Forgot how bad job searching was :(

Excellent news :D Good luck and I hope it leads to good times!

Now get out of our thread :p (only joking!)

Thanks matey :)

......And....Our thread? Think you'll find I created the thing! :p.......;)

Nah, I want to stick around, nice to know how people are doing...Quite glad it's turned into a sort of meeting point for people :)

I know, but priority-wise the rent needs to be paid first :)

Heh, most certainly...Hopefully you can find an employer not too far away from you...or one that doesn't mind buses :p

Which still eludes me thus far. Still no word from the managed services firm, I'll try calling them again but they don't seem interested in me.

If you want it, chase it buddy :)

Thank you, I cannot wait personally :)

Well I am now working Full Time hours in Debenhams up from my weekends, so not so bad!!

Looks like I'll be waiting until the turn of the year for some serious oppurtunities in the architectural world but hey this will keep me going :)

Congratulations :)

Least you sound as if you enjoy it, plug away! It's a good fill in for the CV also.
After a few days of waiting, I finally received a phone call from a senior partner to inform me that... they want to offer me a training contract :D:D:D

I'm absolutely over the moon - at the assessment center I was by far the most inexperienced person there, yet they still picked me.

Epic win!

Amazing news! :D

I really do think the market is starting to pick up a little bit now.

Hope things change for people still looking soon :)
First day at the new job, not so bad so far :)

Reasonably enjoyable, hopefully fit in more and enjoy it more as and when i learn the company systems etc.

Hope everyones luck is going okay!
Excellent news everyone, good to see people getting jobs after so many months of doom and gloom. :D

My redundancy dodging skills have not failed me once again though. As some of you may recall from an earlier post of mine in this thread. I was given notice last month of impending doom on my long term temp contract at my previous employer. However, lady luck smiled on me and I somehow stumbled into work with a biotech firm. I finished on the Friday, and started work again on the following Monday morning. It's not ideal, for one the agency wouldn't tell me exactly what the job was, as if they told me it was customer service work I would have flat out turned them down. However, money is money at the end of the day, thus I continue to grind onward with the temp jobs in the hope of something better coming along. It's been two years now since I've had a permanent job. God how I hope things improve and so that at long last I can make a career somewhere rather than just about have a job. :(

Shame about the not enjoying your temp job part...But hey, least you're able to get them matey :) I couldn't even get them!

It's been pretty much just under a year since my last IT job, god i've missed it! :D
How's the new one?

going well ta :) Just setting up a bunch of laptops atm, and playing around with Windows 7...

Also sorting out a few things for the company which I've been appointed to which is cool.

Eventually going to learn the whole system they use, might take me a while though considering I've never done a role like that before :o But it will be a good learn hopefully.
Good stuff.

Can't help but feel I've been wasting time and energy bothering with this when it seems I'm worthless to 99% of the companies I apply to...

Just a matter of finding the rite place mate...Believe me when I say I've been feeling pretty bad all the time I've been searching, it's not easier to keep your hopes and spirits up...But keep plugging away, see if people you know know of places that are hiring(sp?) etc :)

Hope things perk up for everyone.
Well, completed my first week at the new place...

Pretty good actually, learned a lot already its ridiculous!

Hope everyone is hearing things back every so often...keep plugging away all! :)
Well I have another interview tomorrow - just an HR and the boss.

Another recruiter making very positive sounds with another opportunity.

In the meantime I've been applying like crazy - two more today (requiring adjustments to the CV and cover letters take time :/).

I seem to be getting quite a few recruiters interested, so the momentum is building but it can take a while for the companies to respond.

Cool, hope it all goes well for you man :)
Hope everyones progress has gone up slightely over the past couple of months? :)

I'm still enjoying my job now, much more in tune with it also after a couple of months being there...Which I thought would take forever.

Good to luck to all in intervioew process and to the ones applying currently also!
Well my contract ends end of April. The boss has said he's interested in renewing again (this will be the third renewal) but that's dependant on the rest of the organisation and they can't start renewal procedures until mid April. Fingers crossed but I'm assuming that post April that will be the last one if I get it. So in the next few weeks I'll update my linkedin, CV etc etc to start looking as it may take a few months to find something.

It's been an interesting experience and one that I think has taught me a lot more than the other permy job would have done. If they renew it'll be 6 months (they have done 2 months at a time due to the finance/HR team).

Hope it all works out for you dude

I would update the CV anyway, and have a look around at what is about :)

I'm currently working at Wickes in the delivery Vans, it's not bad actually, basically just at the gym for 8/10 hours a day or so :p

Still looking, applied for an ICT Technician role at a school so hopefully that pulls through :)
Hope the interview went well anyway :) And all the best for the phone call!

I'm still working for Wickes as a stop gap...Trying to figure out what I actually want to do in life...still got no idea
Sweet, congrats Funk

After woking for Wickes for a couple of months, I am going to be working in a schools IT department looking after everything :)...Went for an interview, got through to the final two, lost to the other guy, got a phone call saying can I work for them anyway along with the other guy as they liked me!!!! :D

So, salary is low, but its a start, and hopefully it'll go up eventually...Step in the door and it gives me a chance to see if I like this kind of work :)
Ugh....Well...supposed to be starting in a week or so....And all of a sudden the pay is lower than they originally said :(....but nothing was in writing so I've got no leg to stand on :(

Currently adding up my monthly out goings and its not good...not too sure on what to do really
what was it advertised at?
if they are offering you too little tell them you're not going to take them up on their offer if the moneys not right.

It wasn't advertised, because I got the job that was 'runner' up so to speak (see earlier post up a bit)

It really is a tiny amount, I'll be on the same wage I had when I was 17 :(

They said it was 'x' amount, but then said that was due to a confusion and it is actually 'this' amount...And apparently they've asked if it can be increased already. (As its council funded I think)
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