Forza Horizon 4

well , tbh im slightly disappointed in the game overall … luckily my free 14 day pass means I wont be paying for the tittle as for me , the game besides odd few races is completed and now abit boring.... own all houses and castles , completed all story line tasks , at least level 15 upto 25 in all the disiplines and tasks . 160 cars owned , with no interest in anything older than 1980 , other than the standout classics . 5 showdowns? I was playing for ages waiting for more to unlock that never did , the only things I kinda still wanna do is find the other seaonsal barn finds , the peel 50 is a laugh though I must say … and the only unlock im still trying to get it the police siren … the chicken suits are awesomely funny though . game ran solid although having no OSD annoys the life of me and referring back to graphs in afterburner ( boot once game running otherwise the game closes ) annoys me to see what the GPU and CPU are doing. seeing a few issues with texture streaming when you can clock past 260mph into a jump and see the black assets high in the sky , although this is rare and can only achieve those speeds on set points of the map and challenges. mate had issues getting his to run , but with the benefit of logging on his account here and then the cloud syncing his saves and settings without having to reinstall was a nice touch . also FYI , if someone for example runs a second account , with VIP accsess on , and the 1st without … once the second one is ran and then the windows profile uninstalled and deleted , the first user now has accsess to the VIP , and is confirmed as saying in game purchased. so for anyone fancying sharing the love , im sure this would work with other DLC and season pass's . im now a VIP for free :)
if you buy the nissan R390 you can spend 25 skill points and unlock the GT-R LM forza edition which is worth about 1.2 million iirc.

Its a beast of a car apparently

It only works if you buy the R390 from the autoshow though, you cant unlock the gist with skill points if its from the auction. :( I learnt that the hard way.

I also found out how there were so many high level players so quickly upon release.

If you go to the and log in with your microsoft account you gain influence for watching forza streams. So you can leave a stream open all day/night and earn xp.

Pity about the influence cheat, hope they fix that

I managed to get the r390 from a wheelspin :)
Still haven't got the game reinstalled as the store reset my download. Lol Microsoft is such a joke it's unreal.
Yeah, its how the play anywhere function works and how I can play on the PC, turn on the xbox and carry on where I left off. :)
is that the same for xbox?. Some how my son uninstalled the game by accident and he is hoping he hasn't lost his save

It's the same, when you quit or save the game it syncs your savefile to the "cloud" so it should be there when you re-download it. It's also how you can play on xbox, quit and then pick up where you left off on the PC if you so wish, or vice versa
So finally the game is installed again but now it seems my save has completely gone and I'm right back at the intro. Has anyone got any idea how to get my save back or if it is gone for good? I am so angry right now :(
:/ After reinstalling windows to get it running again after the last windows update fkd things.

The microsoft store has decided to install multiple versions of forza, sea of theieves & gears of war across 4 different drives.

Like last time I uninstall them and it doesnt delete the files.

Looks like I will have to format all my drives again.

Its a shame I have been really enjoying forza, just a shame the microsoft store is so ****.
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