For the gym rats

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As for "strong, healthy, happy".. is it impossible for you to be any/all of those without steroids? Why do you think it necessary to take them? You commented before about how you want to have the "Dutch Look" (Arnie in Predator) .. why? He took all manners of 'roids to get his physique, which even in Predator is something extraordinary (the very fact he was hired for the job tells you this, too) .. so really, want you want is the body of someone who uses 'roids. Yes, he worked very hard, as do you, but I want to know why do you (and many others out there) want a body that is *only* achievable with the use of steroids (I'm not negating the hardwork put in)?

There's no way to explain why to someone who doesn't understand. I personally want to be as strong as i can be without juice, not because i have anything against the taking of steriods, but simply because i don't feel it would make me any more happy (plus i'm very lazy and having to think about Xmg on this day and that day, and then PCTs etc, makes me tired just thinking about it). Some people however want to take it further and get as big and strong as they can full stop.

In the same way i'm happy with a car that can get me from A to B in decent time and can carry my stuff when i need. I can't understand why my mate will spend silly money on a new Ferrari, that just looks better and goes faster (although far from proportionally to the cost).
OK i have been a slacker since just before xmas and have started to feel like I'm shrinking i have a little less time now than last year so i am going to have to cut back to 3 day split. I am planning on going back to basics for a couple of months to see If i can get back the buzz

whats this split like


incline barbell bench £* 8-12 reps
Close Grip Row Grip Pull Ups 3*8-12 reps
Close Grip Seated Rows 3*8-12
upright rows 3*8-12 reps
Dips 2*10 / 1 to failure
hammer curl standing 3*8-12 reps
skull crushers 3*12 reps


front squat 3*8-12
lunge 3* 8-12
deadlift 3*8-12
ab crunch 3*15
ack Extension 3*8-12
Calf Raise 3*15-20


miltary press 3*8-12
lateral raises 3*8-12
incline DB press 3*8-12
cable crossover 3*8-12
wide grip pull up 30 reps
tricep push down super setteded with overhead tricep pull down 3*10(10 per exercise)
but to some people they are essential. so to say that they arent is misguided.
You have not said anything to make me think anything different.
if you want to lift the most, or be the biggest then you have to be on gear (99.99% of the time).
To lift the same/be as big as others that are on gear, you have to be on gear. Subtle yet significant difference.

That is different completely, hence why there are 2 main sets of rules in powerlifting, feds that allow drugs and feds that dont.
tested feds do not have as strong people.

If you want to lift the most or be the biggest, then an untested fed that allows drugs is what you need to be a part of.

If you are happy to be in a tested fed and compete against other tested people, then cool. but you will not lift or be as big as people who are not tested.
So, to be the biggest or lift the most, you need ot be on gear!

You're completely oblivious to my point. Whether it's arrogance or you just haven't seen it, I am undecided.

"To be the biggest, or lift the most, you need to be on gear" .. only because the people you are competing with/trying to be like are on gear. If you are choosing to compete against/be like others that are on gear, yes, you'll only get somewhere by taking gear.
your point seems stupid. you were saying that people on gear are misguided. yet you also agree that to be the biggest or best you need to be on gear.
if you are not on gear, you will not lift as heavy as someone on gear (generally), so to lift the most you need to be on gear.
lifting without roids would mean you are not lifting the most.
You've still completely missed my actual point. I'm done trying to explain it, so I'm going to agree that we disagree, and leave it at that.
Meh, pulled a muscle in my chest so that's going to be an embuggerance :( Still, legs and back can still be done, though it's amazing how other body parts are involved in completely unrelated lifts.
How long does unflavoured whey protein last after the sell by date?

I've got around 3kg left and the expiry date is sept 2008, I tried some today and it tastes the same as always *hurl*, it's been kept in it's original 4.54kg tub, air tight. How can I tell when it's 'off'.

I had a good chest + triceps session at the gym last night, bumped in to a mate so got him to spot on a few lifts. Made the mistake of exhausting the triceps before going for PB's on flat / incline / decline bench. Still managed to do them though :)
If it's not mouldy, it's fine. You won't grow extra limbs just because a magic number on the box says it's out of date. Though you might break some PB's if that happens :p
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