For the gym rats

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Just seems a little fake to me, what happened to good old fashioned hardwork. Seems like a lot of people take the easy option:o.
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gear will help to an extent, but it still takes as much hard work as a natural person. just in most cases on gear you will get bigger and stronger.
Hey guys,

just have a couple of questions/issues..

I've been incorporating a lot of tricep dips into my workout and recently finding i get an awful pain in my sternum when going down. Almost as if something is stretching out? Was wondering if i have my technique wrong, or possible stretching issues?

Also, does anyone have any good workouts, other than wrist rollers, for the wrists?

Hey guys,

just have a couple of questions/issues..

I've been incorporating a lot of tricep dips into my workout and recently finding i get an awful pain in my sternum when going down. Almost as if something is stretching out? Was wondering if i have my technique wrong, or possible stretching issues?

Also, does anyone have any good workouts, other than wrist rollers, for the wrists?


Pain/stretching in the sternum region indiczates you are tearing the pectoral muscle fibres near the center. This is a good thing as this is a tough area to develop. I myself only get this feeling from bar dips and its great :D you need to learn to distinguish between pain and PAIN it should be obvious when something isnt right.

Forearm training at beginner level should really be kept to plate pinches and maybe specialist grippers like the lower end 'captains of crush' the rest will come simply from holding heavy things
nope, I find when benchpressing i get this weird "tingly" sensation in my wrists/hand.

potentially tendonitis in the wrist, might be worth going to a physio to get it checked out. i left mine longer than i should and ended up not being able to lift for about 2 months :/
Pain/stretching in the sternum region indiczates you are tearing the pectoral muscle fibres near the center. This is a good thing as this is a tough area to develop. I myself only get this feeling from bar dips and its great :D you need to learn to distinguish between pain and PAIN it should be obvious when something isnt right.

Forearm training at beginner level should really be kept to plate pinches and maybe specialist grippers like the lower end 'captains of crush' the rest will come simply from holding heavy things

This is more like a sharp pain, concentrating in the middle, not like a "tearing", from say the burn i get in my muscles the next morning.

Also, with forearms, I seem to have a lot of muscle near the elbow region, but none nearer the wrist, anything in particular I could do to increase the use? Or is it just a steady progression from the other strength exercises I do?
Oh well not so impressive then.:(
He is almost 23 stone:) and went to the "worlds" strongman competition in Korea. He is not a bodybuilder or a powerlifter, he is a strongman so its hard to say he is not impressive based on a photo. Bear in mind the world record for deadlift is 455kg.

I think anyone who gets to compete in Britain's Strongest man is impressive:

Jay Hughes is Mick's training partner (along with Jay's brother rob

Paul Carter trained down this gym for a good time till his motor packed up.

Oli Thompson I see him rarely in the gym (he has a video on youtube where he snaps a bicep tendon doing deadlift).

U can see those 3 below.

Also check out my gym's website for more photo's of people who train there:

Im not there cause I never tried any strongman events.

Also there is an IFBB pro James Llewlin who trains there and u can find a link to his site in the links page of the gym.

My only claim to fame is I can do 8 reps of 180kg deadlift at 13st bodyweight.:)
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Also there is an IFBB pro James Llewlin who trains there and u can find a link to his site in the links page of the gym.

ive got james on my facebook! was good to see him get his pro card recently :]

Mick shouldnt be on gear, WSM is tested isnt it?
nah, there is loads down south mate, i wouldnt worry too much about your figures as they are based around normal gym equipment. its worth finding somewhere that does strongman training so that you can learn strongman equipment :D
I assumed steroids were not aloud in official strongman competition:confused:

I don't know how u could stop it really. If u do 3 or 4 years of solid preparation (untested) then enter the WSM clean, you would have a significant advantage over someone natural. Thats assuming a natural could ever achieve such strength gains.

Why should the WSM be any different to Mr. Olympia? I would guess its an unwritten law that u must be on gear (and anything else that helps) to get on the stage in the first place.

I would assume anyone of a certain size/physique was on gear.

In the powerlifting side u get "natural" federations which test, so then its assumed everyone else is on the gear. To me its easier to assume people are on the gear. You also get "natural" bodybuilding feds. Why should WSM be any different.

I believe you are right though. Cause Puzionofski (spelling?) was in some controversy due to him testing positive for something or other.

To me though its just crazy that pudzionfski should be thought of as a natural.

Steroids only came out in the 60s at the olympic games (excuse me if I get the dates wrong, I'm not a historian). The size of some people today is can't be compared to the bodybuilding champions of 50s or earlier. Thats mostly due to steroids ect.
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