Forza Horizon 4 (Xbox One)

You guys receive your copies early or have I missed something?

Thought this was out on the 2nd of Oct?
Few I took earlier, unfortunately I think imgur downgrades 4k images.


Nice screenies Kenneth. Go to that railway viaduct in Scotland and take one there for me. I'll have it as my desktop wallpaper. :p
It bothers me slightly more than it should that that's a LHD US-spec Focus RS, you'd think they could have made the adjustments needed to change to UK market cars where appropriate. Was it the same in FH3?
Hoping my Xbox bundle will arrive early, but I doubt it as it hasn't been dispatched yet. Can't wait to play this.
Game looks great and reviews are glowing which is to be expected really, it was never going to be average :)

Very much looking forward to the 2nd, I bought the peasant version :p
Hoping my Xbox bundle will arrive early, but I doubt it as it hasn't been dispatched yet. Can't wait to play this.

Same here, hoping it's waiting for me when i get home from work. Then give it multiple hours to download/install and i can play when the wife goes to bed!
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