For those who have STALKER, how does it run?

im running it on x1950xt, 1gb geil 6400 and e6400 @ stock and i can only play it at medium settings @ 1024x768. i think this is pretty bad as i see people on here with the same kind of rigs playing it at high settings and with higher resolutions..
m@rty said:
im running it on x1950xt, 1gb geil 6400 and e6400 @ stock and i can only play it at medium settings @ 1024x768. i think this is pretty bad as i see people on here with the same kind of rigs playing it at high settings and with higher resolutions..
I think my mate is playing it on the same settings on his X1900XT, so don't worry about it.

Some of the people talking about such great performance are obviously lying.
Ulfhedjinn said:
I think my mate is playing it on the same settings on his X1900XT, so don't worry about it.

Some of the people talking about such great performance are obviously lying.
First off i havnt used Fraps yet but, on the system below and using 8QAA/16AF and all games settings to Max at 1600x1200, this games looks lovely, i think its easily as good looking as FEAR and makes the visuals of Arma look plain.
I have forced the AA/AF in the NV control panel and it works in the game, very smooth as well, as ive said ive not Frapsed but its easily as smooth as FEAR.
This game is growing on me but i feal that a 8800GTX is required in order to see it in all its glory.
Funny how specific people get defensive when you weren't talking about them. Guilty conscience? ;)

pegasus1 said:
using 8QAA/16AF
I'm afraid you're not, as proper antialiasing is not supported by the X-Ray engine.

pegasus1 said:
I have forced the AA/AF in the NV control panel and it works in the game
I'd like to see some screenshots of this as it's not supported by the game.

0x, 4x, 8x comparisons please with framerates.
QUOTE=Ulfhedjinn]Funny how specific people get defensive when you weren't talking about them. Guilty conscience? ;)
Hay come on, a little respect please, if you note my earlier statements on the game. Unlike some i dont spend hours on end benching to big myself up on these forums. Im telling how i see it, Arma runs crap on my rig and looks plain, STALKER plays very nicely and looks great.
I'm afraid you're not, as proper antialiasing is not supported by the X-Ray engine.
Ok mr pedantic, those are the setttings in the control panel but the fact is it looks like its being applied as the detail at distance is sharp and no jaggies are present.

I'd like to see some screenshots of this as it's not supported by the game.

Im on a work PC at the mo and my rig in sig is not connected to tintrnet but i'l see if i can get some hosted. There are no jaggies that i can see compared to say Arma, maybe this is the 1600x1200 resolution though.

0x, 4x, 8x comparisons please with framerates.
Im not a Benchmark pest but as you asked nicely i'l try this afternoon unless the sun stays out and i go down the pub.
Before anybody else moans, i buy a game to play it, not bench it and brag.
I turned down the graphics and get good fps, however the sky completely blurs together as if its leaving the dreaded "windows trail"... its unplayable :(

i've patched it and tried different drivers for my geforce 7300gs
I got this yesterday. As with FEAR, it seems like another poorly encoded game in that you need the very best system setup to enjoy the highest settings, which is a shame really. I'm running an opty 146 @ 2.8ghz, X1950pro & 2gb g.skill. Framerates can slow up somewhat and stutter here and there, drop the video quality too low and I think the level's look a little "tatty".
I run everything on medium with static shadows (i'm not a graphics whore like you lot :P) and it doesn't drop below 50fps ever.

AMD64 2800+, 1gb XMS, 9800 pro. :D
pegasus1 said:
Hay come on, a little respect please, if you note my earlier statements on the game. Unlike some i dont spend hours on end benching to big myself up on these forums. Im telling how i see it, Arma runs crap on my rig and looks plain, STALKER plays very nicely and looks great.
I don't bench to "big myself up," I bench to make sure my rig is running right. Some of us actually care if antialiasing is working or not too, you obviously don't but that your choice. Just stop pretendig it is when it isn't.

pegasus1 said:
Ok mr pedantic, those are the setttings in the control panel but the fact is it looks like its being applied as the detail at distance is sharp and no jaggies are present.
I am not being pedantic, the X-Ray engine does not support FSAA. :rolleyes: I've mentioned this about five hundred times now but nobody listens, it needs a sticky or something.

The changes you make to antialiasing in your driver control panel do not work, it's in your head.

pegasus1 said:
Im on a work PC at the mo and my rig in sig is not connected to tintrnet but i'l see if i can get some hosted. There are no jaggies that i can see compared to say Arma, maybe this is the 1600x1200 resolution though.

Im not a Benchmark pest but as you asked nicely i'l try this afternoon unless the sun stays out and i go down the pub.
Before anybody else moans, i buy a game to play it, not bench it and brag.
When someone asks for proof of performance and graphics detail you're claiming repeatedly, they are a "benchmark pest"? Maybe you shouldn't even mention performance and detail since you care so little, especially if you're going to make inaccurate claims such as "I can run Stalker with 8xQ antialiasing" when the engine doesn't even support it.
I guess you think you know better than THQ, so I will just link you to an FAQ.

Stalker FAQ said:
10) Why doesn't my anti-aliasing work?

A: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. uses a technique called "deferred rendering". Because of this, anti-aliasing has no effect on the game engine. (This is also used in Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter and Rainbow Six.) Therefore, enabling anti-aliasing in the driver control panel has no effect.

Can people please stop making crap up, and acting like muppets when corrected?
m@rty said:
im running it on x1950xt, 1gb geil 6400 and e6400 @ stock and i can only play it at medium settings @ 1024x768. i think this is pretty bad as i see people on here with the same kind of rigs playing it at high settings and with higher resolutions..

You definitely should be able to play higher than that, unless the x1950xt is being severely bottlenecked by having only 256mb. Here are my system specs, my exact settings and some benchmark numbers.

X2 4400+ (@2.5ghz)
2GB DDR400
X1900XT 512mb (Cat 6.12)
WinXP Pro

Benchmark with Fraps:


Min Max Avg
24 45 34.582


Min Max Avg
0 88 47.625

(Min is 0 here because I get this odd pause and stutter when entering new areas)

As I said before 30fps is very playable for this game so in effect one can call it "smooth". If there is some standardised way of running a benchmark in game please let me know.
Ulfhedjinn said:

Can people please stop making crap up, and acting like muppets when corrected?
Jeez, you're unbelievably arrogant and dismissive.
Pegasus1 said he was using 8xAA (and he was), but he obviously didn't know that it was having no effect on the game.

When you pointed this out, he conceded that the smoother look of the game may have been due to him using 1600x1200, and you call that "acting like a muppet"? :rolleyes:

Also, he said that HE wasn't a benchmark pest but you went on the defensive, somehow assuming that he was calling you a benchmark pest. In your own words:
Ulfhedjinn said:
Funny how specific people get defensive when you weren't talking about them. Guilty conscience? ;)
Freudian slip?

When people make honest mistakes, it's nice to point them in the right direction without insulting their intelligence, or calling them names. That's why these forums are so popular.
Sir Random said:
Jeez, you're unbelievably arrogant and dismissive.
Save it for your Livejournal.

Sir Random said:
Pegasus1 said he was using 8xAA (and he was), but he obviously didn't know that it was having no effect on the game.
Pegasus1 claimed that he could see it working because "it was smooth in the distance."

He even said he'll get screenshots of it when he gets home.

Maybe you should actually read his post.

Sir Random said:
Also, he said that HE wasn't a benchmark pest but you went on the defensive, somehow assuming that he was calling you a benchmark pest. In your own words:Freudian slip?
He also said: "Unlike some i dont spend hours on end benching to big myself up on these forums."

If you think that wasn't aimed at me, you're either kidding yourself or some sort of apologist.

Sir Random said:
When people make honest mistakes, it's nice to point them in the right direction without insulting their intelligence, or calling them names. That's why these forums are so popular.
Yeah, tried that about fifty times in this thread but people don't listen. If people actually listened instead of throwing their dummy out of their pram and arguing about it, there wouldn't have been a problem.

So it's time for cold, hard facts. Even made a thread dedicated to it so that people can shut up about it. :)

Get over it.
Ulfhedjinn said:
Pegasus1 claimed that he could see it working because "it was smooth in the distance."

He even said he'll get screenshots of it when he gets home.
Rubbish, he never said that he could see it working, he said it looked smooth in the distance, (i.e. he had had no reason to suspect it wasn't working before you informed him otherwise). You asked him for screenshots, so he said he'd oblige.

Lol, did you honestly infer from his post, that as he was claiming AA actually worked, and would provide screenshots as proof? :rolleyes:

Maybe you should actually read his post, and not twist it to your own agenda.
Sir Random said:
Lol, did you honestly infer from his post, that as he was claiming AA actually worked, and would provide screenshots as proof? :rolleyes:
Me: 0x, 4x, 8x comparisons please with framerates.

Him: Im not a Benchmark pest but as you asked nicely i'l try this afternoon unless the sun stays out and i go down the pub.
What am I missing? :rolleyes:
Right ladies, ive run fraps and on the second level during the firefight (bad boys attacking the scrapyard)and it didnt drop below 50fps . Its at 1600x1200 and Vsync on all game settings to max and NV control panal SET :rolleyes: at 8QAA/16AF and all other to max IQ. It sat mostly at around 65-75 fps.
As for the AA/AF, ive had a good run around the landscape and some areas look like the AA is working, this includes trees, grass and as far as ive seen inside building. The only jaggies ive noticed are some wooden rafters and some parts of wire fences. The hand on the weapon shot posted earlier looks far smoother but as mentioned this may be due to the 1600x1200 res. During the Firefight, i noticed 2 split second freezes (and i mean slit second, blink and you would miss them) but the rest was smooth.
I dont benchmark by the way cos i would rather play the game and if i notice that its to slow then i lower a setting (normally shadows are the 1st to go).
To me on my system in my eyes, for the vast majority of the game it looks like AA has been applied, if it isnt actually working then i dont care as the graphics look like it is.
I cant post any attachments as this is a Goverment system therefore secured from adding or removing digital data, my PC is in my (Work) Home and is currently not connected to tinternet and i wont be at my (Home) Home for a couple of weeks.
pegasus1 said:
To me on my system in my eyes, for the vast majority of the game it looks like AA has been applied, if it isnt actually working then i dont care as the graphics look like it is.
Well it hasn't, I can't put it simpler than that.

See the THQ FAQ for the game for more information.
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