Starting to really get into this game (about 3 hrs in , about lvl 5/6 ) , some of the offroad stuff is difficult to tell where the route is exactly (running parallel to hedges and stuff) - not sure the manual wheelspins work imo, much prefer it to be automatic like in FH3 at the end of races - does look absolutely stunning.
Have had a couple major stutters (ie completely frozen) which have auto recovered albeit taking me completely out of the game. May well be connected to the message before the game starts "NVidia driver not fully up to date" - strange thing was after years away from NVidia just got a 1070ti , and it wouldn't install the latest driver from Nvidia's site on its own , it forced me to download "NVidia gaming experience" or something similar (sorry at work now), and then auto - installed the driver it wanted to (and baring in mind this was Sunday morning).