Well, it's only been a week and I haven't even had my first appointment yet, but I'm already experiencing the hell that is the Job Centre and all that goes with it.
Considering their job
should be to help other people get jobs, they appear to have a complete disgust for everyone they speak to and are unwilling to be civil at any level. I was really worried that as soon as I became redundant and started to sign on (to get my stamp paid) I would fall into the abyss and join the great unwashed that are the unemployed (as many people see them) - and I can feel it happening.
I don't care it they get moaned at on a daily basis, it's part of the job and I know what it's like. You still remain civil and helpful. Sure, if things go onto the next level you do something about it, but you don't treat every person with equal contempt. What makes it even worse is that there's nothing that one can do. Complain and they'll close ranks and you'll end up being the one in the wrong!
I've been speaking to two of my old work mates who were also made redundant and they're having similar experiences. It's shocking. I had hoped all the horror stories I've read were isolated incidents, but I fear not.
I've got my first interview this afternoon and I'm really not looking forward to it. I could do without their 'help' in finding a job. I'm perfectly capable of doing it on my own and hopefully they'll see that and leave me alone, but I won't hold my breath.