Forgot how bad job searching was :(

Amen. May God bless you in your endeavours.


Had an interview yesterday which they wanted someone with 2nd line IT Support experience, they didn't give me a job spec which worried me but it was a chance for some more interview experience. Went along and the job wasn't even IT based, logging calls and doing admin work. Ended the interview after 15m when both of us agreed it wouldn't work out.

That's a shame, although good that the interviewer and yourself noticed this and came to a decent conclusion without wasting peoples time at least :)

This is why asking for a job description and/or draft contract of some form can help.
How? Was you just late to work presumably?

To be fair, the above scheme may actually get people applying for jobs even if they don't 'want' that job, too many don't take jobs based on the fact it's not what they want to do. Sadly at the moment you need to take what you can.

Naturally I presume they will take in to consideration people not being able to keep jobs and not deduct their benefits seeing as they are actively getting themselves employed.
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Go and see a professional about your arthritis, along with a decent sports physio.

Concerning driving, how old are you? And why don't you drive at the moment?

Shame about the two instances you posted above as well, the first one is just daft and pretty much shows you don't want to work for a company with the organisational skills of a wet tea towel. The G4S one is just silly and probably a cop out response.

There are other security jobs on the market, have you looked around?
I would suggest you get any job, save up, learn to drive then open up some new oppurtunitys, not being able to drive and not living in a city will sadly limit your options.

I'm pretty certain there are things you could do to strengthen everything around your knees to help them, sitting around and chewing pain killers isn't going to help things but that's not a discussion for here :p
No idea matey. All I know is when I was signed on it was almost a pointless process. They took no formal notes of what I was interested in, what I was good at, copy of a CV, absolutely nothing.

I ended up getting a job without their 'help'.
Woop. New job status achieved :)

Not much more pay, however it should hopefully give me some more scope for improvement over the next few years.

Bit more of a commute but I'm hoping the extra opportunities it will bring will make it worth it.
random call out the blue from a game company in oxford asking me to apply for a role there last week. Came back to me today and I have an interview next week. Skipping the phone interview stage!

Luckily I already booked a few days off work so it slots in nicely.

Keeping quiet at current job as its my 3 month review end of june :/

Good luck mate, could only wish for something like that.

Started a new job, currently don't have high hopes for it :(
nice work Kristoph, I'm somewhat the same, I need progression and a decent workload...I've recently taken on a job and I can't see the progression being that amazing, coupled with not much technical work I can see myself leaving the IT Industry, particularly Support roles, I honestly can't think of anything else I'd like to get involved with IT wise now :(

Got the job in oxford :D I'm now part of the games industry woo! Absolute life goal for me right now!

HAd to properly fight for it though, got rejected twice for 2 jobs, sent an angry email (as they said my current salary wouldn't be matched due to how much training id need...). Email got sent to manager of the team, who liked it, and offered me a junior position so I can prove myself. Bit of a ball ache, but I'm in.

Moving to oxford next weekend :D

Awesome work buddy, something I always wondered whether to get involved in or not...Especially as Oxford isn't THAT far away from me.
Get a thinking! :p

What's your qualifications, current position and interests? :)

No qualifications. IT technician. No idea...

I like drawing, lifting, science stuff, archaeology, technology development stuff...I am however starting to not enjoy IT Support and want to change to something more career worthy, I'm just a bit lost.
For career, I can't see qualifications hurting to be honest. Have you got A-Levels, or enough to get you to University or at least onto a OU course?

How old are you?

The reason I ask is that I had the same problem once upon a time. I was completely lost and drifted. I signed up for stuff I shouldn't have, and pursued careers that were not good (all before I was 20 :p). In the end I went for further education, namely a business degree. It didn't really help fill the gap so to speak, but it helped me enormously to develop. I've just done my Masters as a result of that choice, and the end result is a really good job at an investment bank.

I'm sure others will tell me I'm being unrealistic, but it sounds like you need some space to develop yourself. Maybe a degree isn't appropriate, but if you're already questioning things, then it means the mind wants more! :)

No A-levels, pretty poor GCSE's, best is a C in Art. And I'm 28. University never interested me unless it was specifically going towards something, so not something like English.
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