In other news, do you new guys know about Forza Rewards? Its basically free in game credits, I'm tier 8 and get 400,000 a week for each game out of it a week.
Claim the rewards on the site (or the Forza Hub app on Win10 or XB) then you will find a message in game to download the credits. Easy and well worth doing.
yes booyaka but you'll need to purchase the game twice to be able to play at the same time. You buy it digital on PC and son buy it for his XB1.
I've got loads of credits to claim, but they are all for all the other Forza games spanning back to Forza 2. How do I claim rewards for Forza Horizon 3? Is it a case of, the more I play it the more I'll then earn per week as I've a high tier.
Similar engine to Forza Apex I imagine?
Though that doesn't support 21:9 and Forza 3 Horizon does, I tested Apex last night to see how it had improved since months ago, and it runs at 90-100fps with render mode to 3840x2160 and everything set to Dynamic.
So I turned off Dynamic, put all the details to maximum and (MSAA off) and it ran at 107fps!
I was mightily impressed.
i7 5930k
16GB Ram
Maxwell Titan X (SLI)
Shows what devs can do with DX12 when they know what they are doing.
Will see what pops up for specs etc in due course
Intel Core i5 3570K
16gb ram
290x gfx @ 1920x1080
z77 asus gene V
FH3 is crossbuy isnt it?
Yes indeed.
I can preload on my Xbox one (ick) but not my PC yet.