit better on the wrists?
I use the cross arm grip it's tricky when it gets heavy, but you can use straps to hold it in place - it hurts a lot less then!

It's amazing how doing front squats destroys your legs. Whilst those 140kg back squats were deep and below parallel, no way would I hve been able to rep on my 180kg working set! 160kg would have been ok - but as I said I really didn't feel up to it!
I'd try hitting up some higher reps Freefaller, legs really respond well to 15+ reps and supersetting.... if you're man enough :D

Low reps are easy.

I'm the king of supersets! ;) Today was just a short session only let myself have 75s between reps so relatively high intensity, legs do respond better to high reps in some cases, but volume is important too - I'd rather do 6 sets of 8, rather than 3 sets of 15.

I vary it anyway from month to month, from high volume, to high reps etc.. :)

It's a good poiint though.
I agree, generally do highish reps for 3 weeks then have a heavy week. Volume is indeed important for legs, some people do 3-4 sets of squats and think thats it. That's warm up?! My leg session seems to take around 1 1/2 - 2 hours lately.!

I've got a new training partner for legs and he LOVES the supersets. We ended up giant set of leg extensions > leg press > hack squats a couple weeks ago.

Oh... and on his birthday (30) we aimed to get 30 reps on every exercise! Hate to think how many reps we achieved that Saturday morning.... :D
Pigeon Killer, I've been supersetting leg extensions with front squats. Means you can keep the weight down on the front squats, might make it a bit better on the wrists?
I've been supersetting mine with leg curls but I'm not even lifting any weight at the moment.

I've tried doing them using the cross armed grip but the bar always rolls off my shoulders making it very difficult to actually concentrate on the squats. I then switched to the clean grip and managed 5x8 at 60kg albeit painfully. I worked my way up to 75kg last Monday but had to stop after 3 reps on four occasions because my wrists were in agony.

Don't see much point in continuing with an exercise that causes me pain without working the body part I want it to. Think it's back to heavy leg press/zercher squats for me.
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