My mistake, putting 2008 next to Jay Cutler made me put 2 + 2 and get 5.
Just seems a little fake to me, what happened to good old fashioned hardwork. Seems like a lot of people take the easy option
Have u thought that he might actually be working hard and doing absolutely everything he can to improve, including gear? He says he eats every 1.5 hrs.
Was that world record naturally done?
As discussed before there are natural powerlifting federations aswell as bodybuilding natural federations and if its not got natural in the title and they don't test for it then its guaranteed to have gear users in it (and gear users will win over naturals).
I can pretty much assume Andy Bolton the English powerlifter who holds the world record for deadlift at 455Kg is on the gear.
Would you think
that is not impressive? Like it or lump it some people will do anything at all to be the best or to just beat someone else, and if everyone has the same mindset; then what is cheating about it?
Ronnie Coleman is 275lb ripped, Mick is close to 322lb and even though he is not a bodybuilder - he could easily be mistaken for one.
You sound like you wouldn't be impressed with anything he did just because its obvious he is on gear.
That James Llewellin is an IFBB pro and trains at my gym. You don't get a pro card without being on gear.
Even though being an IFBB pro means u are on gear, is that not impressive? The mere fact that they have competed against their peers and got to that status alone is impressive. The fact that they use gear doesn't depreciate this.
Its sad that u have to be on gear to get anywhere in the iron game.
This is my opinion ofcourse.
The fact that you ask if these people are on gear makes me think that you don't realise how widespread its use is; consequently you are falsely assuming people you have not heard are on the gear are actually clean.
Watch this movie/documentary:
I am not writing this as an argument for the use of gear and I am not defending the use of it.
However it is wrong to assume gear is an "easy option".
I heard FF say in another thread (about which protein powder to buy) that he thinks he trains harder than a lot of other people who go to the gym. That may be true however I train alongside people who have been in Country and World competitions and a guy who won Mr. Kent; from what I see I don't train any less hard. In fact when I first started training I prided myself in training as hard as possible regardless of results. The difference I believe is all made away from the gym.