Forza Horizon 3 just shown at E3

I was happy with the product on launch day. It didn't crash a single time and while the fps was a bit lower than expected, it still ran mostly fine and looked great.

Also, the most important part of the game, the fun, is definitely there.
I know its a very demanding game, and I would argue because its so poorly optimised. You should note that there are many with 1080's running it locked at 30fps because its clearly not been ported with 60fps as a focus. Lets not forget there are some stability issues going on here too.

I think its quite simple. People have different expectations. Mine are clearly higher than yours. And that's fine. However, what is good is if the developers continue to hear the likes of my voice and improve optimisation for all. Then everyone benefits. Even those who are happy with it as is.

Oooer. That's well put. Bravo. Mine ran reasonably first day here but definitely issues that were evident shouldn't have been there.
If you've just bought the game then yeah it will look like a good port as you've bought after the recent patches, but if you purchased the ultimate edition or on day release then it was a bad port.

High end hardware struggling to run 60fps at high-ultra, stuttering, car upgrade menu lag and thousands of people not even being able to launch the game.
"By all accounts" in this case is that of myself and two friends who both have very similar hardware and we are all getting pretty good performance out of this game. The occasional 1 second stutter aside it seems to run OK and looks fantastic

3 people playing on very similar hardware is not a good sample!

Very strange use of "all accounts" when it's anything but :)
I have only had one problem, BSOD if I drive around the city part. It looks like it was the "Static Geometry Quality" setting that caused it. Setting it to medium stops the crash, all other settings are on Ultra and MSAA turned off. The game runs very smooth and it’s one of the best looking games I’ve played.
Has anyone had the " Load Failed. An unknown error has occurred. Please try again later" issue?
As far as I know, I switched it off fine on Sunday, not during any saving or anything and now this comes up every time I try to play. I've tried the 'reset, unplug, interrupt sync' fix that is suggested by various people, but it never gives me the option to cancel the cloud sync and just loads my (seemingly bugged) profile in, even when I have no net access.

Had a nightmare getting it to download (seems MS doesn't let it resume and it won't re-install as the old files are practically undeletable - had to get a MS CS to remote my computer and spend 2 hours trying to delete them) and now this happens.
Doesn't matter how good a game it is, I'll never be using the Windows 10 store again.
Question before I buy this:

Does anyone play the multiplayer in Forza Horizon 3? What does it have?? I can't find any info at all.

I love The Crew and the multiplayer features; racing others in free roam, playing the entire campaign story in co-op, PvP raid/dirt/circuit/street/drift races, PvP king of the hill, PvP elimination, PvP capture the flag... does Forza Horizon 3 have anything like this?"
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I think my next purchase is going to be a P1. I've got the Veryon, the new Ford GT, a Regera and a couple of others - all upgraded and in certain conditions the P1 during mid range acceleration can get away from me!
I had a weird bug today. I was cycling through the radio stations and the audio crashed and started a 2 second loop. This also caused my fps to drop to a rock solid 10.

I couldn't find any way to just stop the audio looping and I was 25 minutes into a Goliath race...
Just downloading the latest update now! At least they are making an effort to fix things in a timely fashion!

EDIT- After the patch...performance seems worse on my rig...more stuttering etc and just had another CTD :(
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I can finally play the game with the latest patch. Performance is massively improved. Still the odd drop down to 40fps in the city but generally outside of it, I'm hovering at about 60+fps (dynamic optomisation set to High).

I also bought the P1 last night, what a car, feels so good to drive and is incredibly stable at high speeds.
Got it working and RAGE quit in just a few minutes! Yep you guessed it - DRIFT ZONE! :mad:

Minding my own business drifting (as you do) and lose control a little - no biggie, slow down and keep going. Get punted by another car and sent backwards.

FAILED because you reversed?!? :mad:
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