Forza 5 Announced

Got it now, cheers for info.

It all sounds good - maybe a little too good - and will be interesting to see in the game. I can't help but feel like Drivatar is a posh name for rubberbanding. We shall see.
Forza has never, EVER had rubberbanding in. I don't see it happening now.


The Forza AI has always been decent. Streets ahead of the line following automatons in GT. I've seen AI drivers in FM3 and FM4 take each other out. M.Rossi is a complete pain as well.

As for the rubberbanding in NFS... words fail me. The AI was better in Revs on the BBC Micro. In 1984.

Looking forward to Drivatar, hopefully will live up to it's billing.
Heheh. I wonder if the game will purposefully try to download the Drivatars of people on your Friend list before it gets general ones from the Cloud? That would be awesome if I could race against the virtual representations of friends when I'm playing the SP.

I can definitely be a little "bumpy" at times when I'm undertaking someone on the inside, but generally I won't take people out when racing. When I play against the AI I'm usually too far ahead to worry about hitting them!
iirc from what I saw earlier on in the year, it takes ones from your friends first, then populates from live.

Not sure whether to cave and change my standard edition for the top end one, I do like having all cars available and get envious!! :(
Check this ai in action!

If this is truly how the AI fights for its position, I'm gonna be glued to this game!
Do people actually use external view? Just looks like you're guiding a big boat around!

Loving all the Drivatar stuff I'm hearing. If they get it right it will be amazing for the longevity of the game.
Do people actually use external view? Just looks like you're guiding a big boat around!

Loving all the Drivatar stuff I'm hearing. If they get it right it will be amazing for the longevity of the game.

I tend to use the in car view. If I use a chase camera I end up chasing the tial and constantly correcting oversteer.
Always use external on Forza as I use the controller with it. But if I was to get a wheel for the xbox this time, i'd use the cockpit view.
Do people actually use external view? Just looks like you're guiding a big boat around!

Loving all the Drivatar stuff I'm hearing. If they get it right it will be amazing for the longevity of the game.

Yep, I do. Even at places like TORA who do online league racing...

I find the additional visibility of those around you is beneficial. Damn near impossible if you use a wheel though, has to be in-car view for that.
Ah ok just interested in how people play. Whatever floats your boat. Ahem.

Even though I don't use a wheel anymore I still incar view as the sense if immersion can still be great. No HUD, no racing line, no music, just driving. Love to play that way. That's why the Drivatar stuff excites me so much as the only thing lacking in SP is decent AI.

Can't wait for this.
Has to be incar for me, external for the occasional pan round the car on long straights etc.. But I can't even use bumper now, let alone chase....yuck!
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