Another day, another depressing milestone: I've now applied for over 100 jobs (101, if it matters). So far I've had just seven interviews. Five have been rejections, one is two weeks overdue so almost certainly the same, the last isn't due until later this week. A further nineteen applications went out in the last three weeks, so might still be open.
Due to various reasons, I've only managed to get one lot of feedback from the interviews (over-qualified), but I know why I didn't get the job for two others (both under-qualified. I'll gloss over the fact that one of those jobs is still open three months later). As I've said before, it's interesting the difference in interview conversions between applications via an agency and application direct, for the 82 cases where I'm pretty certain the process has finished:
Applications to agency: 65, resulting in 3 interviews.
Agency called me to suggest job: 6, resulting in 1 interview, 1 rejection by me as out of my experience area.
Applications direct to company: 11, resulting in 3 interviews.
As I said earlier, bear in mind that I'm being careful to only apply for jobs I believe I can do, and stand a reasonable chance to get an interview. But sadly most jobs not sold by word-of-mouth go via agency these days, so you have little choice but to deal with them.
Out of interest, has anyone ever had one of those "sorry you were unsuccessful, but if anything else suitable comes up we'll get in contact with you" letters, and actually been contacted about another job by that company? (Doesn't count if it's the same job re-opened.) I know it's essentially just politeness, but I would be interested to know if it has ever happened.