Forgot how bad job searching was :(

No its ok, but I rather accidentally saw salary information, it was open on one of the directors computers and I went to his desk to leave a note..anyway.

I'm not motivated by money, but having seen what some of the others are on compared to myself, I'd rather move on :).

Sadly a lot of companys like that...the IT company i worked for was terrible to regards to it's engineers.
At my salary I'm the lowest paid person in my company, which wouldn't really be a problem, except I know how things stand, and I'm worth more then a few others who are on more then me, including one who is only pretty much double mine.

:) We had someone like that at my old place...would be on atleast double our wage, yet he was just a mouthy confident cales guy who new nothing about the hardware he was selling.

I remember him being asked what the best cpu was out at the moment and he said the X2 4400 and I just chuckled at the time :D (quite loudly which was more amusing to the others)...As it was nearly 2 years out of date.

If you are based in Bucks then try Softcat, they are always recruiting. You'd be joining in IT sales but having worked there for 5 years (in a pre-sales role) I can't recommend the company highly enough. It was recently voted the 3rd best small company to work for in the UK and whilst I would never return to the UK, if I did then I'd be asking for my job back in a shot.

It might not work out for you long term but it'd give you at least a couple of months and you'd enjoy your time there.

Drop me an email (in trust) if you want some background/insider info :)

Cheers buddy, having a little look on the site now...Sadly they are based in marlow, which is over an hour away from me (especially in the morning :p) as the road to there is terrible.

Oh, and I wouldn't blame you for not returning buddy ;)
I have a job! :)

I temped for Next 4-5 weeks ago and after pestering a little bit and showing i actually want to work there and that i do really enjoy a contract offered to me for 8.5 hours or something like that and the earliest i will start is 11.30am! :)


Awesome :)

So how longs that that? 8.5 hours a day? week? Great news though!
Got the call today, Barclays offered me a job. :) \0/
first line IT help desk in knutsford, south manchester.

chuffed to bits. And its my dads birthday today. whoo!

Sweet :)

Excellent news.

Think I'm going to be trawling many websites again today! Still nothing.
Thats nothing, Customer Service job at HBOS = 1700 applicants and counting (thats just from the one ad on, I've seen it on JCP also).

This is the exact reason I am trying to find some (trust worthy) job sites that aren't as 'big' as Reed / CWjobs / Monster etc...As I'm just not having any luck with those at the moment.

You need too much Exp behind your back along with qualifications, which neither I have.
Has anybody tried "speculative" applications? A lot of companies, particularly in PR and marketing which are the two areas that I'm really focussing on, seem to invite this sort of thing without explicitly asking for it.

I'm just struggling to come up with a decent covering letter to go along with it, as there is obviously no concrete role to tailor it to. Anyone have any suggestions?

If you're not applying for anything specific, then you just need to write about yourself in brief and key skills that you think would benefit the company basically....Organisational skills / presentation / attention to detail etc

You have a lot more of both than me.

I've tried picking companies out of the phonebook to write to, I'm literally trying everything I can think of and still not getting anywhere.

Hah, cheers man :)

I've emailed a few local repair companies that are local, but I got nothing back sadly.
I've applied to companys directly before, and I just get ignored....Not even a polite 'no there is nothing' :p
I've found that with direct applications, it's best to phone them up first and get a contact name, then send your email/letter to that contact, and then give them a ring a few days after that to follow up.

Yeah but how about if you are just generally inquiring to see if there are any available positions? That are not advertised? :)
Its still worth trying monster, jobserve etc. I had my CV on monster and jobserve and my company found me through monster. Had a couple of interviews with them and ive been working with them since 1st June now.
Think I got lucky aswell, first company I had an interview for I got (not first company ive ever worked for but after i travelled for 7 months)
A thanks to Huddy for his great interview prop too of course!

What is jobserve like as a whole? Never used it...Going to have a look at it now for a bit :)

Recently put my CV on cv-library for the hell of it, and applied for a few random things.
I'd kinda like to move careers though; and thats never easy.

I'm open to offers in all honesty! :D

No idea what I'd move into though....only reason I had my computer job before is because I needed something to do after finishing school, and it just went from there.
Delvis, did you get my email?

Erm, which?

I replied to one the other day I think? Been having issues with sending mail through a different ISP, but I've sorted it now, so apoligies if i have 'ignored' an email, not intentional.
I am in exactly the same position and frame of mind mate. Sent out loads of applications and cv's since i found out i was redundant and not getting anywhere. The worst thing is i don't have a clue what i'd like to do for a job and anything that slightly interests me is unattainable due to not having good quals and needing pure cash for bills ect so i cant really afford to study for a different career.

Your not alone mate. I hate being on the dole too:(

Do you still have to go into the job centre every two weeks now to 'clock-in' or has that changed?

Or is there a different benefit one can get nowadays.
Ugh.........Still nout, can't even find thing's to apply for now.

That, and I have absoloutely no idea what career I want :( Lovely jubely.
I've just been offered a job!!! PR assistant at an IT publishing company. Literally couldn't be happier (or more relieved). Thanks to everybody in this thread, you've all been really helpful and kept me going! I truly hope that you all get there soon.

Sweet :)

Hope it all goes well for you and that you enjoy it! It's a step in the right direction during these lovely times that's for sure.

Just work your butt off and make yourself noticed :p
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