For the gym rats

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Was using one of the chest press machines at my fantastic gym yesterday, its a plate loader but sat horizontally.
unsure of the weight of the arms (both moved individually), but was pressing 117.5kg with it, couple sets of 3. quite happy with that, chest felt really worked this morning. Took the strain off of my shoulder, which is a good thing atm!
Ronnie Coleman?... Jay Cutler....?.... They all do leg press

Bit different for mass monsters like those though tbh.
much easier to whack shed loads more weight on a leg press and target the quads more accurately than squats. Top bodybuilders have their routines sorted so that the other muscles, not being hit by not squatting, get worked hard anyway.
Are you blind or did you just not see his post? :confused:

I would have enjoyed to have seen your post as it would have really made my day. Let me just say without knowing what you have seen but what I saw from markyp's post "slagging people about there lifts" I will assume. Now coming from Styles, CW, Morba or what not I could take them knocking me on lifts because they have the physique size + experience to back that up. Coming from you on the other hand it's a different story. I won't get into it though as it could be deemed as a personal attack :).

Anyway back on topic. Between Squats and Leg Press imo Squats far outweigh the Leg Press. Leg Press doesn't give me a good workout seems somewhat cheap, no offence to others who find it useful. Doing Squats on the other hand, heavy squats for example like I did on Saturday morning im still feeling the pain from then.
SK07, I would like to view your routine if I may?

Im planning a new routine, im not even really doing a routine at the moment im just trialing with weight for the new routine so I know my marks. But yeah my new routine is going to be different, It should be done by the end of this week along with my diet, so I will post the routine then and the diet as well if you want? and if you want to know why im changing it's because im going from a cut to a bulk :).
Im planning a new routine, im not even really doing a routine at the moment im just trialing with weight for the new routine so I know my marks. But yeah my new routine is going to be different, It should be done by the end of this week along with my diet, so I will post the routine then and the diet as well if you want? and if you want to know why im changing it's because im going from a cut to a bulk :).

I would greatly appreciate this, will you be doing a split, full body or a combination?

Also how many days a week do you like to train?
Surely though if your quads could handle say a 300lb legpress but you had weak shoulders and back then you would only be able to squat maybe 100lbs therefor your quads are not being trained as hard as they could, therefor surely leg press would be better until your back and shoulders had caught up?

edit: Whats HST like for bulking up? Surely lifting such pathetic weight for so many reps is going to be useless?
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