For the gym rats

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I got flavored whey, just because basically....I like the idea of having a shake.

Yeah that's fine, but I get bored of the same flavour so I bought unflavoured. A teaspoon of nesquik strawberry, chocolate or even to mix it with flavoured oats (like above) gives you more options on flavours to prevent boredom when you buy in bulk (4.54kg!).

I prefer my shakes with skimmed milk rather than water. As it's milk will it really take a lot longer to absorb in to my body than water? I tend to go to the gym late at night after my evening meal so there is no need for a pre-shake, my post shake is my shake before bed so that is with milk.

It's just the mornings I then have one with milk because with water is rank and you can taste it at the back of your throat all day :( I normally have 300ml of water / milk to 30g whey if it makes a difference.
Weird, I don't get any of that with the unflavoured whey I use... It tastes very nutral IMO.

Same. Don't see the problem with unflavoured, tastes really good with milk as well.

Glutamine is the killer for me, that stuff is absolutely rank.
Weird, I don't get any of that with the unflavoured whey I use... It tastes very nutral IMO.

EAAs - now there's bad tasting stuff!

I think it's the bland, neutral, powdery taste that I dislike, I like my foods to taste of something, preferably nice. With milk it isn't a problem, it's just with water.

Saying that, someone brought in some Chinese sweets today, one was a sweetcorn flavoured sweet so I had to try it. Now that was rank, nearly threw up on my keyboard as soon as the taste hit..
I can't stand the unflavoured whey either, Yuk!! I get vanilla flavoured whey mixed 50/50 with water/milk then add a few handfuls of frozen berries, natural yoghurt and oats and maybe some honey if its not sweet enough, makes a good breakfast shake.
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I'm after a little bit of advice here everyone.

Dumbell flys....Is there a technique to help me use my pectorals more? I'm definetly using them to an extent, just I feel I'm using my arms more.

Should I be doing them slower? Faster? Pushing the shoulder blades in? Any sort of tips will be appreciated :)

Thanks everyone.
Slow down, fast up. Don't hyperextend your chest you'll damage your RC, leave a slight kink in your arms but lock 'em in shape. Squeeze with the chest and try to minimise shoulder input.
Slow down, fast up.

Thanks for the reply :)

I'll give it a shot now...Main reason I ask is, like every other exercise I do..You 'feel' the muscle being used...Whereas on Dumbell flys I don't seem to get the same effect.

Could it literally because they aren't developed enough yet? Or it's the technique?

EDIT: Just read your edit, I'll bear it in mind :)
I dont mind the unfavored whey with water. Its creatine and especialy CEE that is the most foul tasting sup ever.

Delvis, i usualy feel like im working my shoulders the most when doing DB flys.
Delvis, i usualy feel like im working my shoulders the most when doing DB flys.

Which would be wrong I would have thought....If anything my tri's feel more used really.

Although Im not doing bench press, as I can specifically make my tri's work more when doing them....along with my chest.

I wasn't saying your wrong in the post by the way :p I just presumed shoulder's would have to be used less than the chest :) (Although some shoulder movement is impossible to avoid I guess...)
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Its the front of the shoulder where i feel it, i was just saying i find it hard to isolate the chest doing flys is all:)

Ive tried lots of slight variations on form, from differnt ammounts of bend in my arm and slow negatives etc. I just cant seem to get them to work for me really.
Its the front of the shoulder where i feel it, i was just saying i find it hard to isolate the chest doing flys is all:)

Ive tried lots of slight variations on form, from differnt ammounts of bend in my arm and slow negatives etc. I just cant seem to get them to work for me really.

Yeah, I wasn't having a go don't worry :p I'm still really new to all this anyway, so ignore me ;)

I find doing dumbell bench presses use my chest more...which is a bit weird.
Yeah i do too :p ive pretty much stopped doing flys. Doing body weight dips is good for your chest too, few variations like leaning forward/upright can shift the focus of the exercise too.

Yeah....I find they hurt my wrist a fair amount though....Same with push ups, unless I use my curved push up things, whatever they are called.
Workout 1:
30 min run on treadmill at 10.5-11 kmh
Cross trainer 15 minutes
Rowing machine 25 minutes 5000m

Workout 2:
Rowing machine 10 minutes 2000m
Flat bench press 4x8reps 35kg
Flat bench dumbell flyes 4x8 8kg (left arm is a lot weaker :( )
Dumbell shoulder press 4x8 reps at 10kg
Lateral raise stand 4x10 reps at 5kg
Lat machine: 4x8 pull @ 40kg
lat machine:reverse grip pull 4x8 50kg
Dumbell shrugs 4x8 20kg

Workout 3
Rowing 10 mins 2000m
Leg extension 4x10 45kg
Half squat 4x8 40kg (is a full squat much better than this?)
Leg element curl: 4x10 40kg
calf raise: 4x10 160kg
standing arm curl with barbell 4x8 7.5kg
dumbells alternate arm curl stand 4x8 12kg
close grip bench press 4x8 35kg
close grip push down 4x10 17.5kg
close grip push ups 3x15reps
curls 3x20
flat bench leg lifts: 3x20
Oblique curls alternate 3x20

Does this look like a good routine? doing the weights days 2x a week and cardio workout 1, 2-3 times a week. Aim to lose a bit of weight/ up the strength.
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