For the gym rats

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Dude i have a friend who is a fairly ripped 160lbs and he needs 4000kcal to bulk even a little. You cant make assumptions like that based on peoples weight alone. From what i've seen Overclocka is a very lean/skinny type and could well need huge caloric intake to make any headway, hopefully he has sense enough to back off if he starts gaining fat. On the plus side naturally skinny guys will drop weight like nothing if needed so fat gain is less of a worry

160lbs and needs 4000kcal to bulk even a little? Either he's not ACTUALLY taking in 4000kcal or he's 12 and spends all day running around mate.

How many lbs is he putting on a week @ "4000kcal"?

I know a lot of people who claim to be taking in this and that, but if you actually speant a day with them or worked out their diet they are normally way off.
I'm not too worried about low bodyfat at the moment, but once I'm at a bigger size of course I'll be looking to trim down a bit and not sit at 20%+ , but I've got some time to bulk till then :)

The bodyfat is just an estimate, really should get it measured properly sometime - I've posted recent pics in the pic thread not long ago.

Just remember, it's a lot easier to bulk and add muscle then it is to cut and maintain muscle :)

An interesting article here.
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Just remember, it's a lot easier to bulk and add muscle then it is to cut and maintain muscle :)

An interesting article here.

Interesting read, according to that with my lean mass body weight I should be consuming around 500 kcals less for optimal growth.

The only way for me to really find out properly is to stick to a certain amount of calories strictly for a couple of weeks and see what happens to my weight , then go from there
I'm not too worried about low bodyfat at the moment, but once I'm at a bigger size of course I'll be looking to trim down a bit and not sit at 20%+ , but I've got some time to bulk till then :)

The bodyfat is just an estimate, really should get it measured properly sometime - I've posted recent pics in the pic thread not long ago.

I remember seeing your pics (smiley face over your face right?). You don't look like 20% bf but then again you don't look bulky at all. How tall are you? I'm surprised you're even 195lbs! I don't mean to sound nasty, I just want to make sure you're going to hit some decent realistic targets and develop yourself a body that you're after. Your body composition looks very young how old are you, I'm guessing about 20? You have a LOT of muscle to develop IMO - but that's just me. I like dense, solid and well defined muscle rather than podgy bulk, but then again I don't do bulk/cut cycles. :)

Good luck either way, but don't go crazy on the bulking, concentrating on training more.
I like dense, solid and well defined muscle rather than podgy bulk, but then again I don't do bulk/cut cycles. :)

Good luck either way, but don't go crazy on the bulking, concentrating on training more.

Question....You say you don't do bulk/cut cycles, so what do you do exactly?

Just watch your calorie intake and cut foods back every so often? Or just eat a desired amount that you know you can burn off while training while still having enough to develop?...But without gaining the extra fat.

As you said, I personally don't like podgy muscles, if that makes sense...Yes you may be stronger, however I'd just rather look more compact so to speak.
I remember seeing your pics (smiley face over your face right?). You don't look like 20% bf but then again you don't look bulky at all. How tall are you? I'm surprised you're even 195lbs! I don't mean to sound nasty, I just want to make sure you're going to hit some decent realistic targets and develop yourself a body that you're after. Your body composition looks very young how old are you, I'm guessing about 20? You have a LOT of muscle to develop IMO - but that's just me. I like dense, solid and well defined muscle rather than podgy bulk, but then again I don't do bulk/cut cycles. :)

Good luck either way, but don't go crazy on the bulking, concentrating on training more.

Yup that's the one - I'm just a touch over 6ft (185cm) - good guess on the age I'm 21 (only for a few more weeks though!)

I like to think I've made good progress in the last months from looking in the mirror/weights increasing although my bodyweight hasn't really changed much at all, hence I'm trying to make a strict diet and stick to that.

I think my chest/upper width is the area I'm lacking which makes me appear skinnier, I did measurements recently just to compare and it seems chest is small in comparison :

Chest - 38"
Bicep - 13"
Waist - 34"
Legs - 24"
Neck - 15"
That's a good above average physique for some one of your age IMO. But I think you really need to start hitting the weights hard if you want to see good gains, yes diet is important, but I still wouldn't go mad on eating everything under the sun! :)
Question....You say you don't do bulk/cut cycles, so what do you do exactly?

Just watch your calorie intake and cut foods back every so often? Or just eat a desired amount that you know you can burn off while training while still having enough to develop?...But without gaining the extra fat.

As you said, I personally don't like podgy muscles, if that makes sense...Yes you may be stronger, however I'd just rather look more compact so to speak.

Eat well, sleep well and train like a mother****** :D

I eat what I want, I just don't go mad - I eat crisps sometimes if I feel like it, and sometimes I'll have some cake and a chocolate bar. I don't believe in restricting everything you eat - however, conversely I do watch what I eat and do eat a lot but I train hard minimum of 3x a week, up to 4x a week plus rugby training/games.

I'm not into the ripped to shreds look either as that's just too much dedication and hard work for the lifestyle I lead - I work long hours (up at 5am every day and leave work at 6pm) and so although I have a lot of commitment I can't dedicate my life to it in such an absolute manner.

I may not be "big" though people on here seem to disagree :o however my muscle density is high and very solid and I prefer that. That's also partially down to age, and length of training, but also genes. AS you get older and the longer you train your muscle fibres do become denser and your look more "solid" so to speak.

I eat well, good quality foods, lots of fruit and veg, and 2 meals with meat in them every day and a hearty breakfast. I probably take in well over 3k cals, probably touching around 3.5k, though some days I'll take in a lot less, some days i'll take in in excess of 4k... it just depends on what my body's telling me - I'm quite good at working out what it needs and respond accordingly. :)
Eat well, sleep well and train like a mother****** :D

I eat what I want, I just don't go mad - I eat crisps sometimes if I feel like it, and sometimes I'll have some cake and a chocolate bar. I don't believe in restricting everything you eat - however, conversely I do watch what I eat and do eat a lot but I train hard minimum of 3x a week, up to 4x a week plus rugby training/games.

I'm not into the ripped to shreds look either as that's just too much dedication and hard work for the lifestyle I lead - I work long hours (up at 5am every day and leave work at 6pm) and so although I have a lot of commitment I can't dedicate my life to it in such an absolute manner.

I may not be "big" though people on here seem to disagree :o however my muscle density is high and very solid and I prefer that. That's also partially down to age, and length of training, but also genes. AS you get older and the longer you train your muscle fibres do become denser and your look more "solid" so to speak.

I eat well, good quality foods, lots of fruit and veg, and 2 meals with meat in them every day and a hearty breakfast. I probably take in well over 3k cals, probably touching around 3.5k, though some days I'll take in a lot less, some days i'll take in in excess of 4k... it just depends on what my body's telling me - I'm quite good at working out what it needs and respond accordingly. :)

Ah ok, good points thank you for replying :)

I just like to get ideas into my head, and see what other people do and make my own mish-mash of how I will go about thing's I guess.

I'm knew to actually 'doing' weights on the side, so I'm still learning, currently only doing weights at home as I don't have the money at the moment to go to the Gym (Well...I don't have the money to do anything actually) but I seem to be developing a nice workout through various routines.

Only thing I should do more of is cardio really, however my knee does hold me back sometimes.
For cardio which is soft on the knees swimming is your answer. Yes it's boring, but it's also very very good.

There are a lot of basic guidelines to follow.

1. Don't eat crap food.
2. Be honest with yourself.
3. Train hard, and always push yourself to achieve more than you think you can.
4. Maintain your motivation (hard to achieve at times.)
5. Keep a journal, with pictures - you can then SEE your progress.
6. Choose a goal/target.
7. Be patient, work hard.
8. Sleep well.
9. Drink less alcohol (boring I know but it does help) - note, I said, less, not cut it out. ;)
10. Be ready to modify your life a little around your training.
11. Get to bed earlier, and sleep well.

The list can go on....

I'm fortunate I've been training hard for a couple of years now and I know when my body responds and when it doesn't. I can tell if I'm need of carbs/sugars or when I feel I need more fruit/veg or even more meat/protein based foods. I focus on when my body is feeling tip top to gauge the rest of my training around it. Supplements can help this feeling, but you need to try and achieve this without them first. IF you can do it without supplementing your diet then supplements WILL be beneficial to you - until then, you need to learn what your body is telling you.

It's just practice and experience. There is no one answer, everyone is different. My training is completely different to a lot of people's here but I'm achieving the goals I want. :)

Rugby training. No game today, furthermore the pitch was rock hard. Just practice some passes, tackle manoeuvres, dummies, switches and set pieces etc... About 2hrs of running up and down a pitch so felt good, so good that my hams are feeling a bit taught today!


Squats (lightish):


Step ups:

6(each leg)xBW+60kg
6(each leg)xBW+60kg
6(each leg)xBW+60kg
6(each leg)xBW+60kg

Standing Shoulder Press (BB):


Cable lateral rises:


T-Bar rows:


Lat pull down:

8x100kg (wide grip)
5x100kg (narrow grip)
7x100kg (wide grip)
6x100kg (narrow grip)
7x100kg (wide grip)
6x100kg (narrow grip)
6x100kg (wide grip)
5x100kg (narrow grip)

A bit of a mix of exercises as I haven't really had the chance to get back into my routine. This week though sees the start of me back on my 4x week training (I hope!) 3x at the miminum. Can't wait!
Back to the gym for me tomorrow. Had two weeks off and have eaten nothing but crap but I've thoroughly enjoyed it. Put on roughly 6lbs of fat but hope to get rid of it over the next month.

Had planned to lift heavy weights for low reps but I'm going to do lighter weights for higher reps, maybe 3x10. Will probably switch to heavy weight, low reps when my spotter returns from his travels in March.
back in the gym myself for the first time tomorow, after a lay off since april. should be fun :D

just have to see what state im in now and try not to over cook it for the first week back.
Had an interesting discussion earlier, if you could only perform 2 exercises for the rest of your life what would they be? I chose the squat and wide grip pull up, however a lot of my friends chose the power clean and bench press. what about you guys?
For cardio which is soft on the knees swimming is your answer. Yes it's boring, but it's also very very good.

There are a lot of basic guidelines to follow.

1. Don't eat crap food.
2. Be honest with yourself.
3. Train hard, and always push yourself to achieve more than you think you can.
4. Maintain your motivation (hard to achieve at times.)
5. Keep a journal, with pictures - you can then SEE your progress.
6. Choose a goal/target.
7. Be patient, work hard.
8. Sleep well.
9. Drink less alcohol (boring I know but it does help) - note, I said, less, not cut it out. ;)
10. Be ready to modify your life a little around your training.
11. Get to bed earlier, and sleep well.

The list can go on....

I'm fortunate I've been training hard for a couple of years now and I know when my body responds and when it doesn't. I can tell if I'm need of carbs/sugars or when I feel I need more fruit/veg or even more meat/protein based foods. I focus on when my body is feeling tip top to gauge the rest of my training around it. Supplements can help this feeling, but you need to try and achieve this without them first. IF you can do it without supplementing your diet then supplements WILL be beneficial to you - until then, you need to learn what your body is telling you.

It's just practice and experience. There is no one answer, everyone is different. My training is completely different to a lot of people's here but I'm achieving the goals I want. :)

Thanks for the reply again Freefaller.

Hm, swimming is a good one, it'll be good for me as I can't swim properly anyway :p Nearly drowned about 8 years ago I think ;) But it'll certianly be a good workout.

I can cycle, it's more running / jogging that does my knee in, although Cycling can as well if enough pressure is applied during the route I do.

Good pointers though, luckily I'm quite into my healthy foods, I always try and eat half decently (Excluding the odd biscuits I should cut out) as I used to be quite bad concerning my figure (Fat wise, even though I'm far from it really so I'm told, which I am.)

As I said, I do have a good workout planned that I do Mondays, Wednesdays, Friday's...And my body is definetly aching afterwards.

I'll take the journal idea on though, I've taken a few picks already, but I can personally notice a slight change already and I've only been going a couple of months if that.
Had an interesting discussion earlier, if you could only perform 2 exercises for the rest of your life what would they be? I chose the squat and wide grip pull up, however a lot of my friends chose the power clean and bench press. what about you guys?

power clean and bench press aswell.

Whilst this might be looking a little deeply into things, i think the hamstring activation from the power clean plus the back, bicep and trap involvment would sort out most major muscle groups. The chest and tris and delts would get sorted on the bench. I would suggest this would leave you with an aesthetically pleasing and fairly functional physique. The only notable neglection are the quads which in all fairness do not require massive stimulation to be at least functional, nor do they need to be particularily strong to support other exercises (as in the other two mentioned).

Thats what id go for.

EDIT whooops i think perhaps the snatch could be even better than the power clean, involves all the same muscles AND hits the quads..
Wow.. a ton of newbies in since the new year.

In a way it's bad as there's queues for equipment. But at least there's plenty more small guys so I don't look at out place.

Will be interesting to see how many last over the next few months.
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