For those who have STALKER, how does it run?

speeduk said:
Seems the freeze problem on win xp is related to ati cards.

Of all the games you expect to be bug free due to the time the thing has been in dev - you would pick this one...... :eek:

Edit: Anyone who runs the game fine - could you post the drivers and setup you are using please? (ATI cards only).

I was using 7.1 on a X1800XT and it would crash after about 5 minutes. Changed the drivers to 6.7 and ran the game, no probs, for about an hour.

Might be worth a shot.
No issues at all. Really enjoying it, although having to quickload a lot due to getting whupped by badguys. Odd graphical glitches now and a gain but all pretty minor. Looks great at max details.

playing at 1280*800 for that fake fuzzy AA look ;) This is on a Samsung 215TW, 1680*1050 wasn't smooth enough.

All details on max except AA off. Opteron [email protected] 2gig ram 1900xt 512Mb. Core usage is about 1:70-80% 2:40-50% Pagefile usage:1.39Gb
Ok update.

I uninstalled the omega drivers I was using. Went to ati's site and got the latest official ones from there. It didn't crash once in the 3 hours (on and off) I was playing it last night. I think i've broken the .net framework on my PC though ... :(

OH well.

It does have its occasional hiccup while it's loading in new areas. I'm just on the 2nd level now. And I keep dying..stupid game.
Been playing this on my Dell 30" 2560 x 1600 ( i think thats the res)everything maxed with reasonable frame rates, il check with fraps later.

6600 ( currently stock only had it for 2 days which iv been avidly playing)
8800 GTX SLi ( Nvidia Vista 64 Beta drivers are a must )
4GB Ram
Vista 64Bit

I belive the Floppy Disk in the corner is not an auto save, but infact a symbol to show your loading the next part of that level, when details at maximum there is a clear boundary where the game freezes and you walk into a new area, to load new textures and such its very obvious to me as it can take 5 seconds to get through it.

For those that dont like the look of the game, i can understand it the character modeling is not as good as the scenerary but imo good enough and from a distance the player models are stunning especially at night with the head lamp. The Scenery is the best iv seen in a game. The rain is also stunning, looking up at the sky/treeline while raining put a huge smile on my face.

For those comparing it to FEAR, Its unfair to compare a game thats got such a limited line of sight as Fear to a game like this which stretches way into the distance. Look out the windows in FEAR at cars and buildings they are very low texture.

From early videos of Stalker the game has obviously changed a lot, the big thing with stalker back in 2003/4 was its physics they made a hude deal about the physics and the way killed people would fall off buildings like rag dolls ( a lot like ragdoll physics in CSS/HL2) shooting tires would let air out and made the mass of vehicles move etc. They have now seemingly stepped away from this in a fairly big way, it would be fairly old tech now but i think its a bit of a pity it wasnt utilised in missions in the same way it was in HL2 ( barrels lifting water bridges in HL2 etc.) ( I havent completed stalker yet so i guess its conceivable it could be in there somewhere). Does make me wander why this game took so long in development. They must have scrapped so much of the work done in early days, there are still references to early videos if you can recognise them though. The derailed train for instance, the train yard next to a building ( the one where you save the Mole ) is another.

For those of you who played the leaked pre beta version of Stalker a number of years ago will probably remeber it running very smoothly on a 9700 pro and still looking good not what we see in the released version though.
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The thing that annoys me most about the game is how crap I seem to be at aiming. People can pick me off from miles away, using the same gun I have. They hit me about 5 times for every 1 I hit them. Either using iron sights or crosshair when it goes red.

Why do I suck so much? It's only on stalker difficulty.
Throw as much Memory at it as possible I say. I have 3 gb which is enough for it to play well on my AGP systems. Dont know how many frmaes I get, but I think it looks very nice, I love the weather and dust effects and swaying grass etc. It gets very hard quite quickly and is throughly enjoyable. I have lost my whole weekend to the game!
Jono said:
The thing that annoys me most about the game is how crap I seem to be at aiming. People can pick me off from miles away, using the same gun I have. They hit me about 5 times for every 1 I hit them. Either using iron sights or crosshair when it goes red.

Why do I suck so much? It's only on stalker difficulty.

The Guns are far from perfect, it requires a fair bit of luck to get headshots from range, your best bet is to keep a controlled firing pattern, i use three shot bursts with assualt rifles and single shot from pistols then re-aim, crouching is the easiest way of increasing accuracy. Cover is very important in this game as well, in the open your usually going to loose out to the enemy in the early stages of the game, when you get better armour and better weapons this changes and the game gets easier at least to the point i current am.
I play 1280 x 1024 with every slider maxed out

Smooth as a babys bum, execpt the starting village when it drops to about 30 :D

Specs in sig

(ps, i dont actually feel babys bums)
Picked this up yesterday. Am running at 1920x1200 on 2 X1900's with everything on. Seems to run fine. Village was a bit hitchy right at the start but after that everything ok.

My one problem I have though - why can't I aim properly?! My aiming seems to be way, way off and it takes me ages to shoot someone :(
Runs very well on X1950XT and E6300 3Ghz...

1280x1024 all slider high, hdr, 4aa max af :D.

must have been 50 fps in grass areas and a bit lower in guns fights :).
Have got a grand total of about 2 mins play out of it so far, locks up every time I head outside.

Going to wait till they patch it and/or I rebuild my PC.
BubbySoup said:
Picked this up yesterday. Am running at 1920x1200 on 2 X1900's with everything on. Seems to run fine. Village was a bit hitchy right at the start but after that everything ok.

My one problem I have though - why can't I aim properly?! My aiming seems to be way, way off and it takes me ages to shoot someone :(

hi mate,I'm running Stalker with X1900XTX crossfire @ 1900x1200 an' all,I've had to scale some settings back to achieve a satisfactory framerate,are you running all settings at max?

I have a feeling my single core A64 may be holding the crossfire setup back a little,are you running a core2Duo setup by any chance?
killer_uk said:
There's a nice little performance review done by firingsquad in case any of you have missed it, you can find it:

Someone should inform them that the X-Ray engine's deferred rendering doesn't support antialiasing of any kind, and that the in-game antialiasing is nothing but a blur effect. That would have stopped their pages of almost moronic babbling about how "whoa AA doesn't seem to work at all in some cases but does in others." :o

Never thought FiringSquad would write such crap reviews, they used to be so much better.
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