For the gym rats

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I don't think that would one side of the door frame is VERY small...see the right hand side of the pic.

It might fit, but I could see it falling through it or something :p

Only one that 'would' fit, is the oens that fit inbetween the frame, but that can damage the door frame so ive heard.
I don't think that would one side of the door frame is VERY small...see the right hand side of the pic.

It might fit, but I could see it falling through it or something :p

Only one that 'would' fit, is the oens that fit inbetween the frame, but that can damage the door frame so ive heard.

Is there more wall space out in the hall? If there is you could put it up facing away from the camera if you get me? :)
Aye....Theres a bit more room on the oposite side...However as soon as you open my door there a silly annoying cabinet there that my mother uses.

So no hope there :(
Dont you have any other doors in the house? lol

Well yes, but I train in my room.

I'm not going to go down stairs in front of my mother and boyfriend while they're sitting downstairs, and suddenly start doing pull-ups in front of them :p

To be fair...I think there is only one door in the house that isn't next to a damn wall. And that's in the hall way.
Well yes, but I train in my room.

I'm not going to go down stairs in front of my mother and boyfriend while they're sitting downstairs, and suddenly start doing pull-ups in front of them :p

To be fair...I think there is only one door in the house that isn't next to a damn wall. And that's in the hall way.

I thought the good thing about the bar was that you could put it up/take it down very simply and store it away. You could easily just do it when they werent around if you wanted to enough :)
I thought the good thing about the bar was that you could put it up/take it down very simply and store it away. You could easily just do it when they werent around if you wanted to enough :)

Yeah it's handy in that sense....Just I would like to keep to a routine.

And it isn't everyday I have the house to myself, as the doorway that's good enough for it is the one near the front door :p

I'll have t resort to dips or something, it's either that or travel about 15 miles to a fitness trail :o

would anyone be interested in putting my w/l vids on youtube for me? email in trust sorta thing?

Just create an account buddy, only takes a few mins.
Hit 3 plates today for 3 reps on the bench press which isnt bad. Will be happier when i can rep it for 6-8, but stil happy with my progress so far after getting back in the gym, hopefully i can get that up to 160k by the summer time:)
What are BOR's exactly, last time I looked them up I couldn't find a decent description.

Heh, I'd prefer to do them in the comfort of my own home though sadly...As I can't do them well anyway.

And it would seem a bit pointless to do all my exercises at home, only to have to go somewhere else to do like, 5 pull ups :p

I have a 'cupboard' in my room (Which is an actual doorway for some reason) with some decent edges to it, so I may be able to get the bar OoOverclockaoO or Clipsey showed me.
Impressive lifting PK
Cheers PAz :)

Nice intense session there - looks knackering and very similar to the one I did! :)
Not too knackering actually. Having a few minutes in between sets so it's only really the top sets that cause me any distress. Wasn't so much fun to begin but I think I've acclimatised to sets of 10 now.

Had a mixed session tonight. Back's generally feeling weak at the moment but shoulders are feeling ridiculously strong. Think I should be good for 6 to 8 reps with the 45s in a few weeks.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press
27.5K x 10
32.5K x 10
37.5K x 15

T-Bar Rows
65K x 10
75K x 10
85K x 10

Wide Grip Pulldowns
58K x 10
65.5K x 10
73K x 10

Dumbbell Preacher Curls
25K x 10
25K x 10
25K x 10

Really hate pulldowns. Been doing them on and off for nearly four years and still haven't learnt how to use my back properly. My biceps always ache like **** after a few sets and my back hardly gets touched. Pullups on the other hand always hit the spot :confused:
Hmm steak tonight, and legs tomorrow which is always good - hoping to squat a few reps at over 100kg.

I'm still struggling with pull ups but can manage 3 x 3 (all BW) which is an improvement on just about 1 :p
Really hate pulldowns. Been doing them on and off for nearly four years and still haven't learnt how to use my back properly. My biceps always ache like **** after a few sets and my back hardly gets touched. Pullups on the other hand always hit the spot :confused:

I had the same problem! But I finally mastered the technique and now they absolutely hammer my lats.

I found I my body was too straight, now I angle back slightly and try to force the elbows together behind my back (if that makes sense) while keep them pointing outwards. Even replicating the movement now without a bar, I can feel it working the lats.
I find straps (thumbs over the top and not wrapped around the bar) and pulling "from the elbows" helps with pulldowns. Also not using a particually heavy weight.

I go for 12-15 reps on them.

I see a lot of people going silly weight for low reps and all they get it pumped biceps, fail.
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