Forgot how bad job searching was :(

ggggrrrr. why do so many companies use recruitment agencies????

echoing above posts, they do me head in.

Agency: Ive got the perfect exciting opportunity which would be suited to you.
Me: Sounds good, can you send me the job spec.
Agency: Sends over job spec.
Me: Have you read my CV by any chance?
Agency: Yes of course.
Me: The job is specifically asking for experience in Injection molding and managing a team.
Agency: Oh yes, so it is.
Me: Bye.

the conversation gets echoed no matter which one i talk too.

Sadly you'll get that pretty much anywhere, the sooner you can speak to an internal contact at the company the better.
Managed to get a new job last week :)

Wasn't even searching, but did want to start.

System admin job going at my partners place, dont have any qualifications or job experience so was not expecting anything.

Had an interview to find out it was a Junior job at min wage (£13500?) so had to turn it down as it was too much of a pay cut. Got called in again a week later for an informal chat about money and said I could drop to 16k for the career instead of a job (Currently secruity) and he said he would have a think and get back to me.

Next day called in again, and was met with a job offer on the table with a starting wage of 18k :o (still a few k less than I am on now) so more than I asked for :D

They will also be putting me threw all the courses etc. I need and comming in above a junior, and told i'll be looking at around 28k around the 5 year mark.

So I guess all it proves is it's not what you know it is who you know (Lost out on a couple of jobs because of this in the past, so happy it has happend to me for a change)

Dead chuffed :D

Excellent, congrats! :)

Advise please, currently on 17k working for a council in a admin type of role, however it's not what I want to do. Im 24 in December and may get offered a maintenance engineering or machining apprenticeship type of role for 10k, which then would obviously go to minimum wage the second year which is 12k then I'm not too sure but after the 4 year apprenticeship id say there's a lot more money to be earnt. Do you think it's worth taking the gamble of a pretty big pay cut to maybe earn more in 4 years?

Think long term buddy.
Thanks, I think so too. Its just the initial struggle at first that's worrying.

Couldn't agree more, see if you can ask family etc to help support you if possible :)

I'm somewhat in the same boat of wanting to change careers as I just don't enjoy IT Support anymore (if ever) and all I ever seem to be able to find are related jobs, so contemplating a pretty drastic move, just not sure where yet :( No doubt there will be a pay drop (luckily I'm not on a major amount currently) but still...

It's just taking that first step, I literally have no idea what direction to go in, as soon as I have a rough idea, I can start the process, it's just figuring out that first step I'm struggling with.
I ended up getting the I.T apprenticeship at the local College, it's a massive step down in terms of wage (As I go from a full time wage to apprenticeship £2.73 lol), but I'm hoping that after the year, I'll get kept on, and manage to take multiple steps forward, securing a career.

But working in a College environment, thousands of people and devices, should be brilliant experience, and put me in much better stead in the future if I don't get kept on.

As long as said college pushes it's technology needs it can be great :) Luckily the School I worked in had an IT Teacher who really wanted to implement new software and hardware so we got to test lots of stuff :)
I've left off 6 month jobs from my CV with no issues. They are no relevence to my current role/the role I'm applying for so they're pointless. Unless of course you have no previous employment etc then yes, keep it on there.
Have an interview for BT Openreach on Monday. At the point where I am sick to death of this job now, and really want something brand new to challenge me and hopefully lead me down a new path.

The Openreach job looks interesting and hopefully there is room for progress.

Hope it goes well :)

Keep me posted, I've always wondered about them actually!
Just applied to around 20 of those on LinkedIn, I wouldn't expect anything more due to knowledge only being of my own building and fixing of friends and family equipment.

I started off building PC's, then testing etc.

I then got a random IT Support job starting at 18k, so it can be done, you just need to show that you are good at troubleshooting.
Trying to get info for my father.

He has been out of work for 3 months but has potentially scored himself a job after being called back for second interview.

The problem is that the wages are monthly paid, I don't have much to spare but I will help where I can but how is he expected to last a month without pay or benefits?

I know he can get a 4 week run on with housing benefit but that doesn't buy his dinners or bus fares to work.

Is there no job center fund that can help him?

I tried ringing and they wont deal with me, I asked my father to ring and they only told him about the discretionary fund that can help with 'expenses' like interview clothes and such.

I looked up the Social Fund but that could take a month in itself from application to payment assuming they accept it.

talk to the employer, they may be able to give him an advance. That will obviously mean his end of month pay check is slightly lower, but still.

Apparently there isn something called a 4 week run on also form JSA?
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Last I handed in my notice. Almost 9 months after starting my current role!

I work for a decent company and team. Problem is the work isn't really floating my boat. So about a month ago I informed recruiters that I was putting myself back on the market.

A few weeks later I'm offered a new job - one I believe I'll enjoy. With more work and money. 10k salary increase in 9 months isn't bad.

I think I had about £2/300....:(
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