For the gym rats

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I dont get it? :p

thought i had replied to this...

you could cut on it, but HST will make you hungry, your body needing food and you feeding it right will make it grow.
HST made me very hungry and thats without even getting to the 2 weeks of 5reps!!
Reading this thread is depressing, im still not able to go back in the gym because of this op, and the doc has given me another 2 months off. So by the end of it all that will have been 8months off the gym, and im shirinking badly, and i look terrible. The FRUSTRATION is so emence, seeing people I havnt seen in ages asking if i still train. Suprising how much my confidence has dwindled to.
Now i have to train like hell when i get back to get some respectfull lifts back, i wonder how long its going to take me to get back to my top lifts.
You use(d) steroids don't you? Will you cycle again when you get back? I can't really comment from personal experience but muscle memory ought to help you a lot.
Surely though if your quads could handle say a 300lb legpress but you had weak shoulders and back then you would only be able to squat maybe 100lbs therefore your quads are not being trained as hard as they could, therefore surely leg press would be better until your back and shoulders had caught up?

Whether its your back, shoulders or legs that are limiting your squat the best way to increase your squat poundage is to.............shut up and squat!!! :mad:

You use(d) steroids don't you? Will you cycle again when you get back? I can't really comment from personal experience but muscle memory ought to help you a lot.

Yeh, yeh i will, but not straight away, considering i will be so weak when i go back, and i will more than likely make larger than normal gains in strength and size when i get back. I will leave it first, get my training sorted, get a good base of strength and size back and then use after that. If i use straight away, it might be ot much for my body considering it hasnt trained for 8months.
But im going to ask over on MT and see if anyone has been in my position and see what they reccomend.
Tell you what, im going to the gym tomorow for a cardio session so I'll hop on the lat pull and try a 1RM and see how much I can rack out of it. Any other things you would like me to trial? not to much of a bother really.

A distinct drop in posts from SK07 this last week and a bit?
2 wednesdays have passed..

i really would like to be proven wrong :]
A distinct drop in posts from SK07 this last week and a bit?
2 wednesdays have passed..

i really would like to be proven wrong :]

Lets be honest, about 3-6 months ago or so this guy was posting like "what is protein?" and "isn't creatine a steroid?" type posts. Now he's lifting record weights on some kind of super specialist Lat tower. My geuss would be he mistook pounds for kilos and embillished a bit and now he knows he cant keep up the pretence.

SK07- sure it wasnt intentional m8, but if you blurt numbers on the interweb, especially if they are high, you gotta be able to back them up. The bicep power required for the LAT pulldowns you listed is such that you would be putting significant bicep curl numbers and huge amounts of weighted chins too. It just doesn't sound realistic after less than a year of supplemented training.
Lets be honest, about 3-6 months ago or so this guy was posting like "what is protein?" and "isn't creatine a steroid?" type posts. Now he's lifting record weights on some kind of super specialist Lat tower. My geuss would be he mistook pounds for kilos and embillished a bit and now he knows he cant keep up the pretence.

SK07- sure it wasnt intentional m8, but if you blurt numbers on the interweb, especially if they are high, you gotta be able to back them up. The bicep power required for the LAT pulldowns you listed is such that you would be putting significant bicep curl numbers and huge amounts of weighted chins too. It just doesn't sound realistic after less than a year of supplemented training.

true. but, on another forum there is someone who BORs 200kg, so while its unlikely, it is possible :]
Was going to start a new thread but make as well post in here.

Does anyone use eggwhite products like eggnation and have they seen any benefit! I['m loving my omlettes at the moment but concerned about the yolky bit of the egg in terms cholesterol..

The claims on the eggnation website appear good

What is the "Protein Benefit” of egg whites?
Egg White protein is the purest form of protein known to man in the entire world. Six eggs deliver 15 grams of pure protein, only a trace of carbohydrates, NO fat and NO cholesterol. They are 100% bio-available, which means NONE of high profile of amino acids is wasted. No artificial protein powder can make that claim. Other high protein sourced foods and supplements need to be broken down before the body absorbs the protein. All natural products have always been the recommended way to get the nutrients your body needs.
Does anyone use eggwhite products like eggnation and have they seen any benefit! I['m loving my omlettes at the moment but concerned about the yolky bit of the egg in terms cholesterol..

I just heard the *slap* as Chong reads this through his hands! :D
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